Deep Dive

Equals more of the same. Deep Dive 31/12/2024 – Wind, rain, snow and ice to start 2025 Met Office weekly weather forecast UK All sorts of damage was caused by the UK Government, similar to a small scale covid-19-ways-to-kill-you-with-cobra-snake-venom exercise just be banning New Year Celebrations:

I doubt it will stay long on this server.

6.8M. Kuril Islands 2024-12-27 12:47:

There was a short burst of wind and rain that managed to turn over two or three bins left out near my house. I hadn’t even known about this service by the Met Office. The next day it was as calm as ever: At 2.5 minutes in, the presenter shows the Jet steam pouring through the Davies Straight making a sharp right at the latitude of Britain, to turn sharp left, north across the North Sea, then right again over the Baltic.

So that storm over USA/Canada (Kilauea?) and Semeru the anticyclone mated to the Greenland High by Jehovah, combines with the eruptions of South and Central American volcanoes to produce Jet Streams?

I need to learn about Jet Streams but I have ignored upper atmospherics for decades, little realising their predictability. Toothache is driving me crazy and the eruptions are killing my ability to spell. All the better I suspect to reach people my age, maybe I am being blessed for that by my God?

The trouble is I need kicking not blessing or maybe that explains the toothache?

At the moment the tomograph of Potocatapetle (21,000 ft) combined with Nevado del Ruis (also 21,000 ft) composing of that dual on the Baltic coasts: Lows-986 and ~991:

Hang on, I have to rethink this, there are three lows involved on the Baltic L-985, L-986 and L-991. I have no idea which is what eruption as only the tow mentioned reach 20,000 feet plus.

Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) reached that height yesterday so whichever disappears is the suspect. Nevado del Ruis is a shoe-in with Potocatapetl but is generally shorth lived, on the other hand Sangay has gone already.

You decide. He claims cold air comes from the Arctic on Wednesday, which is today. This is a country of ex-sailors the idiot, we don’t worry about bad weather overnight. All I can see causing cold weather is Pluto Earth and Mars, that is not a lot. Not that I missed New years celebrations.

Sunny on Thursday 2nd then cold again, Saturn Venus Mars. Sunday 5th Uranus Venus Mercury. Look for the largest eruptions on the 7th with Mars Earth and Sol aligned.

There is a likelihood of a significant quake of 7.0M or so on Monday or Tuesday:

As usual, I am just a chart or two short of being certain. Can’t blame the Met Office for that as they supplied the full tranche with a full hour to midnight too.

6.1M. South Sandwich Islands region 2025-01-01 13:48.

And now I feel like a liar. Watching the development of the North Atlantic just now, I feel there is more to come in this spell:

This was the 6.1M:

I don’t think anything has changed.

Some people are never satisfied and I hate being one of them.

Or is this another spell. Jupiter perhaps?

I rather think it is.

I think this is the nasty weather that the Met Officer was on about for this week.

Just started. I think this is a new spell, Venus going past Jupiter:

This is for Midnight 5th January. Now I have to cut it and move it to it’s own spot. At least I finally learned something. But what?

Daniel 2:45

Diverse elites

The Canaanite ex-Judeans, removed by who removed the Jews from Jerusalem, not my words but would you not have thought that a respected, though morally bankrupt tome like the Cia’s Stinkingpadoea would have mentioned in passing whom?

>The Jewish diaspora in the second Temple period (516 BCE – 70 CE) was created from various factors, including through the creation of political and war refugees, enslavement, deportation, overpopulation, indebtedness, military employment, and opportunities in business, commerce, and agriculture.[7] 

Sounds a bit like the western crisis today with financial refugees, before the middle of the first century CE, in addition to Judea, Syria and Babylonia, large Jewish communities existed in the Roman provinces of Egypt, Crete and Cyrenaica, and in Rome itself.[8] In 6 CE the region was organized as the Roman province of Judaea. The Judean population revolted against the Roman Empire in 66 CE in the First Jewish–Roman War, which culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE.

During the siege, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and most of Jerusalem. This watershed moment, the elimination of the symbolic centre of Judaism and Jewish identity motivated many Jews to formulate a new self-definition and adjust their existence to the prospect of an indefinite period of displacement.[9]

In other words there was no means for worshipping the one true God Jehovah according to the law of Moses. The death of the apostle Paul took place under?

As Paul faced certain death at the hands of Nero he could look back with confidence that he had fought the right kind of fight, and that the heavenly reward assuredly awaited him. (2 Tim. 4:6-8) What an example Paul left for us! How much greater would be the witness given if more shared his appreciation of the Christian ministry!  Imprisoned again about A.D. 65, he wrote his final letter, the second to Timothy, and suffered martyrdom at the hands of Nero A.D. 66.

Five years later “the second temple” at Jerusalem was gone, today the so called Jews sacrifice chickens not doves, the canaanites are neither scriptural nor stupid, there is more meat on a chicken.

Which brings us to the one who is despised:

This is about the most violent Caezar but in Rome itself, the one who was actually despised at first was Claudius, he ordered the Jews to leave Rome, something that would not have happened with Jehovah’s blessing. Caesars after Nero: Galba was the son of the consul Gaius Sulpicius Galba and Mummia Achaica, and in addition to great wealth and ancient lineage he enjoyed the favour of the emperors Augustus and Tiberius. Not of the line of Julius; he began the decline of the mighty empire, something of a Trumpite?

It is after the reign of this president that the angel remarks: lift off the turban of the High Priest: Jesus and cover him in clean clothes: Then I looked up again and saw four chariots coming from between two mountains(heaven and earth?), and the mountains were of copper. Earth= President Trump. The first chariot had red horses,

The second chariot, black horses. Death = Armageddon for the cannanites?

The third chariot had white horses, Christ? and the fourth chariot, speckled and dappled horses, Sons of (Shem) and Japheth. DO NO TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. But the rulership of Earth after Armageddon belongs to the Shemite: Jesus Christ and to the ones remaining that are non canaaanite (that become the servants of…) Genesis 9:27

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Shem!
May Canaan be the slave of Shem.
May God extend Japheth’s territory;
may Japheth live in the tents of Shem,
and may Canaan be the slave of Japheth.

Living in the tent of Shem the rest of us take over the planet and extend Eden to capacity as the resurrection takes place. The dappled ones were eager to go out to walk about through the earth.” Then he said: “Go, walk about through the earth.” And they began walking about through the earth… A further refinement begins after after Armageddon, for one thousand years, after which the Principal of Death is released.

We don’t know what happens to this Son of God after one thousand years. Is he literally destroyed or caught up to heaven and refined?

Much of Jesus’ referred works were aimed at one’s “gaining our brothers”, Satan was once a brother to Jesus, a fact that escapes chrisesendoom. Remove the fake good news and there you have it all.

Don’t ask me, because I don’t know but the Trump Dance resembles the motion of satellites as they pass one another inducing massive torque. The torque of the stellar mass = the weight of Earth in motion.

Or slightly less.

To start with AI. This tool was initially designed to extend ARPANET the original Internet, Jehovah is causing all wars to cease likely he will use AI’s weaknesses against its inventors and investors to strip them of their over control of the world. Obviously how he does it is beyond me

If you can’t delete it you can’t prove pattern recognition since it is clever enough to fool a mind-bender. Some versions of AI are already interfering with search results.

In other words controlling the narrative. If AI is the next fake news any image you setr up might be capable of tyranny, do you want that for a legacy?

The new regime is likely to be Biblical in the Q-Anonsense, in that is replaces an evil regime of Jehovah God’s enemies. The only way to do that is to strip the old regime of its finances, then it will die out naturally the way the Jewish Commonwealth DEIed out with the execution of the Apostle Paul.

Rome destroyed the lineage of Julius Caesar the same way. Apparently it wasn’t very nice for his decedent’s but overall it was better than the usual way in that only Jerusalem’s territory was emptied, the Christians having escaped with the death of Paul; or about that time.

The Roman empire became the tool of the Europeans until the Renaissance when a series of coups de ‘tat eventually brought it to America for its own destruction… or will it?

London Smog 1952

I would have opened a broader rang of data but refused to allow cookies.

December 5, 2022 marks the 70th anniversary of the start of the Great London Smog of 1952 which lasted for five days and led to an estimated 4,000 excess deaths during that month. The smog (a combination of smoke and fog), caused mainly by coal burning from domestic fireplaces, power stations and furnaces, led to the introduction of the Clean Air Act of 1956, a pivotal change in the application of pollution control policies in the UK. The Act allowed, for the first time, local authorities to declare smoke control areas, and introduced grants to help people convert their fireplaces.  It also controlled dark smoke emissions from factories and furnaces and laid the foundation for future pollution control measures such as the Clean Air Act 1968, and the Environment Act 1995. 

This report describes the air quality issues we faced in 1952, the evolution of pollution sources associated with the change in residential heating and the growth in road traffic, and the issues we still face in 2022. It also covers the health impacts of air pollution and summarises key recent policies to improve air quality in London.

Historically, air pollution was very different to that we experience in London today. Complaints were first recorded hundreds of years ago when coal burning was first introduced into London, and from the mid-19th century smogs were a common event in large British cities during the winter months. 

In 1952, coal combustion from domestic fireplaces, power stations and industrial furnaces was the main source of pollution, with smoke and sulphur dioxide being the principal pollutants of concern. 

During the period of the Great London Smog, daily average sulphur dioxide concentrations were in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 µg/m3 on three consecutive daysReference:1 (the current WHO air quality guideline is 40 µg/m3), and daily smoke (fine particulate matter) concentrationsReference:2 were measured at 490 µg/m3 on December 4, rising to 4,460 µg/m3 on December 7 and 8 (compared to an current legal limit value of 50 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times per year). 

Concentrations of both sulphur dioxide and smoke reduced dramatically from the mid-1960s onwards. This improvement was brought about by the use of cleaner fuels (such as gas), the progressive closure and relocation of power stations in London, and the overall decline of heavy industry. 

Emissions causing air pollution problems in London have now changed considerably, with the shift from solid fuel burning to gas, the principal source of pollution in London in recent years is now road traffic.

I gather the Government adjusted the dates for these smogs for political reason not the truth. I have no proof though just a radio programmes overheard several years ago.

December 5th to 10th 1952: 1952-12-05 0:00:00

Pluto Mercury Venus and Mars; Uranus earth Mars; Jupiter Earth Mercury and Saturn; Neptune Saturn Sol

1952-12-10 0:00:00 Pluto Venus Mars; Neptune Saturn Sol; Mars Venus Mercury; Uranus Earth Venus

Major earthquakes December 1952

= 77.00 United KingdomSolomon IslandsVII (Very strong)15.0December 6

Major eruptions December 1952 hopeless trawls try Smithsonan eruptions December 1952

I suppose Quant is just about the worst search engine imaginabe

Pattern Recognition 2

The Fijian Triangle

I think I found something new. This should go with something I had an idea about years ago. unless it bleeds out.

Might this correction be a tip from meteorology that there is another spell coming.

The brown semicircle on the right is the same brown circle in Northern India on the left. My resolution is not sensitive enough on the laptop to capture a complete globe without overlap.

Here is the same image again moved to the other hand.

What drew my attention is this concentration of increasing activity along with the Meteorological chart correction:


Neptune Sol Mercury; Uranus Venus Sol; Jupiter Earth Mercury; Saturn Venus Earth.

It is going to be a big one I think or a series of close encounters. I am just going to check when Mars aligns with earth on the sun. I am guessing 6 days earlier nearly Mars Earth Venus on the 19th

Damnit, thank goodness I will never make a research scientist:

6.4M. 56 km ESE of Molina, Chile 2024-12-13 23:38

Pluto Sol Mercury; but I missed Mars Earth Venus and I think, Uranus Earth Mercury, did I, how about Neptune Venus Mercury?

I hate checking my stuff.

The Fijian Triangle is Fiji Tong and Vanuatu. It appears as a block of quakes running through New Zealand from Macquarie Island into the Southern Ocean where the earthquakes signal a tropical storm in the Pacific. I just realised that as Pacific Cyclones they eventually appear on the North Atlantic charts as Anticyclones, fancy never considering something I have always known. Warra Dope!

Nicely depicted here:

4.8M. 268 km E of Levuka, Fiji 2024-12-21 01:17

4.8M. 59 km NNE of Hihifo, Tonga 2024-12-21 12:03

5.0M. 111 km ESE of Fangale’ounga, Tonga 2024-12-21 09:20

It is one of the most active seismic Zones and proof that creation has been continuing right up to the time of the end. In fact I believe that the region is going to develop into a continent similar to Africa. Creation was continuing to develop long after Adam was created, the resurrection for example never stopped happening for example. It’s just that at the time the tree of life was forbidden, that is not the tree of knowledge of good and bad.

Anyway storms and duals are the order of the day on the 21st:

I think Low-970 over Norway is an African volcanic eruption plume

Anyway it a dual now, two volcanoes Lows-987 and Low-987 might even be a pair of vents on the same mountain

I forget what it was that I saw in the first image on this post but is beginning to look a bit like Christmas:

6.1M. 30 km W of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 2024-12-21 15:30.

5.9M. 37 km S of Guisa, Cuba 2024-12-23 06:00

5.9M. 23 km SSE of Tinogasta, Argentina 2024-12-24 22:42

5.6M. Fiji region 2024-12-25 06:34

5.7M. Izu Islands, Japan region 2024-12-26 21:02

5.9M. northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2024-12-27 05:30

Something to do with corrections at head office but what?

It is a good job I am not in an hurry. It will come to me when I need it to. Happy is the man whose confidence is in Jehovah. Jeremiah 17. What I was expecting was another large magnitude quake closing the 7.3M. 30 km W of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 2024-12-17 01:47 but now something richer presents itself: These Hangars, cold fronts, in the middle of the Atlantic were not the so called Danglers (or maybe they still are but..) they are instead the marks or signals for significant quakes that fake place before the end of the spell is completed.

The lower magnitude earthquakes of 5.5M. and slightly above, or not as the case might be.


There it is I think. Or is it?

It is always good to see the spread over a few days as this is wind interpretation and the forecasts from whoever gave them days ago. Besides, I may even be dealing with silly Phillie from East Anglia.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is image-113.png

I would like to know what H-1032 is. Canalon most likely. I feel vindicated now it is 11 Centigrade and cloudy here. This overcast is the result of mixing in the upper topopause, I guess.

Same correction different day almost 120 hours later. Odd. A beautiful morning with mist; 8 Centigrade so still warm.

Low 983 becoming 986 evolves into a dual Lows-991 and Low-991 midnight Saturday 2024; seeming to develop triple dual by noon later Low-988 and Low-989. They really are a complex. I imagine the consensus of opinion that these lows can not be volcano signals lies in the problem of explaining highs. Quite ridiculous in my opinion. If they have to cross a frozen waste it stands to reason that they become anticyclones. Presumably when the Lows_981 become Low-989 it will do so as an earthquake evolves. Now that IS something requiring explanation!

Such an explanation ought to cover the generation of all earthquakes. I can only suppose they are due to the generation of minor pressure centres collapsing thus explaining changes in the weather are due to that phenomena.

All this is something requiring the abilities of a god to hold in one’s head. Rather explains too why not believing anything of the sort is easier.

2024-12-25 23:10:43 Solar system Live

Neptune Sol Mercury align; Saturn Venus Earth Mars align. Jupiter Mars and Mercury may have been in alignment a day or so earlier?

Strong mist, I don’t think I ever saw a fog in this region. I suppose that fogs belong to large ports?

More likely the explosive impact of Nuclear weapons on volcanic eruptions were already calling fire out of heaven in 1945 and after. They produce sudden stratospheric warming. Added to the fallout of volcanoes the effect must be enormous, bring closer the fallout of snow from Leviathan in the Day of Jehovah’s Anger. Couple that with the use of Tesla’s Eruption Device the Huchison Effect and laser/masers used in tropical storms.

So now we wait for a Magnitude 7.5 or so. there seems to be a three body solution off Greenland on the charts today:

Likely the long awaited earthquake in development:

And here we go as the dual collapses:

Not quite there yet. When the weather changes it changes because the planets have repositioned the effects of the complete solar system. Beginning at noon 31 December the n#body resolution of gravity begins to change:

By noon Wednesday 1 January the weather has certainly changed so the largest quake of the series occurs before then.

Noon Monday then that’s a date:

Or Tuesday. Damn isn’t this exciting?

2024-12-31 1:17:33 beats me.

Right Distance From 47°N 7°E: Ascension Declination (AU) Altitude Azimuth

Sun 18h 42m 49s -23° 4.4′ 0.983 -58.458 -130.433 Set

Mercury 17h 11m 9s -21° 42.7′ 1.132 -43.619 -105.818 Set

Venus 21h 57m 43s -13° 59.8′ 0.758 -51.784 142.059 Set

Moon 18h 50m 57s -27° 51.7′ 60.6 ER -63.411 -127.699 Set

Mars 8h 21m 45s +23° 26.5′ 0.659 66.430 2.096 Up

Jupiter 4h 47m 57s +21° 47.8′ 4.184 39.831 79.312 Up

Saturn 23h 5m 48s -7° 56.8′ 10.011 -38.155 125.784 Set

Uranus 3h 25m 22s +18° 26.5′ 18.860 23.495 92.270 Up

Neptune 23h 52m 4s -2° 15.6′ 30.093 -26.840 118.545 Set

Pluto 20h 14m 41s -23° 11.6′ 36.087 -66.095 -173.904 Set

The mist has cleared, 03:03 a quiet night and I’ll be darned:

6.8M. Kuril Islands 2024-12-27 12:47 that was unexpected. So ends the spell?

What is going on?

Hang on that was 2 days ago.

2024-12-27 12:47

Neptune Sol Mercury align; Uranus Venus and Sol align and Jupiter Earth and Sol make torque. I would have said hat would supply a larger magnitude. I may be missing some of the action or I might be deceiving myself.

I can’t help thinking I am missing something on here:

Baaadaboom gonna BOOM??


I think I should close this post as it is already too long by twice the size a patient man would bother.

Pattern Recognition

I have been trying to find a pattern for earthquakes that might be useful. So far, apart from weather forecasts, seismic signals have just two striking ones:

The ring around and including Antarctica is usually devoid of quakes. Whilst the area of Antarctica is smaller than it looks on this chart, it is in fact no larger than Australia. In fact it is much smaller if you don’t count the ice. Perhaps ice plays a significant part of the puzzle.

However the region includes everything from the South Pole to nearly 60 degrees South nearly one third of the planet. the Balleny Islands region is about as far south as earthquakes occur. Interesting is the fact that all the Islands of some 60 or so south all have one major pattern so far ignored by science:

Two week after a quake, on or near, such islands a strong wind (usually but not always a rotating storm) is generated in the region of the hemisphere to the north. Tornadoes as well as hurricanes are among the winds so generated with the earthquakes of the South Sandwich Islands.

The other striking fact is just like it:

The North Pole is also devoid of earthquakes. I say interesting but I have never followed the North Polar earthquakes to check any storm connections; so maybe it is not so interesting. I don’t recall when I first noticed the connection to quakes in the southern hemisphere, nor why or how I chanced to find any such connection. Maybe I should extract a digit?

Left out

English rugby’s anthem Swing Low, Sweet Chariot has caused great controversy due to its links to slavery and has been regularly heard at the Rugby World Cup in France.

The anthem has very different connotations either side of the Atlantic Ocean, having originated in the United States as an African-American spiritual, commonly association with slavery and the continuous oppression of the black race. The song was sung in the 1800s in an expression of the desire to be released from slavery, and was also frequently sung at funerals – which continues today.

In England though, the song has become well known as England’s anthem, with fans happy to sing it at every Twickenham Test as well as at away games around the world.

The RFU has briefly discussed its presence at Twickenham in the past, but has not taken action and regularly banners ob de lyrics – which can be seen below – around the stadium during matches to encourage fans to support the team.

The RFU has pushed for greater diversity and inclusion with the implementation of a working group to “achieve diversity” and “accelerate change and grow awareness”

The RFU has not said that it will look to ban the song from Twickenham, but has made a push to bring the “historical context” to light in a bid to educate fans on the song’s origins.

An RFU spokesperson said: “The ‘Swing Low, Sweet Chariot’ song has long been part of the culture of rugby and is sung by many who have no awareness of its origins or sensitivities. We are reviewing its historical context and our role in educating fans to make informed decisions.”

Swing high sweet chariot comfort carry me home

Swing low sweet chariot comfort carry me home

I look out Jordan ribber a’comfort carry me home

Band ob angels what I see comfort carry me home

Band of angels comfort me, comfort carry me home

Swing high, sweet chariot comfort carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot comfort carry me home

Few you get dere efore I do comfort carry me home

Tell my friends I’m coming too comfort carry me home

Swing high, sweet chariot comfort carry me home

Swing low, sweet chariot comfort carry me home

The song was first formally published in the 1870s for the Fisk University Jubilee Singers after being written by Wallace Willis, a Native American slave before the American Civil War. The all-black choir toured the US and Europe and staged concerts that helped spread spirituals both nationwide and overseas. In the following decades the anthem was adopted by choirs in the United Kingdom, but in the 1950s it became a symbol of the American civil rights movement as black people in the US fought for equality.

However, it also came to be a common rugby song thanks to the rude hand gestures that run with the lyrics, regularly sung after matches across England and adopted by a number of clubs as a tradition that continues today

Eventually, it came to prominence at Twickenham, most notably when Chris Oti became the first black player to represent England in almost 100 years in 1988. Cross-coder Martin Offiah was also anecdotally linked to the song, with fans attempting to use it as a form of appreciation for their efforts rather than a racially-abusive chant. He quickly earned the nickname ‘Chariots Offiah’ in a play on the film Chariot of Fire, and was first believed to have been subjected to Swing Low being sung during a match in 1987.

The presence of the song as an official rugby anthem has divided opinion among the rugby community, but it has shocked those in the US who are fully aware of its history and real connotations.

Arthur Jones, a music history professor and founder of the Spiritual Project at the University of Denver, told the New York Times in 2017 that Swing Low should be used to tell the horrors of slavery and to educate people on what black people had to endure during oppression.

“My first reaction is absolute shock — and I actually understand it when I think about it — but that’s my first reaction,” Jones said. “I feel kind of sad. I feel like the story of American chattel slavery and this incredible cultural tradition, built up within a community of people who were victims and often seen as incapable of standing up for themselves, is such a powerful story that I want the whole world to know about it. But apparently not everyone does.”

This shit was written for a newsrag of the British fake news media aimed to bless the DEI communisty leftoids, screw them badly. Nothing to do with Colorado Democrats it was BASED on a 1930’s film starring Paul Robeson as a would be coal miner who makes an hit among the strikers during the Great Depression. No mention of the Welsh choirs, barely keeping Welsh politics alibe, instead it concentrated on the unspoken Jarrah Marchers. Conditions in the Welsh mines heavily dependent on Anthracite, can go play wib demseb.

Dis am England Ollywoob! Native American slabe?

Whilst Robeson was paid his commission, he remained a Nigger as far as a races could run a man in those days. Charities of fire be damned. Unravel ye robesongs while ye may; it was a good song.


All the planets are in free fall therefore all the planets have the same weight/gravity in their respective two body continuums with reference the centre of mass (the sun.) Therefore the action of any planet on every other planet has equal and opposite reactions to every planet that it passes as it passes instantly.

The reaction of Pluto on Mercury has to be the same (or do I mean similar) as with Jupiter and Earth. The corollary there is that I think the reaction of Earth with Jupiter produces a much larger earthquake than th ones generated with the Mercury/Pluto interaction.

Analysis will produce the truth of these analogies or not as the case may be.

The weather is a product of these analogies, or not as the case may be, may or may not be seen with weather or not. I am of the opinion that the weather can be explained on the Met Office charts in any one of three ways:

It follows the sequence: an anomaly goes warm weather > cold weather > warm weather > average weather which as of today shows the full solar system:

And the inner planets:

At Tuesday the 17th December 2024 at 23:00:00 with none of them aligned with the sun. However, Venus is almost in line with Earth and Mars also Pluto is in line with Earth and Mars and it has been a cold overcast day with a little drizzle about mid day. There was a significant earthquake: 5.5M. 61 km SE of Amahai, Indonesia 2024-12-16 10:14 yesterday.

This is my judgement of significant. I consider it to be and objective assessment when a 5.5 magnitude takes place.,160.66406&extent=61.77312,565.66406&range=month&magnitude=4.5&timeZone=utc&search=%7B%22name%22:%22Search%20Results%22,%22params%22:%7B%22starttime%22:%222023-02-04%2000:00:00%22,%22endtime%22:%222024-02-11%2023:59:59%22,%22minmagnitude%22:6,%22orderby%22:%22time%22%7D%7D

After a period of so many hours after the ‘quake, the15th hour and counting, a significant tornado or tropical storm takes place occurs: Tropical storm risk I might be wrong

Unfortunately, neither had occurred yet. And I tend to neglect checking. The wind may develop elsewhere

Italy for instance, this opens me to claims of manipulating the data to suit myself. I admit I hatre being wrong but that dislike extends to compounding failure with lies. I like to be honest as much as I like getting things correct so I shall try to keep my mind on my job

A series of atmospheric rivers (ARs) is forecast to bring heavy precipitation, flooding risks, and winter storm impacts to the U.S. West Coast this week, with the first AR making landfall on Tuesday, December 17, 2024.  The fourth and fifth ARs are forecast to make landfall on December 21 and 22. Up to 500 mm (20 inches) of rain expected in some areas and significant streamflow rises in western Washington and Oregon.

Following whatever storm, an increase in volcanic activity occurs, these produce cyclonic plumes over 20,000 feet, for South and Central America. Less high for Anticyclones and cyclones elsewhere.

These are visible on the North Atlantic meteorological charts as Warm fronts with cold front developing out of the Occluded Complex Low air mass mixture.. The same can sometines be said for the Anticyclones seen on these charts but the anticyclones develop out of volcanic plumes in the orient and dehydrate on their journeys to the North Atlantic.

All this is admittedly difficult to understand. all I can say is that I have spent years devoted to unravelling the puzzle. I have asked Jehovah God for help and he has answered my prayers. You must be the judge of that. Alternatively you can call me a liar and ignore what I forecast at your own peril. The very least of it allows the weather to be timed by volcanic activity, the worst that could happen is you get caught in a storm.

December Analysis charts

This stuff is copyrighted by the Met office but posted though a private ciizen’s server via VetterZentrale’ repeater. I am using them for public use because of their accuracy and because I am looking for results the Met Office is hiding from the general public.

I have just taken some nicotine to overcome Long Covid obtained for a local hospital whilst also suffering toothache my dentist can’t find a cause of, so bear with me, please; the effect of volcanic eruptions is uncanny were it not for the fact I have been studying this shtuff’s remarkable ability to destrory my spelling during powerful eruptions.

And I don’t believe in coincidences.

“The Pembrokeshire Dangler is a convergence zone which forms a line of continuous showers aligned north-south across the Irish sea; it often occurs during late autumn and winter, since the environmental factors required for its formation such as warm sea temperatures and cold Arctic air aloft are usually only met at this time of year.”
“It is a line of showery precipitation which forms in a NNW to NNE airflow, typically from north of Pembrokeshire to Cornwall. This often results in frequent showers, or even more persistent rain, in quite a narrow band. It is by no means an unusual phenomenon, occurring several times a year, particularly in autumn and winter. The long fetch across ‘warm’ water from the Irish Sea to Cornwall, provides the right conditions for showers to form. The shape of the Pembrokeshire Peninsula has the effect of concentrating this unstable northerly flow, in the same way as an obstruction in a stream would concentrate the flow around it.”
You can also see the same thing reproduced on the east coast of North America.

With that Dangler’s effects on the Greenland High (Semeru, the one previously mentioned in the post: Pinatubo too.)

Which lasted until the one over Britain transformed into an Anticyclones stalled again until the reappearance of the Greenland High on the 4 December charts at which time I swallow my nicotine gum and take a couple of anti-histamine tablets and belt of cider wine (11:30, 14 December 2024.)

Oops! I ran a little previous with the anticyclones. Time to check out the volcanic activity. This looks like it is going to turn into a VERY LOOoooong post akin to the blog post The monkey that felled a statute.

Svartsengi (Reykjanes peninsula, SW Iceland)
: (4 Dec) The eruption continues at stable levels.
Spattering continues to feed the lava flowing to the southeast towards Fagradalsfjall and simultaneously keeps growing the main cinder cone. Unlikely to register n the MetO charts

Manam (Papua New Guinea): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 7000 ft (2100 m) altitude or flight level 070 .
The full report is as follows: VA TO FL070 OBS AT 04/1220Z MOV WNW EST VA DTG:04/1740Z to 7000 ft (2100 m)

Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 7000 ft (2100 m)

Lewotobi (Flores): (4 Dec) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 8000 ft (2400 m)

Semeru (East Java, Indonesia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 15000 ft (4600 m)

Dukono (Halmahera): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 16000 ft (4900 m)

Manam Ibu and Lewotobi might register for all I know, Semeru certainly did, I suspect Dukono is beside it as an High-1030. I have no idea what the High-1033 is at the bottom of the chart is. A composite of the other oriental ones?

All the following American ones are cyclones. Potocatapetl is interesting L-982, as is Sangay L-991. I am going to need help to sort all this muck out. And another dose of pain-killer, perhaps. Owww!

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m)

Santiaguito (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m)

Fuego (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 15000 ft (4600 m)

Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 .
The full report is as follows: DISCRETE VA EMS to 20000 ft (6100 m)

Reventador (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14500 ft (4400 m)

Low-959 in the middle of the chart…

Becomes Low956

5.6M. 37 km SE of Masjed Soleymān, Iran 2024-12-05 04:02

Volcano Activity Summary for 4 Dec 2024

5.6M. 166 km SW of Nikolski, Alaska 2024-12-05 11:48

Becomes Low 961 Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) after the eruption.

7.0M. 2024 Offshore Cape Mendocino, California 2024-12-05 18:44. At least, it looks like it was Sangay. Let the reader use discernment.

There is obviously a lot going on, with Jupiter and Earth aligning with the sun and Mercury supplying the torque; whilst Pluto Mercury and Mars align.

That’s defintely Italian, is that a Russian or an Aleutian on its

That’s definitely Etna, whatever

With maybe a touch of Stromboli

6.0M. Kuril Islands 2024-12-08 10:24

5.5M. central East Pacific Rise 2024-12-08 16:41

5.6M. central East Pacific Rise 2024-12-08 18:07

6.3M. 113 km SSW of Adak, Alaska 2024-12-08 19:57

5.8M. 119 km SSW of Adak, Alaska 024-12-08 21:02

See how the weather changes even with relatively small significant earthquakes?

And we are back with Semeru, ready to start again:

I think we should start looking for two volcanoes in what I call a dual

Or maybe not, that High on the top left

blocked it. They don’t like dealing with dual Highs, in my opinion

6.3M. 105 km SSW of Adak, Alaska 2024-12-09 00:15

6.1M. 128 km SSW of Adak, Alaska 2024-12-09 00:38

The truth is I don’t either. That might be because I never dealt with a New Zealander before:

White Island (New Zealand): (14 Dec) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Wellington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 2000 ft (600 m) 20,000 could well have been that H-1033 or even the H-1042 for all I know. The way to say is to watch each day between first report and its going away.

It must be time to look at the tornado reports.

5.7M. 124 km SSW of Adak, Alaska 2024-12-09 03:26

5.6M. 128 km SSW of Adak, Alaska 2024-12-09 03:31

5.6M. 9 km S of Conchagua, El Salvador 2024-12-09 03:50

5.8M. 24 km NNE of Yerington, Nevada 2024-12-09 23:08

5.8M. 93 km SSW of Adak, Alaska 2024-12-10 18:04

5.5M. 91 km SSW of Alo, Wallis and Futuna 2024-12-12 01:51

6.4M. 41 km ESE of Molina, Chile 2024-12-13 23:38

That was a surprise,no torenado reports for the USA. I was expecting Line storms and what have you…

I missed this Yesterday, It was so tight on the California coast, that is my excuse:

I much prefer the forecast charts with their Big Friendly Red Letters:

Livid blue danglers.

Tornadoes and all:

And so it ends:

And it’s over for now:

But that doesn’t mean it won’t start again:

So Wednesday afternoon 18 December 2024, bar the shouting:

M 7.3 – 30 km W of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 2024-12-17 01:47 17.686°S 168.034°E

I dare say many scientists would call that a failure but when you consider I was working with phase changing based on someone else’s interpretation of the weather several days in advance, I’d call it a win in a game of 4D chess.

M 7.0 – 2024 Offshore Cape Mendocino, California 2024-12-05 18:44 40.374°N 125.022°W and consider that he Magnitude is 0.3 greater, spot on.

Pinatubo too


I am pretty sure I wrote this before realising that the alignments that don’t include the sun are signals for major eruptions. My problem is that they are so few and far between that I never get a chance to be sure.

The 1990 Luzon earthquake struck the island of Luzon in the Philippines at 4:26 p.m. on July 16 (PDT) or 3:26 p.m. (PST) with an estimated moment magnitude of 7.7 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent) and produced a 125 km-long ground rupture that stretched from Dingalan, Aurora to Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya. The event was a result of strike-slip movements along the Philippine Fault and the Digdig Fault within the Philippine Fault System. The earthquake’s epicenter was near the town of Rizal, Nueva Ecija, northeast of Cabanatuan.[6] An estimated 1,621 people were killed, most of the fatalities located in Central Luzon and the Cordillera region. Wikipedia

From Fourmilab it is possible to see the torque alignments for the quake.

What is impossible to see is how Clarke Airforce base and the USGS missed all of this.

In fact the Philippines agencies should have worked with the USA to understand all of this. This is treason and genocide on a scale as large as anything the Democrats Solar System Live ( and Fed/CIA clowns in America

have offered President Trump.

Instead, some 3 decades later, you have Slurp McDragging inventing a silly name for himself to allow himself freedom of expression until some rear end doxxes him for the privilege:

Jupiter Sol Earth Saturn > Uranus and Neptune all fell in sequence earlier.

Mercury Sol Mars

Pluto Sol Venus

Another problem is I messed the settings up from Logarithmic to realistic. I am not sure there is any difference or if there is and I can’t see it. The comparison with this coming event on Monday is the alignment of Jupiter Mercury and Uranus.

Pluto Earth and Mars. And Pluto Sol and Venus. I have the faith but who can I tell?

On July 16, 1990, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake (comparable in size to the great 1906 San Francisco, California, earthquake) struck about 60 miles (100 kilometers) northeast of Mount Pinatubo on the island of Luzon in the Philippines, shaking and squeezing the Earth’s crust beneath the volcano. At Mount Pinatubo, this major earthquake caused a landslide, some local earthquakes, and a short-lived increase in steam emissions from a pre-existing geothermal area, but otherwise the volcano seemed to be continuing its 500-year-old slumber undisturbed.

In March and April 1991, however, molten rock (magma) rising toward the surface from more than 20 miles (32 kilometers) beneath Pinatubo triggered small earthquakes and caused powerful steam explosions that blasted three craters on the north flank of the volcano.

Thousands of small earthquakes occurred beneath Pinatubo through April, May, and early June, and many thousand tons of noxious sulfur dioxide gas were also emitted by the volcano. USGS

Job 37: God puts a stop to all human activity so every mortal man will know his work, that the thing with snow, it is light enough to fall up but mostly it falls down: For he says to the snow, ‘Fall to the earth, And to the downpour of rain, ‘Pour down mightily.’ To paraphrase Scott Adams, a successful cartoonist an agnostic and hypnotist, famous on a number of video platforms: The difference between truth and lies is predictable. If the news supports things that can be predicted it has to be useful. If the news can’t lend itself to prediction it might be fake news. The problem with his videos is that his stuff contains bad language bur so does my stuff from a few years back so… he does discuss truth, which is a dichotomy for an agnostic..

That is a far as I got, reading different reports about it.

All this stuff about danglers I had heard of back then but never realising their importance to what I was doing, I ignored it, they were things I had no understanding of. That is not the reason I halted. The reason I had to stop is that I do not have weather charts on the subject, my source is a corrupt political scientist hiding the data from mankind. I could go to Exeter and ask to see the charts, I have no transport and dare say would be stonewalled until I had to return home.

But there are men of goodwill like the man in Switzerland who wrote the ephemeris Solar System Live in his spare time and posted it freely online. It is not sensitive I can’t distinguish epicentres. So all I have to do is keep asking everyone instead.

I just realised I can access the German Archive: Wetter Zentral

OK more later.

A word about VetterZentrale:

It has been years since I used the sight. It is in German and I got booted from there for being a foreigner and insufferable or maybe for promoting ridiculous ideas about earthquakes?

It is a remarkable site, everything a weather sit should be but incredibly complex, typical of the Germans.

I on the other hand prefer the simpler data that I can decrypt easily, typically British and original English But raddled with Secret Service Pox which I suspect is of canaanite origin. I am familiar with it, not the German complex stuff so I can be misled with the latter.

I want the dates:

1990 Luzon earthquake struck the island of Luzon in the Philippines at 4:26 p.m. on July 16 (PDT

July 16, 1990, 7.8M. about 60 miles (100 kilometers) northeast of Mount Pinatubo, of Luzon same date different quote, I never noticed.

Anyway I need a few days prior and to show the calm after the storm too. The German charts given include those from Britain so I will use them if they show Fronts and one of the others that shows a longer time period and also a choice from the Antarctic which is where the storehouse for snow in the day of war is held Job: 38.



I am pretty sure I wrote this before realising that the alignments that don’t include the sun are signals for major eruptions. My problem is that they are so few and far between that I never get a chance to be sure.(This was a while ago and now I know that it something called an hanger, that’s the wrong word. Meteorologists use the term Dangler. What it looks like on the North Atlantic chart is a long lie for fronts or more that one set of the usually parallel they mean swarms of earthquakes of about 5.5 Magnitude. They can’t be seen in reality as they arrive with overcast weather)

The 1990 Luzon earthquake struck the island of Luzon in the Philippines at 4:26 p.m. on July 16 (PDT) or 3:26 p.m. (PST) with an estimated moment magnitude of 7.7 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent) and produced a 125 km-long ground rupture that stretched from Dingalan, Aurora to Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya. The event was a result of strike-slip movements along the Philippine Fault and the Digdig Fault within the Philippine Fault System. The earthquake’s epicenter was near the town of Rizal, Nueva Ecija, northeast of Cabanatuan.[6] An estimated 1,621 people were killed, most of the fatalities located in Central Luzon and the Cordillera region. Wikipedia. (Obviously strike slips mean something to Geologists but they are the people who have spent millions of pounds not forecasting anything. Full marks for trying to make the pieces fit but none for asking God to explain.)

From Fourmilab Solar System Live it is possible to see the torque alignments for the quake. The planets are almost alignedwith the sun as their sequences begin to pass one another.

Solar System Live (

What is impossible to see is how Clarke Airforce base and the USGS missed all of this. Obvously it’s not their job to look for these things. Not even their meteorologists.

In fact the Philippines agencies should have worked with the USA to understand all of this. This is treason and genocide on a scale as large as anything the Democrats and Fed/CIA clowns in America have offered President Trump. (I can say this with hindsight as If I was God but I was looking too, just not getting it.)

Instead, some 3 decades later, you have me inventing a silly name for myself to allow me freedom of expression ro blame other people.

Jupiter Sol Earth Saturn > Uranus and Neptune all fell in sequence earlier. Mercury Sol Mars; Pluto Sol Venus. I called the sun Sol because I was in an hurry If find it exciting to unravel mysteries like this.

A problem I have is I messed the settings up from Logarithmic to Realistic. I am not sure there is any difference or if there is and I can’t see it. The comparison with this coming event, several decades later is the alignment of Jupiter Mercury and Uranus.

Pluto Earth and Mars. And Pluto Sol and Venus. I have the faith but who can I tell?

On July 16, 1990, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake (comparable in size to the great 1906 San Francisco, California, earthquake) struck about 60 miles (100 kilometers) northeast of Mount Pinatubo on the island of Luzon in the Philippines, shaking and squeezing the Earth’s crust beneath the volcano. At Mount Pinatubo, this major earthquake caused a landslide, some local earthquakes, and a short-lived increase in steam emissions from a pre-existing geothermal area, but otherwise the volcano seemed to be continuing its 500-year-old slumber undisturbed.

In March and April 1991, however, molten rock (magma) rising toward the surface from more than 20 miles (32 kilometers) beneath Pinatubo triggered small earthquakes and caused powerful steam explosions that blasted three craters on the north flank of the volcano.

Thousands of small earthquakes occurred beneath Pinatubo through April, May, and early June, and many thousand tons of noxious sulfur dioxide gas were also emitted by the volcano. USGS

Job 37: God puts a stop to all human activity so every mortal man will know his work