
A Homeless Toy

I’m officially homeless since September 17th, 2023.

Having advantages though. Firstly, I can experiment with my food intake.

No flour, no sugar, no margarine nor mayonnaise, neither dairy products.

The Islandic Low

If you reduce it from specifics you can get a good generality, the course of the Icelandic low is from Newfoundland to Europe. It never goes to Greenland. The storms hit land and fade producing earthquakes elsewhere and a few days later volcanic eruptions. On Greenland they become anticyclonic as the dead is buried, and the anticyclone is returned to be imbibed by the Lows when their densities match (again.)

The Islandic Low

MetOffice Surface pressure charts

Low-pressure area – Wikipedia
A low-pressure area, low area or low is a region where the air pressure is lower than that of surrounding locations. Low-pressure systems form under areas of wind divergence that occur in the upper levels of the atmosphere.The formation process of a low-pressurearea is known as cyclogenesis.Within the field of meteorology, atmospheric divergence aloft occurs in two areas.

I have slowed it down to minimums speed:

[4K] 2018: full, one year time lapse of surface winds over the North Atlantic This animation shows a full, one year time lapse animation of surface winds from Jan 1, 2018 until Jan 1, 2019, over the North Atlantic. The data come…

Temblor magnitud 5 Valencia Venezuela


Tembló hace unas dos horas. El ruido y el movimiento de la cama era aterrador. Me vestí y salí del edificio a compartir la novedad con los vecinos. Entretanto, otras réplicas menores se iban sintiendo. Con la segunda, que fue más fuerte, ya todos los vecinos estaban afuera de las torres.

Me reuní con mis hermanos y estuvimos juntos en el campo deportivo que está en medio del complejo de edificios. Ya trascurrido un lapso de tiempo prudencial todos empezamos a volver a nuestros hogares.

En casa. algunas cosas cayeron al piso, entre ellas un reloj de cerámica que se encontraba en un anaquel y también noté que el mueble de la sala tenía las puertas abiertas. Fue un temblor de magnitud 5.





Act Of God

Acts 5:38, 39
New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)

38 So under the present circumstances, I say to you, do not meddle with these men, but let them alone. For if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; 39 but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them.+ Otherwise, you may even be found fighters against God himself.”+ 
To me, this is the best explanation for the wrongly concept of ACT OF GOD.

against the sphere. The audience were
about to see something amazing
inside the glass sphere a strange
ethereal light began to form dancing
around his hand a light no one had ever
seen before. Oh, that’s fantastic!
You see a beautiful blue glows is marking
out the shape of my hands but then going
like round the board, There’s something
alive in there.
it’s difficult to really understand why
this dancing blue light meant so much
but we have to bear in mind that at the
time, natural phenomena like this was
seen to be the work of the Almighty.  Dr Patricia Fara, University of Cambridge: This
was still a period when even in Isaac
Newton’s theory, God was constantly
intervening in the conduct of the world
and so it made sense for a lot of people
to interpret natural phenomena as acts
of God. So when a mere mortal meddled
with God’s work
it was almost beyond rational

People calls natural disasters –those ones originated by geophysical events as earthquakes, volcano activity, storms, hurricanes, floods, droughts, etc., as Acts of God just only because they can’t understand the phenomenon itself.

The worse comes with people not knowing some of these events happening nowadays are truly man-made.



Some Basic from 19 October 2018

Look at the Original Post at https://weathercharts.wordpress.com/2018/10/20/19-october-2018/

18:00 on the 20th Note the three cyclones on the east of Greenland and the breaking cold front of an occlusion….


Followed by the sudden appearance of the huge unnatural Anticyclone. OK, maybe not that huge but it isn’t the minuscule dotted series it should be, either.

Follow these North Americanos for when the large earthquake heralds th eruption because…


Three adjacent Lows show that the eruption will be running from this date.


After the large eruption that is.


What am I talking about the three Anticyclone I mean, do I?


It is all very odd are we to expect another magnitude 7+ or some such?


I think the NAEFS is being stifled from giving us the correction due to the Canadians trying to hide an Huchison Effect as a Butterfly Effect

Get that out right now!!

The next big one is on the NAEFS for 5 days time, the 16th:

Ergo it is on the t+120 of the North Atlantic too:

No it is on the board but that is the wrong day

Tonight first, a forecast clears the butterfly effect from the models before we see the next one clearly enough. Odd how that works!

Watch this:

54 words