sept 23 2018 12:32 pm

Hoy ha estado lloviendo desde media mañana. Y no es que sea raro que llueva. Lo raro es que eso debería ser normal en esta época y ya yo había perdido la costumbre. Siempre! llovía en septiembre, seguía en octubre y en noviembre empezaba a escasear la lluvia, para entrar verano a partir de diciembre. Una de dos... O ellos dejaron de intervenir en lo del clima o está empezando un nuevo ciclo. ¡Vamos a ver!

Parte 3a — Partes de la armadura

He aquí las partes que conforman la armadura:

1. El cinturón de la verdad

Debe estar ceñido a nosotros, es decir, debemos apegarnos a la Palabra de verdad de Dios y meditar en su contenido, como si estuviéramos ceñidos con ella. Esto nos protege de que nos decarríe cualquier mentiras o engaño. Sus dichos también nos apoyan y fortalecen en sentido espiritual y refuerzan nuestra integridad, tal como el cinturón ayuda a soportar el peso de la coraza del soldado.

2. La coraza de la justicia,  protege el corazón:

Implica que desarrollemos amor intenso a la justicia y un odio igualmente intenso al desafuero. (Salmo 45:7.) Así protegemos nuestro corazón.

3. Los pies calzados con las buenas nuevas

Al perseverar en la predicación, los cristianos desarrollan aguante, una cualidad que provee protección contra los ataques de Satanás.

4. El escudo grande de la fe

Los proyectiles encendidos de Satanás no podrán atravesar nuestro escudo de la fe  sólo si (1) Nuestra fe en Jehová es como la de Moisés pues tenía fe en que Él existía y que salvaría a los israelitas. (2) Tenemos una relación tan estrecha con Jehová como si pudiéramos verlo. (3) Estamos dispuestos a hacer cualquier sacrificio o a aguantar cualquier penalidad a fin de conservar nuestra buena relación con Dios. (4) Tenemos una fe total en Jehová (Hebreos 11:1.)

5. El yelmo de la salvación que protege la mente

La esperanza cristiana de la salvación se compara con un yelmo porque protege la mente. La mente del cristiano se ha hecho nueva mediante el conocimiento exacto y si alimentamos de continuo la mente con el conocimiento de Dios, nuestra esperanza se conservará brillante y clara.

6. La espada del espíritu

La Palabra de Dios, la Biblia, obra como una poderosa espada para cortar mentiras espirituales y conceptos falsos y ayudar a las personas de corazón recto a hallar la libertad espiritual. (Juan 8:31, 32.)

Jesús se defendió de tres ataques satánicos por medio de usar eficazmente la Palabra de Dios y decir: “Está escrito”. (Mateo 4:1-11.) En el guerrear espiritual se requiere mucho estudio y práctica regular en el ministerio para hacerse uno diestro en el uso de la Palabra de Dios.


w92 15/5 págs. 21-23

“Pónganse la armadura completa que proviene de Dios”

Parte 3 — Partes de la armadura

Las partes de la armadura según se encuentran registradas en el capítulo 6 de la Carta a los Efesios son:

14  Estén firmes, por lo tanto,(1) EL CINTURÓN: teniendo los lomos ceñidos+ con la verdad,+ y (2) LA CORAZA O PETO: teniendo puesta la coraza de la justicia,+ 15  y (3) LAS SANDALIAS: teniendo calzados los pies+ con el equipo* de las buenas nuevas de la paz.+ 16  Sobre todo, (4) EL ESCUDO: tomen el escudo grande de la fe,+ con el cual podrán apagar todos los proyectiles encendidos del inicuo.+ 17  También, (5) EL CASCO O YELMO: acepten el yelmo+ de la salvación, y (6) LA ESPADA:  la espada+ del espíritu,+ es decir, la palabra de Dios,+ 18  mientras que, (7) LA ORACIÓN: con toda forma de oración+ y ruego, se ocupan en orar en toda ocasión en espíritu.+ 

Part 2 — La armadura que proviene de Dios

Creo que antes de entrar en detalles con respecto a la lucha y todo el esfuerzo que a diario sostenemos, es necesario y prioritario explicar de que se trata esta armadura. Como toda armadura, está diseñada perfectamente para brindarnos una protección contra los ataques que a diario estamos sufriendo.

No creas que si no eres cristiano no padecerás las consecuencas de esta guerra. Al contrario, todos los seres humanos, sin excepción, estamos implicados en este conflicto armado y es necesario utilizar esta armadura.

Lo primero que debemos saber, es que su naturaleza es defensiva. Un cristiano verdadero jamás atacará a quien le agrede, puede usar la legítima defensa, pero jamás será el primero en dar un golpe.

Partes de la armadura

Están registradas en el capítulo 6 de la Carta a los Efesios:

14  Estén firmes, por lo tanto, teniendo los lomos ceñidos+ con la verdad,+ y teniendo puesta la coraza de la justicia,+ 15  y teniendo calzados los pies+ con el equipo* de las buenas nuevas de la paz.+ 16  Sobre todo, tomen el escudo grande de la fe,+ con el cual podrán apagar todos los proyectiles encendidos del inicuo.+ 17  También, acepten el yelmo+ de la salvación, y la espada+ del espíritu,+ es decir, la palabra de Dios,+ 18  mientras que, con toda forma de oración+ y ruego, se ocupan en orar en toda ocasión en espíritu.+ 

Sobrevivir al fin del sistema

Sí, está en la Biblia. Ella dice que estamos viviendo los últimos días de este sistema de cosas. El mundo, tal como lo conocemos, dejará de existir. pero también dice que habrá sobrevivientes. Mira Revelación 7:13-17

13  Y, en respuesta, uno de los ancianos+ me dijo: “Estos que están vestidos de la larga ropa blanca,+¿quiénes son, y de dónde vinieron?”. 14  De modo que le dije inmediatamente: “Señor mío, tú eres el que sabe”. Y me dijo: “Estos son los que salen de la gran tribulación,+ y han lavado sus ropas largas y las han emblanquecido+ en la sangre+ del Cordero. 15  Por eso están delante+ del trono de Dios; y le están rindiendo servicio sagrado*+ día y noche en su templo;* y El que está sentado en el trono+ extenderá su tienda+ sobre ellos. 16  Ya no tendrán hambre ni tendrán más sed, ni los batirá el sol ni ningún calor abrasador,+ 17  porque el Cordero,+ que está en medio del trono, los pastoreará,+ y los guiará a fuentes de aguas+ de vida. Y Dios limpiará toda lágrima de los ojos de ellos”.+

¿Cómo sobrevivir a la Gran Tribulación y a la conclusión del sistema de cosas actual?

Pablo nos da una pista en su carta a los Efesios. Vamos a buscar el capítulo 6 y a empezar a leer desde el verso 10.

… sigan adquiriendo poder+ en [el] Señor y en la potencia+ de su fuerza.

Debemos conseguir suficiente energía y acumularla de manera de poder llevar a cabo el esfuerzo con diligencia. Esto aplica en todo sentido… Tanto físico como espiritual.

En el verso 11 Pablo explica que contamos con un equipo de supervivencia bien diseñado: 11  Pónganse la armadura completa+ que proviene de Dios para que puedan estar firmes contra las maquinaciones*+del Diablo;

Si, Jehová Dios ha diseñado para nosotros el equipo que nos permite enfrentarnos con éxito a la batalla a la que nos estamos enfrentando:  12  porque tenemos una lucha,+ no contra sangre y carne, sino contra los gobiernos,+ contra las autoridades,+ contra los gobernantes mundiales*+ de esta oscuridad, contra las fuerzas espirituales inicuas+ en los lugares celestiales. 13  Por esta causa tomen LA ARMADURA COMPLETA* QUE PROVIENE DE DIOS,+ para que puedan resistir en el día inicuo y, después de haber hecho todas las cosas cabalmente, estar firmes.+

Y ahora, pasa a describir cada parte de la armadura…


Vocabulario utilizado:

  • sistema de cosas: el mundo tal como lo conocemos. Está formado, a su vez, por tres sistemas: el político, el económico y el religioso.
  • poder o fuerza: se refiere al espíritu que proviene de Jehová Dios, su espíritu santo. Su fuerza dinámica. Su poder en acción.

Keep On The Watch!

Daily Text

Keep looking, keep awake, for you do not know when the appointed time is.​—Mark 13:33.

There closer we get to the end of this system of things, the greater the challenge for us to stay awake.

How tragic it would be if we were to fail to keep on the watch!

Taken from:

w16.07 2:2, 9, 10

  • Why Must We “Keep on the Watch”?  –  The Watchtower Announcing Jehovah’s Kingdom (Study)—2016

There Is No Such Thing As Plate Tectonics

  The idea that:

“Plate tectonics (tectonicus, τεκτονικός “pertaining to building”)[1] is a lie or “scientific theory” that completely fails to describe the “large-scale motion of seven large plates and the movements of a larger number of smaller plates of the Earth’s lithosphere, since tectonic processes began on Earth between 3 and 3.5 billion years ago.”

In its 100 and more, years of telling every one the Big Lie, geologists have never come up with the root cause of tornadoes, tropical storms, earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. What they have come up with are big words that don’t mean anything to ordinary people like us.

In fact what you get if you go to a science college, especially one that teaches earth-science, is a lot of difficult calculus and some useful trigonometry and, if you are lucky. the ability to navigate, to a small extent.
These days navigation has been dispensed with so I really mean lucky as in “LUCKY!!” Not that you need navigation but it is nice to understand how the planet is operated by the angels, even if Feynman disagreed. Where is he now?

Yes I know it is Carl Sagan, blame Google and it is all the same thing anyway: RUBBISH

This is how the world works: Don’t miss the Archbishop of the Trinitarian tripe at the end:

Carl Sagan on Religion 

Carl Sagan was a well known astronomer a few decades back, before him Richard Feynman couldn’t explain the celestial puzzle but then neither could Galileo or Newton. There is a scripture about Jehovah blinding wise men for being stupid and, in their own eyes, disrespectful of god. The video explains a lot of it:

Note how easy it is to radicalise stupid people if you catch them young and silly.

Back later with a real forecast for geo-physics. When was the last time you looked at your bible? Forgive my ire, please. This stuff makes me madder than a wet hen. I am full of poison giving me cramps.

3rd September 03:37 Last Quarter
5th 06:56 Moon North Dec.: 20.8° N
6th 22:42 Moon Ascending Node
7th 17:19 Neptune Opposition
8th 01:21 Perigee
9th 18:01 New Moon

This period is half way between phases. By half way between phases, I meant that the period I was discussing was a part of the Lunar Orbit on the 5th September. That the moon was mid way between the Last Quarter on the 3rd and New moon on the 9th.
And oddly enough geo-phenomena are at minima! This is because the moon is less “Perturbed” when it is is “full swing”.

The jerks and bumps come as its gravity is re’-balanced with each new phase (as on the 3rd and the 9th. (there are other moments too but these are the ones everyone knows about.)

This is an important point to get people to understand.
People make the mistake of believing it all happens by magic. The moon and earth make a simple dynamo that produces heat and electrons on a massive scale
Sucking them out of the solar atmosphere with the bumps, as gravity shifts in such minute quantities, it is difficult to remember we are considering gazillions of tons, an unimaginable weight-shift that feels so smooth, we never realise the huge float involved. (Float is a mechanical term meaning the free play in an engine.)


A "Period" in physics means time between recurrences
Orbits are a good example, and so are wave frequencies as well.

Xenopanes said we would make pigs into gods if we were pigs and had hands to sculpt, write and draw with
Nothing has changed. But we need god despite our cleverness, all of us are aware of that, unless we have been brain damaged like the politicians in for example America. Their politicians are violently opposed to each other, just like the were in the 1860’s. Their ruler is unable to unite them after 2 years of trying and now he is running out of patience. We have all seen what the Socialist terrorists are doing. It is just like the book of Daniel warned: A mixture of Iron and clay that President Trump can not reunite for all his hard work and ingenuity. Sagan concludes: “Knowledge is preferable to ignorance”, so it is. We must “embrace hard truth”.

But then he hands us over to a bloody idiot: Richard Dawkins…
Is he a teacher?
Can you imagine the Christ wiping his bum on the young girl like he does in this video?

Imagine how she felt being jeered at by her entire school how do you imagine she felt about things?
These were some of her most respected peers the sons and daughters of the cream of her society. And the blunt instrument made her look stupid just to promote his own brand of violent nothingness.
The world is being run by such horrifying creatures we are better off with ignorance, unless we are deeply touched by god to protect us from them.

3rd September Last Quarter @03:37
9th New Moon @19:01
A quarter of its period, so you would not expect it to came back to the same place in that short a time.
But you would expect it to be back at 03:37 by the next last quarter: on the 2nd October 2nd Last Quarter 10:45.
Fortunately that seldom happens.

This is because the moon is a bicycle that performs an astonishing road trip just for us. It is keeping Norman, Florence, Olivia and Gordon from killing us. In fact it is being used to help us trade with each other so long as we are peaceable and keep our distances from one another so that we don’t fall out with our neighbours. We are not nice creatures. Certainly not good enough to stand before god with our heads straight.

For example: There have been fewer disasters reported on here since President Trump stopped the CIA and GCHQ using the USA’s computers:
Admittedly, he is paying America out in their own Koine but they can deal with it if they are genuine and honestly searching for help from god. He helps all of us who ask him directly, once he has made sure that we have learned something useful from him. For example not too many unbearable tornadoes:
Compare a fairly typical September in 2009 for example:
Along with the tropical storms the rest of the dark has still to run out:
5 Sep 2018: Popocatépetl volcano, Dukono, Reventador, Sangay, Sakurajim…

Thecrooks responsible for the Fake Weather are not in prison yet and Jehovah has not been petitioned for formal forgiveness either.
There is still a lot of dark matter in the pipeline so we should be expecting volcanic activity for a few more days at least. It doesn’t look too bad on Tuesday, watch how the clock runs down over the week. Want to compile a GIMP animation for the rest of the week to about the 13th?

I said it could be over by the 9th but this is only in Siberia by then. The US deep state killed a lot of people especially brown ones.
Go badk to 2010 on here:

***Part two if you still need to split it.***

Look at these pairs. I hope the Chinese are not playing with fire, as if they have learned nothing from America:
I don’t think President trump will be pleased with them. I know god won’t. Maybe it is a trial to see how forgiving we are after all this czjd.

It looks like there is bad news heading for China, also look where an arc 80 degrees from the epicentre will reach
Would this involve Iran I wonder?
6.6M. 27km E of Tomakomai, Japan 2018-09-05 18:07:58 (UTC)

It could be anywhere from Moscow to Saudi Arabia. What do I know about it?
And that is only on that side of the ball. I never looked at the other side. I think its somewhere towards Chile and the Aleutian isaland chain. It is a big planet, you know, there is plenty of room for all of us. Most of us prefer cities and a lucky few belong in farms.

Follow this development through from the storm off Newfoundland at the moment:
As it passes between the two anticyclones at Greenland and the Azores High
It should devlop as a relatively harmless tornado:
Not the stupid volcanoes we have been enjoying
Not that I object to fish being fed I eat a lot of fish
I just object to the order of things forced upon us by the American crooks
They are Gog and Magog and it is obvious they were out of control:
Hopefully it might be over for them by this one.

If the Chinese stop messing with stuff that is far beyond their capabilities
There is a lot of blocking going on:
but this looks likely to be rectified by the 8th
Lots of volcanoes erupting until the 11th



Follow This Development

Follow this development through from the Storm off Newfoundland at the moment:

As it passes between the two anticyclones at Greenland and the Azores High.

It should develop as a relatively harmless tornado:
Not the stupid volcanoes we have been enjoying

Not that I object to fish being fed.

I eat a lot of fish

I just object to the order of things forced upon us by the American crooks

They are Gog and Magog and it is obvious they were out of control:

Hopefully it might be over for them by this one:

If the Chinese stop messing with stuff that is far beyond their capabilities. There is a lot of blocking going on:

Not just in our accounts
but this looks likely to be rectified by the 8th

Lots of volcanoes erupting until the 11th

Well, that is about it for this evening.

147 words

September Lunar Period — Part 2

 For example[
There have been fewer disasters reported on here since President Trump stopped the CIA and GCHQ using the USA’s computers:

This starts a new post.

Admittedly he is paying America out in their own koyne but they can deal with it if they are genuine.

And honestly searching for help from god.

He helps all of us who ask him directly once he has made sure that we have learned something useful from him.

Check up the post September Lunar Period — Part One at
For example not too amy unbearable tornadoes:

Compare a fairly typical September in 2009 for example:

Send it we can correct them later

Don’t bother me with trivia.
Have you got that man’s money sorted?

Along with the tropical storms the rest of the dark has still to run out:

5 Sep 2018: Popocatépetl volcano, Dukono, Reventador, Sangay, Sakurajim…

They are not in prison yet and Jehovah has not been petitioned for formal forgiveness either.

There is still a lot of dark matter in the pipeline so we should be expecting volcanic activity for a few more days at least


It doesn’t look too bad over on Tuesday. Watch how the clock runs down over the week. Want to compile a Gimp animation for the rest of the week to about the 13th?

I said it could be over by the 9th but this is only in Siberia by then.

The US deep state killed a lot of people especially brown ones:

Go badk to 2010 on here:

Look at these pairs. I hope the Chinese are not palying with fire as if they have learned nothing from America:

I don’t think President trump with be pleased with them

I know god won’t

Maybe it is a trial to see how forgiving we are after all this shit.


I t looks like there is bad news heading for China

also look at where 80 degrees from the epicentre will reach

Would this involve Iarn I wonder?

27km E of Tomakomai, Japan
2018-09-05 18:07:58 (UTC)

414 words

September Lunar Period — Part 1 (*)

September 2018


Date   –   Day   –   Hour   –   Moon

05 We 06:56 Moon North Dec.: 20.8° N

06 Th 22:42 Moon Ascending Node

07 Fr 02:13 Moon-Beehive: 1.4° N

07 Fr 17:19 Neptune Opposition

08 Sa 01:21 Moon Perigee: 361400 km

09 Su 18:01 New Moon

This period is half way between phases
and oddly enough geo-phenomena are at minima. This is because the moon is less “Perturbed” when it is is full swing.

The jerks and bumps come as the gravity is rebalanced with a new phase as on the 3th and the 9th.

This is an important point to make people understand
because they make the mistake of believing it all happens by magic. It is a simple dynamo that produces heat and electrons on a massive scale.
Sucking them out of the solar atmosphere
with the bumps as gravity shifts in such minute quantities. It is difficult to remember we are considering gazillions of tons —an unimaginable weight shift that feels so smooth we never realise the huge float involved.

Float is a mechanical term meaning the free play in an engine.

(*) Period in physics means time between recurrences... Orbit are a good example so are wave frequencies.

Xenopanes said we would make pigs into gods if we were pigs and had hands to sculpt, write and draw with.

Nothing has changed.

But we need God despite or cleverness all of us are aware of that unless we have been brain damaged like the politicians in for example America. They are violently opposed to each other just like they were in the 1860’s.

Their ruler is unable to unite them after 2 years of trying. And now he is running out of patience. We have all seen what the Socialist terrorists are doing.

It is just like the book of Daniel warned a mixture of iron and clay that he cannot reunite for all his hard work and ingenuity.

Sagan concludes “Knowledge is preferable to ignorance”, so it is. We must “embrace hard truth”.
Then he hands us over to a bloody idiot: Richard Dawkins…

Is he a teacher?

Can you imagine the Christ wiping his arse on the young girl like he does in this video? Imagine how she felt being jeered at by her entire school how do you imagine she felt about things?

These were some of her most respected peers: the sons and daughters of the cream of her society. And the blunt instrument made her look stupid just to promote his own brand of violent nothingness

The world is being run by such horrifying creatures we are better off with ignorance unless we are deeply touched by God to protect us from them.

3rd September Last Quarter @03:37

9th New Moon @19:01

A quarter of its period so you would not expect it to came back to the same place in that short a time.

But you would expect it to be back at 03:37 by the next last quarter:

On the 2nd October: 2nd Last Quarter 10:45

Fortunately that seldom happens

This is because the moon is a bicycle that performs an astonishing road trip just for us,

It is keeping Norman, Florence, Olivia and Gordon from killing us.

In fact it is being used to help us trade with each other so long as we are peaceable and keep apart from one another so that we don’t fall out with our neighbours

We are not nice creatures certainly not good enough to stand before God with our heads straight.

567 words.