Lost sheep in space

Io’s Unprecedented Volcanic Eruption https://nasaspacenews.com/2025/02/nasa-just-witnessed-the-most-explosive-volcanic-eruption-ever-on-jupiters-moon-io/

Io has always been a celestial hotspot, quite literally. As Jupiter’s innermost Galilean moon, Io experiences extreme tidal forces caused by Jupiter’s massive gravitational pull and its interactions with neighboring moons Europa and Ganymede. These forces cause intense internal friction, generating enough heat to keep Io’s interior molten, leading to continuous volcanic eruptions.

During Juno’s December 27, 2024, flyby, the spacecraft recorded a gigantic volcanic hotspot near Io’s south pole, with eruptions more energetic than six times all of Earth’s power plants combined. The radiance of the eruption exceeded 80 trillion watts, making it the most powerful volcanic event ever observed on Io. NASA’s scientists described it as a game-changer for understanding planetary volcanic processes

The key here, is Jupiter: NASA did not provide details for where Io was.

Obviously, I can’t make the pieces fit but then again I can assert that they might have missed the best show, better luck next time, eh?


Pluto Earth Mars; Neptune Sol Mercury; Saturn Venus Earth Mars; Pluto Earth Mars. Whom I gonna call?

I think the blind guides deserve a chance to seek Jehovah whilst he may be found. There again, what is my job in all this disinformation?


The last earthquake:

4.8M. 173 km SE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea. 2025-01-29 20:04:00 (UTC) I noticed this a few days ago and now it occurring again. How can people not notice these things?

Do they think that planets have holy days?

2025-01-29 20:04:00 on Solar System Live

The odd thing is Earth Mars and Venus pass through alignments through the sun to Pluto bringing in a few warm days along with concomitant cold ones with larger than usual volcanic plumes. How many days is that?

Better use hours, like tractor hours. 29th 20:04, 30th, 31st, 1st, 2nd 3rd 18:58 and counting. That is almost a week without a Magnitude 5 ‘quake. I think a massive storm wind is building.

FAIDAS Indian18.1 S50.5 E40 ktsTS17.9 S48.7 E30 ktsTD
VINCES Indian16.5 S94.9 E55 ktsTS18.1 S89.8 E60 ktsTS
TALIAHS Indian15.1 S114.3 E70 kts115.7 S111.1 E70 kts1
FIFTEENSW Pacific21.0 S168.0 E40 ktsTS21.6 S170.1 E35 ktsTS

The four winds were associated with seiches set up in the South Seas 14 days earlier (for each South Sea ‘quake.) Could the US democrats be clearing some land where they can exile themselves, somewhere that has ready and steady access to the blood of children tortured for the Adrenachrome?

3 February 21:07 and counting. What is a seiche?

In the Southern Ocean they have period of 14 days before the shebang turns in on itself whichever latitude it reaches. How does that work?

You get into a bath full of water too quickly and the seiche floods all over your floor. The oceans, similarly, constrain the bars of all floods by royal command. Hugely damaging floods tend to be confined to a valley flood plain and refreshes the topsoil.

We know how rivers work to drain the salt marshes we used to have before land drains spoiled everything, some 50 to 70 years ago. That we don’t have them in bathrooms just means that you have to bathe carefully. Every 6 hours and 20 minutes, the northern sea shores refresh: High Tide and Low Tide ostensibly match the half lunar day. That the tides do not match the phases has a reason that eludes all but Admiralties everywhere. (See Doodson, https://ntslf.org/tides/about-tides/doodson-lege-tide-predicting-machine.)

So far as I know we have no mechanism that describes the relationship with the Southern Ocean and Tropical Storms. Obviously God knows, so have you asked him or are you waiting for me?

Why wait if your need to know is genuine, would he wait for me to explain it to you?

All the internet was rated “earth filling” by Jehovah according to the prophet Daniel. Daniel 2:45

And just as you saw a stone being cut out of the mountain without human hands, and it shattered the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold, so the great God has told the king what will happen in the future. If you wait for me to find you, what else might you suppose you missed?

Buchans Spells:

Alexander Buchan observed the weather patterns for about fifty years prior to 1900, and found that there were six periods in the year when lower than normal temperatures could be expected, and *also* three periods where the weather would be *higher* than normal.

  • 1st Cold Spell, 7th – 13th February 
  • 2nd Cold Spell, 11th – 14th April, often called ‘Blackthorn Winter’
  • 3rd Cold Spell, 9th – 14th May
  • 4th Cold Spell, 29th June – 4th July
  • 5th Cold Spell, 6th – 11th August
  • 6th Cold Spell, 6th – 13th November
  • 1st Warm Spell, 12th – 15th July
  • 2nd Warm Spell, 12th – 15th August
  • 3rd Warm Spell, 3rd – 14th December
  • http://www.myportobellogarden.co.uk/buchans-spells.html Powered by Create your own unique website

The Clearest Tornado Chart

that we have had in a while: Wednesday afternoon 5th February

The Cyclone south of Greenland progresses between the Greenland Anticyclone and the anticyclone under Britain is force to accommodate it. The streamlines interact, forming the Behemoth of Job: 38.

Then Jehovah answered Job out of the windstorm: “Who is this who is obscuring my counsel And speaking without knowledge?

Ostensibly Job and his companions but satan is not far away observing things in the realm of Man and walking about it it as far as walking goes among angels. He is not without power as one of Jehovah’s sons but he certainly lacks insight. Today he is much worse off and even more aggressive, likely obscuring himself from what is coming. But the light of the wicked is held back from them, And their uplifted arm is broken.

The pressure in the cyclone drops, or rises rather, to 975 or thereabout. After the reaction the pressure is about 980 millibars so it is a few days off. The air masses have to mix. this does not require a temperature change as the streamlines remain intact to redevelop elsewhere. The energy levels are remarkably constant, putting eternity in the hearts of men.

Meanwhile Jehovah is left to deal with his errant son. Brace yourself, please, like a man;

Where were you when I founded the earth?

Tell me, if you think you understand. Who set its measurements, in case you know, Or who stretched a measuring line across it?

Into what were its pedestals sunk, this is the “watery deep” which the planets dance to at the command of the holy spirit. Perhaps satan was busy doing other things, we don’t know. He might not even have been born that week.

 Who barricaded the sea behind doors When it burst out from the womb, When I clothed it with clouds And wrapped it in thick gloom, When I established my limit for it And put its bars and doors in place,

The entity who did that would have to have had complete autonomy. Angels dancing might keep it moving but the singularity that controlled the solar system, would have had to arrange all of the material universe at exactly the same time! Every atom accounted for in an instant, something impossible to control over the billions of eras that chance would take.

In eons to come we will still be looking at traces of creation. Unable to identify any limit.

Meanwhile here on Earth the situation still has to evolve. We get five days’ grace with his model run: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/maps-and-charts/surface-pressure doubtless they can run it out to meaninglessness: It’s going to be a cold day and an hot one as Earth aligns with Mercury and Pluto.

Even as Venus aligns with Sol Mecury and Pluto. Meanwhile see where Jehovah has placed Neptune and Saturn. Eyes peeled, it is going to be interesting. I am talking about today: 2025-02-02 12:10:19, we will not have the reports for a day or so but the line from Earth to Pluto means intense work for the volocanoes, as does the line to Neptune. However the alignment of Venus and Mercury calls for a largish earthquake.

Mercury can be a busy little body.

2025-02-05 12:10:19


It’s about time I paid some respect to Volcanoes Today:

“We truly love working to bring you the latest volcano and earthquake data from around the world. Maintaining our website and our free apps does require, however, considerable time and resources. We need financing to increase hardware and software capacity as well as support our editorial team. Your donations can make it happen! If you find the information useful and would like to support our team in integrating further features, write great content and upgrading our software and hardware, please make a donation (PayPal or Online Credit Card payment). Every donation will be highly appreciated. In most cases, you also will see no or fewer ads on our site. Planned features: Tsunami alerts Design upgrades Additional server to handle requests Faster responsiveness.”

I depend on them for news about volcanoes, in fact they were important in my realising the North Atlantic charts were indicating the spells produced from the eruptions I was forecasting, were themselves the prints of Jehovah’s fingers, leading to the next forecasts. Eruptions are to weather as acoustics is to gravity.

https://www.volcanodiscovery.com/volcanoes/today.html My own ISP was snagging me just now about 11pm on the 4th. It has just cleared itself after annoying me into investigating connections. I didn’t see any problem and now I can post:

Santiaguito (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m) .
ONGOING VA EMS to 14000 ft (4300 m)

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m)

Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 19000 ft (5800 m)

19000 ft is unlikely to register on the North Atlantic Approach. I may be wrong. Nevado del Ruis will be the major South American tomograph showing up. I wonder what Galileo and Newton would thing of:

I can’t remember what these short black fronts are called nor if there is a physical property that accounts fo any energy they hold. Without the ability to do work they have no potential, do they?

So what accounts for the Nevado del Ruis Low-944 east of Greenland?

It seems strange to hear reports of catastrophic flooding in Australia. A woman was washed away and a concrete bridge collapsed: https://youtu.be/w8tr0LnbiIA. One imagines Australia capable of digging better ditches and building first class bridges but they have had decades of DEI hires and some of the most bone headed politicians imaginable.

Think Canada, only hot. Its ABC channel is no relation to USA ABC yet is still fake news.

Decline and Fall of the Evil Empire

According to Seething Phrog FDR kept the Russian Empire intact under Joseph Stalin in order to strip the British Empire of its wealth. I don’t actually think he directly said it as plainly as that but it is what his intention resulted in regardless of how he managed it.

I always wondered how such conflicting ideologies conspired to work. Watching events with Josoppy Bidden the last few years confirms it can. Inept politicians can only survive their corruption if all the other men in charge are equally corrupt. I was watching the film The Widow Maker when I realised that this is what we are now seeing: The destruction of a corrupt evil regime.

In 1960 the communist USSR, functionally inept, built a nuclear submarine with so many flaws it was major death-trap, having killed 10 of its crew before it was launched; it finally sailed with leaking nuclear fuel after the captain was replaced for refusing to accept the state of readiness.

For whatever reason the replacement captain accepted the commission regardless of the safety of the crew, himself included. I can’t imagine why anyone would prefer to work on a ship like that, living in fear rather than living in poverty. DEI hires, one and all. Sad. In the end Gorbachev stood up for his people and dissolved the evil empire, some 20 agonising years later. Painting over cracks is dangerous in any regime incorporating such standards is dying of cover-ups.

Imagine government so corrupt this negligence is standard everywhere in the land. That it what communism tends to. In truth this is the end of every empire that ever existed. Corruption becomes so uncontrolled, life in it becomes untenable.

Apparently the design of the Russian ship was the same one that the American builders were willing to accept until less insane heads over-ruled them. That is how near the failure of command was willing to go. I get the impression Boeing is another example of painting over the cracks. Corruption is unlimited under satanic forces.

How does one describe despicable politics?

The sands of time for these bad leaders leading badly is, soon to be run out, there is bright new future under the rulership of Jesus in the very near future. In fact it seems to me that the way he has handled the change-over has been about as peaceful a change as it is possible to get.

July 2025

10 Pin Bowling.

2000 to 2025 25th December.




























1st July 2025.

2 July:

3 July:

4 July:

5 July:

6 July:

7 July:

8 July:

9 July:

10 July:

11 July:

12 July:

13 July:

14 July:

15 July:

16 July:

17 July:

18 July:

19 July:

20 July:

21 July:

22 July:

23 July:

24 July:

25 July:

26 July:

27 July:

28 July:

29 July:

30 July:

31 July:

1 August 2025:

Droning on

We have spent 824 billion dollars building the greatest military force in the world, why can’t know what the drones are?

That’s a quote from an American reporter to the head of Joe Biden’s military advisors. Strange, that an American reporter wants to know stuff like that.

This was a beginning of the spell recently at the time of writing 01:41 14th January 2025. (I have just consumed 1/2 a litre of gin and tonic, so go easy on me.)

6.2M. 21 km ESE of Aquila, Mexico. 2025-01-12 08:32 In English that is 12th January.

This was the closure of said spell:

6.8M. 18 km SE of Miyazaki, Japan 2025-01-13 12:19 ie no, that is wrong a different spell is in operation and I do not have the type of brain capable of dealing with dichotomies.

I’ll try but it is going to be slow.

Let’s try again:

It should look bigger than that. Is there something wrong with cartography that I have been missing all of my life?

Ah, one is 31 north and the other is 18 north, they looked the same to a drunk. Never fear McNeil is still here. Just sailing a few points north of his compass ATM. What does the Pause/break button do?

And now I have forgotten whatever it was I was going to enlighten mankind with. Does anyone else here have days like that not counting satan.

Just think; he has been getting older for 7,000 years with no access to holy spirit. That makes me better than him. I wonder what angels suffer instead of dementia. Q-le?

Every time Jehovah let’s me reveal something new is a nail in his coffin figuratively. He has to go into a fire, what would that be. All consuming… everything we did to stand against him, lost?

Wow, I had never even thought about that before now. Are we going to suffer no pain, no fear, no regret, no sorrow for a thousand years and then find him/her/it/they/them on our doorstep?

Can you imagine resurgence of politics overnight?

If we are going to stay awake for it, it would be a good idea not to die.

Now I remember what I was going to say..

but I can’t see it. It has something to do with this.

Let’s have a look again. Japan. hat is going on in Japan?

Tuesday morning waking up

Pinatubo 1991


I am pretty sure I wrote this before realising that the alignments that don’t include the sun are signals for major eruptions. Correction Large medium magnitude quakes not major eruption. Or are they?

My problem is that they are so few and far between that I never get a chance to be sure.

The 1990 Luzon earthquake struck the island of Luzon in the Philippines at 4:26 p.m. on July 16 (PDT) or 3:26 p.m. (PST) with an estimated moment magnitude of 7.7 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent) and produced a 125 km-long ground rupture that stretched from Dingalan, Aurora to Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya. The event was a result of strike-slip movements along the Philippine Fault and the Digdig Fault within the Philippine Fault System. The earthquake’s epicenter was near the town of Rizal, Nueva Ecija, northeast of Cabanatuan.[6] An estimated 1,621 people were killed, most of the fatalities located in Central Luzon and the Cordillera region. Wikipedia

From Fourmilab it is possible to see the torque alignments for the quake

What is impossible to see is how Clarke Airforce base and the USGS missed all of this.

In fact the Philippines agencies should have worked with the USA to understand it all. This is treason and genocide on a scale as large as anything the Democrats and Fed/CIA clowns in America have offered President Trump.

Instead, some 3 decades later, you have Slurp McDragging inventing a silly name for himself to allow himself freedom of expression until some rear end doxxes him for the privilege:

Jupiter Sol Earth Saturn > Uranus and Neptune all fell in sequence earlier. Mercury Sol Mars; Pluto Sol Venus. Another problem is I messed the settings up from Logarithmic to Realistic. I am not sure there is any difference, or if there is and I can’t see it. The comparison with this coming event on Monday is the alignment of Jupiter Mercury and Uranus. (I was sloppy with dates back then so lost the record:

Pluto Earth and Mars. And Pluto Sol and Venus. I have the faith but who can I tell?

On July 16, 1990, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake (comparable in size to the great 1906 San Francisco, California, earthquake) struck about 60 miles (100 kilometers) northeast of Mount Pinatubo on the island of Luzon in the Philippines, shaking and squeezing the Earth’s crust beneath the volcano. At Mount Pinatubo, this major earthquake caused a landslide, some local earthquakes, and a short-lived increase in steam emissions from a pre-existing geothermal area, but otherwise the volcano seemed to be continuing its 500-year-old slumber undisturbed.

In March and April 1991, however, molten rock (magma) rising toward the surface from more than 20 miles (32 kilometers) beneath Pinatubo triggered small earthquakes and caused powerful steam explosions that blasted three craters on the north flank of the volcano.

Thousands of small earthquakes occurred beneath Pinatubo through April, May, and early June, and many thousand tons of noxious sulfur dioxide gas were also emitted by the volcano. USGS

Job 37: God puts a stop to all human activity so every mortal man will know his work, that the thing with snow, it is light enough to fall up but mostly it falls down: For he says to the snow, ‘Fall to the earth, And to the downpour of rain, ‘Pour down mightily.’ To paraphrase Scott Adams, a successful cartoonist an agnostic and hypnotist, famous on a number of video platforms: The difference between truth and lies is predictable. If the news supports things that can be predicted it has to be useful. If the news can’t lend itself to prediction it might be fake news.

That is a far as I got , reading different reports about it.

All this stuff about danglers I had heard of back then but never realising their importance to what I was doing, I ignored it, they were things I had no understanding of. That is not the reason I halted. The reason I had to stop is that I do not have weather charts on the subject my source is corrupt political scientist hiding the data from mankind. I could go to Exeter and ask to see the charts, I have no transport and dare say would be stonewalled until I had to return home.

But there are men of goodwill like the man who wrote the ephemeris in his spare time and posted it freely online. All I have to do is keep asking everyone.

I just realised I can access the German Archive: Wetter Zentrale

OK more later. I am going to have to rerun it and put the dates in. The problem for me was that the access to the weather charts was difficult as I don’t speak German

It is no good carping about the secret polices state in the United Kingdom as we all know about it by now.

Pluto Venus Mercury; Neptune Uranus Venus Mars Jupiter; Venus:

Crying in the wind

Was snow snow quick quick snow

This is history repeating itself. I noticed i this morning but was busy. Surely the polar point ponts out a before and after spell?

Or is my memory playing tricks?

I thought there were three in a row again but at least I got the fronts right, right?

Ah well. Same volcano I presume not so spectacular. Why do I care I am not paying it a visit.

6.2M. 21 km ESE of Aquila, Mexico 2025-01-12 08:32

The new spell?

2025-01-12 0:06:00

Pluto Sol Mars or Jupiter Venus Sol?

2025-01-18 0:06 in a week it is Jupiter Sol Mercury.

Can this stinking weather last that long?

No disrespect to God intended. I did after all expect something bad around Inauguration Day.

Comments are open

HTH did I manage to close the comments section and more importantly I think I undid that stupid closure: Allow people to submit comments on new posts

Individual posts may override these settings. Changes here will only be applied to new posts.

The book of zechariah:

This book of the Hebrew Scriptures identifies its writer as “Zechariah the son of Berechiah the son of Iddo the prophet.” (Zec 1:1) It also provides a basis for establishing the time period covered and an approximate date for the composition. The last time indicator found in the book of Zechariah is the fourth day of Chislev in the fourth year of Darius’ reign (about December 1, 518 B.C.E.). (7:1) Accordingly, this book could not have been committed to writing before the close of 518 B.C.E. Since it was in the “eighth month in the second year of Darius” (October/​November 520 B.C.E.) that “the word of Jehovah occurred to Zechariah” (1:1), the book covers a period of at least two years.

From chapter 9 onward the subject matter found in the book of Zechariah appears to differ considerably from the earlier section. No further reference is made to angels and visions or to Governor Zerubbabel and High Priest Joshua. There is no mention of the temple-rebuilding work, and not even the name of Zechariah appears. In view of this and the nature of the prophecies contained in the latter chapters of the book, a number of critics maintain that this section could not have been written by Zechariah. However, it should be noted that Zechariah, like other prophets, wrote according to divine inspiration and did not receive all revelations at the same time or in the same manner. (2Pe 1:20, 21) Also, prophecies did not have to fit within a particular framework of existing circumstances and incorporate the name of the prophet or of some of his contemporaries for an entire book to be the work of the prophet. That the book of Zechariah forms one harmonious whole, instead of consisting of separate and unrelated parts recorded by different writers, is evident from the thoughts expressed therein. Throughout, the book highlights that Jerusalem would be restored and that  Jehovah would come to the defence of the city.​—Zec 1:13-21; 2:4, 5; 8:14-23; 9:11-17; 12:2-6; 14:3-21.

Another point of view is that it is also a prophecy that was due to come in the 21st Century at the battle of Armageddon and a day of storms. Something one of its kings is famous for stating you will see

The fulfilment of prophecies recorded in the book of Zechariah testifies to its authenticity. What is known about Alexander the Great’s campaign in Syria, Phoenicia, and Philistia, including the conquest of Tyre and Gaza, fits the words of Zechariah 9:1-8 and, therefore, can be understood as a fulfillment of this prophecy. Numerous other prophecies contained in the book of Zechariah find their fulfillment in Christ Jesus​—his entry into Jerusalem as king, “humble, and riding upon an ass” (Zec 9:9; Mt 21:5; Joh 12:15), his betrayal for “thirty silver pieces” (Zec 11:12, 13; Mt 26:15; 27:9), the subsequent scattering of his disciples (Zec 13:7; Mt 26:31; Mr 14:27), Jesus’ being pierced with a spear while on the stake (Zec 12:10; Joh 19:34, 37), and his role as King-Priest (Zec 6:12, 13; Heb 6:20; 8:1; 10:21). https://www.jw.org/en/library/books/Insight-on-the-Scriptures/Zechariah-Book-of/

This is my interpretation so far. I am a little shy of putting my words in here as they are not divine by any means, however I think a lot of it fits. I feel free to replace restoring the temple with making America Great Again a philosophy ascribed to previous kings as scriptural so here goes:

9 A pronouncement:

“The word of Jehovah is against the land of Hadrach, And Damascus is its target—For Jehovah’s eye is on mankind And on all the tribes of Israel And against Hamath, which borders on her, And against Tyre and Sidon, for they are so wise. Tyre built herself a rampart. She piled up silver like dust And gold like the dirt of the streets.

Smack on, so far for the imitation Israelites running the world today. The following narrative means no disrespect to the would be survivors of Ammageddon: In 2009 1200 of New Yorkers best, plucked 155 innocent people out of a watery grave in 24 minutes, for such an example, innocent people get saved out of water and out of of Armageddon too.

4 Look! Jehovah will take away her possessions, And he will strike down her army into the sea; And she will be consumed in the fire. 5 Ashkelon will see it and be afraid; Gaza will feel great anguish, Also Ekron, because her hope is put to shame.

A king will perish from Gaza, And Ashkelon will not be inhabited. 6 An illegitimate son will settle in Ashdod, And I will do away with the pride of the Philistines.

A King did die, actually tyre survived against the odds both the Assyrian and Babylonian Empires but fell to the Greek one but he died or was assassinated and immediately replaced. This time around, the king replaced was a philistine, brain dead, chosen for being a potato then he was replaced by an illegitimate King of the South, despised by the previous king’s fellow conspirators but chosen by God and by popular demand, to cleanse the swamp.

7 I will remove the bloodstained things from his mouth And the disgusting things from between his teeth, And he will be left remaining for our God; And he will become like a sheikh in Judah, And Ekron like the Jebusite.

The jebusites were a cannanite sect that got to be saved, either by the Israelite spies sent by Joshuah at Jericho and entered the promised, or shortly after Joshuah’s death when they claimed to be from another land entirely, into a condition that, like the rest of Jerusalem.

In a similar case, few years after the Apostle Paul went to Rome for the last time and was executed, 4 years after which Judea was totally annihilated for ever, because of rejecting the Messiah. At the same time the work of Peter began to flourish, when God created the New Jerusalem in Heaven and the element were rolled back. But Jesus declared that as it is in heaven so it will appear on the earth, that is a kind of High Priest will take care of Jehovah’s people:

8 I will encamp as a guard for my house, So that there will be no one passing through and no one returning; And no taskmaster will pass through again, For now I have seen it with my eyes.

IOW, when this happens: 9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion. Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem. Look! Your king is coming to you. He is righteous, bringing salvation, Humble and riding on a donkey, On a colt, the foal of a female donkey.10 I will take away the war chariot from Ephraim And the horse from Jerusalem. The battle bow will be taken away. And he will proclaim peace to the nations; His rulership will be from sea to sea And from the River to the ends of the earth.

It doesn’t sound Like President Trump does it, yet the same accomplishments are being held possible to him. Meanwhile as in heaven: 11 As for you, O woman, by the blood of your covenant, I will send your prisoners out of the waterless pit.12 Return to the stronghold, you prisoners, with hope. Today I am telling you, ‘I will repay to you, O woman, a double portion. 13 For I will bend Judah as my bow. The bow I will fill with Ephraim, And I will awaken your sons, O Zion, Against your sons, O Greece,

IOW the rest of the world that battles against Jehovah (the present Global empire) will return to be Jehovah’s people once the empire has been cleansed, that is: removed. Psalm 2.

And I will make you like a warrior’s sword.’14 Jehovah will be seen over them, And his arrow will go out like lightning. The Sovereign Lord Jehovah will sound the horn, And he will advance with the windstorms of the south. 15 Jehovah of armies will defend them, And they will devour and subdue the slingstones.

Fake news is dealt a blow from God: President Trump once got on with everyone ie Humbly, as soon as he entered the political arena he became a warrior, by act of God.

They will drink and be boisterous, as if with wine; And they will be filled like the bowl, Like the corners of the altar. 16 Jehovah their God will save them in that day As the flock of his people; For they will be like the gemstones of a crown glittering over his soil. 17 For how great his goodness is, And how great his handsomeness is! Grain will make the young men thrive, And new wine the virgins.

I like an happy ending where the survivors get to live for ever in peace with God.


See if you can spot why.

Yne ye goode olde daies I used to enjoy watching a forecasr rolling home a Storm at Great Britain Ireland or Norway. Then I could forecast a likely intersting earthquake. I always got them wrong by a day or three and I could never understand why.

Let us begin at the beginning, the analysis chart:

To start with, I did not know that warm fronts (more accurately occluded fronts -alternating warm/cold fronts), especially warm fronts that are so distant to cold fronts, are the meteorological signal of a couple forceful volcanic eruptions:

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) and

Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m eenhanced by several other Central and South American eruptions. Seriously 15 thousand feet is as good as it gets with indonesian eruptions, so the three also rans at 15 thousand feet was a cacophonic background, not counting the Iceland and Aetheopian pair.

Back then I’d just assume that as the eye of the storm hits land, we would have a severe earthquake and the fury would be tamped out by God. I had no idea of cause and effect nor that the process was delivered to all the other planets with fluid surfaces in mitigation. Judging by coincidence, that is. Jupiter being nearest after Mars and the planetoids, keeping the ultra-fine tune in balance.

Fifth, sixth, seventh having snowed here and one of them going ashore to no effect:

The Norwegian cyclone needs some explanation. OK it is Scandinavian other than…. Or a Scandi High except that when a storm called an Icelandic Low reaches Norwegian waters in immediately deflates unless it is a volcano plume transposed to Sub Arctic waters. I any case it still remains a cyclone not an anticyclone. What could be feeding it otherwise?

48 hours and counting, not counting any previous forecasts which I don’t recall off hand but it does look like something is breaking, would it be light or truth?

No offence intended to the writer: https://www.theweatheroutlook.com/twocommunity/Posts/t14101-Greenland–High–or-Scandinavian–High–or-Both the Scandi High requires a suitable Asian eruption, with my previous efforts I would have suggested some 80 degrees over the North Pole away. Perhaps that would require the declinations of the planets involved, I have no idea.

Maybe I should write to TWO.com and tell them?

Oh, Look!

A triad of Highs, not looking forward to this but it might be a little drier snow this time. And guess what?

We will kno which volcanoes to watch out for next time. I bless Jehovah God for helping me see what is really going on with creation or if you are an atheist: Acts of God. I never expected that, it was always a consideration and it took a correction on the part of Meteorologists to deduce, so it hasn’t happened yet.

Hmmm. Didn’t last long but it looks like being a twin when it does happen. If it does. Let’s get a confirmation:

This afternoon’s forecast (if you are British this evening’s) it goes out with a bang. Producing a new spell.

I am not being dramatic the weather changes dramatically not me, when induced by the solar system to catch up quickly.

2025-01-09 0:00:00 for Calinfirmians following that is Thursday the ninth of December and I am looking for alignments of the planets; three or more of them, not including the sun.

Saturn Venus Mars, looks sloppy but I don’t know what weight they hold. Uranus Jupiter Mars is even sloppier. Neptune Saturn Mercury is a lot stronger. And depending how long the line can be held by Mercury will help us to account for how long the snow is going to stick around.

EWWWW! it looks like being a cold spell. Astrology is easier to work out for people like me, when the planets are well separated, my problem is that I am a newbie to all of this. Not to worry, I can ask God about it.

2025-01-12 0:00:00

OOF Flip! 2025-01-15 0:00:00 it’s going for the long run and a large quake to boot. Jupiter Venus Sol coming up:

Pluto Sol Earth then Pluto Sol Mars. Quote from my favourite Martian: Little bit jumpy.