Worst Browser Ever

MultipleSclerocid EdgeSix cyclones spin around the Southern Hemisphere simultaneously in rare meteorological event

Six simultaneous named storms last occurred in the Pacific Ocean in 1974, with five in the Atlantic in 1971.

Cyclone Alfred is set to make landfall in Australia on Thursday – click here for live updates.

It comes as meteorologists point to warm sea surface temperatures and weak wind shear as contributing factors to stronger storms in recent years. Both of these may be linked to La Nina weather phenomenon, AccuWeather Lead International Expert Jason Nicholls explained.Expand article logo A marine heatwave near Western Australia has lasted since September 2024, with unusually high sea surface temperatures in late February.

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology predicted more severe tropical cyclones in the South Pacific this season as oceans were warmer than expected. The Southern Hemisphere’s tropical season is from November to April.

I suppose I got the dates wrong, I wonder what they were.

A rare celestial event will take place on Friday, February 28, 2025, when seven planets – Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will align in the evening sky. The alignment will be visible shortly after sunset on February 28, multiple planets simultaneously toward the western horizon to spot the planets appearing in a line. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will be easily visible to the naked eye, while Uranus and Neptune will require binoculars or a telescope because of their lower brightness. Saturn will be the most difficult to observe as it will be positioned close to the Sun and may be obscured by its glare in some locations.

Mars, with a magnitude of -0.4, will be the highest in the sky, positioned in the constellation Gemini. Jupiter, shining at -2.3 magnitude, will be slightly lower in the constellation Taurus and will be the second brightest planet visible. Uranus, with a magnitude of 5.8, will be located near the border of Taurus and Aries. Venus, will have a magnitude of -4.8 and will be found in the constellation Pisces.

Neptune, with a faint magnitude of 7.8, will be positioned close to the western horizon in Pisces, requiring a powerful telescope for observation. Mercury, shining at -1.2 magnitude, will be low in the sky in the constellation Aquarius and will be visible for only a short time after sunset. Saturn, with a magnitude of 1.1, will be extremely close to the Sun, making it the most challenging planet to observe. Observers will need precise timing and an optimal location to spot it before it sets.

New Moon, providing an excellent opportunity Catching all seven planets at once requires precise timing, as Saturn will set early, reducing the observation window. Planetary alignments occur when multiple planets appear close together in Earth’s sky because of their positions in their respective orbits. This happens when the planets gather on the same side of the Sun, aligning from Earth’s perspective. While perfect linear alignment is nearly impossible because of the varying orbital planes, events like this create an impressive visual spectacle.

The last time all seven planets were visible together in the night sky was in April 2024. The next similar alignment is not expected until September 2040, making this a rare and noteworthy event for astronomers and enthusiasts alike. [It might be an idea to check out volcanic and earthquke activity, it would appear the wisevisiers are brain dead otherwise.]

Several other notable planetary alignments will occur beyond February 28. On April 17, 2025, Neptune, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus will align in the morning sky. On August 10, 2025, a large alignment will take place before sunrise, featuring Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn.

On February 28, 2026, another major alignment will occur involving Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter. On August 10, 2026, an alignment of Jupiter, Mercury, Mars, Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune will be visible in the morning sky.

References: Watchers.com

1 Planetary Alignments and Planet Parades – NASA – February 4, 2025

2 Planets Align on February 28, 2025: How to See the “Great Planet Parade” – Star Walk 2 – February 23, 2025

Spirals in the sea Almanac

A rare celestial event took place on Friday, February 28, 2025, where seven planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune aligned in the evening sky.

Spirals in the sea what volcanoes are nothing in between this what they are. How can I be wrong?

They were made for eternity feeding little fish big as volcanoes are, they go on and on forever all eternity. Take your stand for God, Just you wait and see you’ll be with me for eternity. Never looking back on all of our regrets. Hold togeter in congregation. for ever happily. Nothing will be impossible. If anything was impossible then there is no God.

So, why has he placed them in the middle of nowhere?

That is where the fish are.

Small ones, things you can’t see and then one way and others they grow into things big enough to swallow people whole. It is a long lasting story, if it is all make-believe and a good one at that, because all the pieces fit. Scott Adams, an agnostic, tells the story of his dream home:

Being a millionaire, he bought the house he always wanted and put a cinema inside it, to invite all of his friends to come and watch films on it. Then he freely admitted to never being able to arrange for two friends to come to the house at the same time to watch a film.

Compare that with all the loose ends that are entailed with the bits that go so easily together with creation, divided by how many bits and pieces there would be if he was stuck waiting for evolution to just happen. Seriously:

How long would it take to build a house, with no experience?

How many babies would all that take, to be born and grow into builders by accident or natural intuition. How long would it take a baby to be born and live and die by accident and then learn how to reproduce. so that you could bring it all home clean and safe?

Volcanoes were designed to breathe fire and majesty to put the fear of God into people …just to produce algae for Krill to eat off icepacks and feed giant blue whales. Then some Mickey comes along and tells you all about it and you won’t believe him!

The problem for me is not convincing you. I understand that you are brainwashed and that the only way I can convince you is when you ask God for yourself. No, that is not the problem. I don’t have a problem.

God has the problem. You have the problem and it is the people who don’t want you to believe me called: Scientists; who insist you eat it all up. They would all be out of work if everyone knew and practiced what I preach. Or they would be making a decent job of it. Imagine the cornerstones of creation bubbling out of the rocks all in plain sight. Now imagine what charms have hidden, the source of life, from you.

Scientists are the lucky charm sellers Jesus threw out of the temple. Obviously I wasn’t there; who was? And why didn’t they say anything?

When you see the disgusting thing, you are on your own with it: https://biblehub.com/matthew/24-15.htm devil take the last to leave. It is the same with the name of God, who told you the name is too holy to be used?

People that eat choirboys?

Are you happy with that?

Get it right now or you will regret everything during the first part of the new creation that is due to restart, for us. When satan is cast aside and the curtains open. The new creation began when Jehovah accepted the sacrifice of his son. His son immediately assembled the cavalry called the Four Horsemen pictured in poetry by the Apostle John:

After this I saw, and look! a door opened in heaven, {can you see it?

Of course not this form of magic is only open to the people that Jehovah God I choosing}

…The first voice that I heard speaking with me was like a trumpet, saying: “Come up here, and I will show you the things that must take place.” [Decide for yourself what it is that you are going to see.]

 “Stop weeping.

Look! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered so as to open the scroll and its seven seals.”  

And I saw standing in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders a lamb that seemed to have been slaughtered.

Seemed to have been slaughtered.

Compare that to a troop of heaven’s angels. Things are not what they seem, they never are, they never were. Do you think that is ridiculous?

Let me show you something in the real world that was ridiculous:

Satan slipped that one right across your bows and you never even noticed.

And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder: “Come!”  And I saw, and look! a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went out conquering and to complete his conquest.


You can do it with a ship, imagine the wake of a ship running in a straight line. If you change the speed of the ship, where does the wake-line go?

I am not sure that satanists ran that storm out past Hawaii, I am just telling you that it was not natural. Personally I would be glad to have a storm like that forced out to sea harmlessly. But it takes a lot of power to do such things and lot of expensive equipment.

When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creatureg say: “Come!” Another came out, a fiery-colored horse, and it was granted to the one seated on it to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another, and he was given a great sword.

Granted, means given authority. It does not mean anyone is authorised to kill. A lot of people do not see it that way. Most of us prefer violence happens to other people as long as we are safe. That is called bullying. Letting someone do dirty work for you.

When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say: “Come!” And I saw, and look! a black horse, and the one seated on it had a pair of scales in his hand. It’s all a matter of balance. You can’t make a choice if you don’t know what the choice is, it is hard enough to make out for yourself what is going on.

That storm blew out last August, when a neddy with a very small brain was in charge of the United States of America; or not as the case might be. So who was in charge?

Someone had demonstrated an almost fire-like out of heavenly control.

1 March 2025

Not spring yet and we have a bank of anticyclones over western Europe, besides cool weather, what can this mean?

2025-03-02 1:18:02

Alignments: Pluto Sol Mars; Uranus Mercury Sol. Coming up: Jupiter Mercury Sol. An interesting development with Pluto is that the incidences of earthquakes previously caused by Pluto might be used in astronomy to plot previous alignments thus extending likely ephemeris data for Pluto

In the meantime a lot of earthquake swarms have taken place. To be honest I don’t know the incidences just the numbers of parallel fronts taking place indicating repeat quakes. Whilst they affect tornadoes and tropical storms, I do not think they are much more than inconvenient,

USaid (We) ‘Come (Came) in on the sloop John B

There is no such thing as: “The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time“.[2] whatever tickles your fancy at the time is the best song but it only stays best song until it leaves your head. Anybody and everybody that can tell you what the best song is can’t put it in our head and keep it there. What may be true is that this shanty is from Nassau. I don’t know that for a fact. Anyone and everyone writes poetry and simple tunes.

The more complex ones all depend on how much money they cost. In Britain, in the 1960’s and 70’s there was no limit to how simple they could be and stay popular. It seemed at one time, that every large city provided access to recorded music that was played over radio. The only thing that was stopping it was the BBC who were adamant they had total control over all radio broadcasts. Something that was ended with the Internet. It might be difficult for anyone younger than 60 years old to understand the power that gave the BBC in the 1960’s and 70’s.

The Internet began in the 1970’s. By default at that time all electronic equipment was music. In the late 1970’s someone made the silicon chip and the edifice that was shown to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream and explained to Daniel the Prophet …began to get explained.

At the moment the Internet is controlled by the American Secret Services. This is the FBI and the CIA and all sorts of government entities. These entities are so powerful that they can execute American Presidents and get away with it. To this day they control everything we say and do online. They do this by co-operating with every government everywhere and they managed that with something called USaid


sloop, single-masted sailing vessel with fore-and-aft rigging, including mainsail, jib, and sometimes one or more headsails. A sloop of war was a small sloop-rigged warship, mounting about 20 guns. In modern usage, the sloop is practically synonymous with the cutter.

This is rubbish, who the hell produced it?

Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Article History I might as well have stuck with wankapaedia, let’s go have a look.

sloop is a sailboat with a single mast[2] generally having only one headsail in front of the mast and one mainsail abaft (behind) the mast. It is a type of fore-and-aft rig. The mainsail may be of any type, most often Bermuda rig, but also others, such as gaff or gunter.

I presume that, like me, most people don’t know what sails a small boat uses. I have already presumed some of you can read, or you would not have got this far. A boat with a single mast is called a ship.

The difference between a boat and a ship is a boat is a general term which includes ships and boats. A ship is a boat that uses a mast for steering and power delivery. Both ships and boats can have engines. this is 2025 AD.

2025 BC, ships and boats were the same thing because nobody had invented reciprocating engines, past the simple jet. The acme of the simple jet came about 1943 AD with the V1 bomb. The V1 was designed to draw air into the fuselage. Simple fluid dynamics, in still air, requires a take-off speed called: Rotation. I used to call it Take Off but since then, I have been Educated.

When it takes off, or rotates the fluid dynamics of an aircraft is considered fast enough to allow streamlining, that is: Friction resistant fluid flow, to enter capillaries or slots in the outer surface to mix with the carburettor of the engine. And take it from there. There was no pilot to adjust mixtures or change directions. The bomb was launched to the sky and sent on its merry way, 40 years after the Wrights discovered engine powered flight.

The Wright’s, both of them, still required a pilot to adjust wing tension for steering. They were still waiting for Curtis to invent the Rudder, the mechanic or ground crew stood and watched developments and survived.

By 1910 the French began to cross the Channel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_English_Channel_crossings_by_air the Titanic was sunk in 1912 and the British declared war on Germany before the invention of the parachute. So who needs parachutes?

Not airlines, that’s a fact. https://watchers.news/2025/02/24/over-two-dozen-buildings-collapse-in-oswego-county-under-weight-of-snow-new-york/. 2025/02/24 is American for 24th February, 2025. It is late Friday midnight, the first day of March and I am a little confused, I blame the dialysis I had earlier. “Over two dozen buildings have collapsed across the state of New York due to heavy lake effect snow affecting the region from February 14 to 19, 2025. At least 26 buildings collapsed in Oswego County, while a Fire Department building collapsed in Oneida County on February 22.”

Hang on, This is Modern America not California in the era of the Palisades Fire. I must be doing something wrong, just reading quietly.

https://watchers.news/2025/02/28/hazardous-travel-expected-as-alberta-clipper-brings-another-round-of-snow-to-ontario-canada/ “A clipper system moving through Ontario on February 28, 2025, is expected to bring heavy snowfall, with accumulations of up to 15 cm (5.9 inches) in some regions. The system will primarily affect northern and eastern Ontario, including Ottawa, where snowfall will impact the evening commute.

Commuter towns and dormitory housing. What this means is people leaving houses to the snow while they go to work in some other place or something, I wonder if they take their parachutes with them?

What on earth is a clipper system?

I was still working on sloops a few hours ago. What it was; was that a ship with a single mast can be sailed with a pair of sails that catch the wind. The sail in front is called the Fore Rig and the one in the back is called the aftermath or not as the case may be. Aftermast?


6.0M. 80 km SE of Lata, Solomon Islands 2025-02-23 18:16

The next one should be about 6.2M. in a few days. I was expecting this sometime about midnight. Now I suppose you want to know how I knew?

Simple, plus I was watching the weather. I guessed it was related to the appearance of the dual. But what the relationship is, is still a mystery.

Bedtime. Goodnight all.

Blow me down, the next one seems a lot harder to forecast even though I know it is due in very few days. I think this is dues to it hittin as the n~body problem comes out of solution and I have already forgotten what that looks like. I doubt this is due to my developing dementia but what do I know I know these days? this is what the next few days looks like:

Whatever the volcano is Popocatapetl and Nevado Del Ruis, I think. The thing to look for is multiple plar points

…and no, I don’t know what that smaller correction is all about, I much prefer the corrections to be in YUGE FRIENDLY RED LETTERS. You have been warned!!!

Patience Barbara, wait and see what all these broken lines Join Up Again to look like:

Nearly there:

Looks like they are coming:

Hmm… I was expecting more

OK 6.2M. or 6.3M. on Thursday or Friday. I think it will be much more dramatic by then

Bring the relevant charts in and we will have to wait and see. I always find this stuff exciting because I still don’t know what I don’t know and then when I find out I find myself thinking was that all?

I tend to get a depression, quite literally because of the weather. I blame my mother, she lived in terror of me contracting tuberculosis and used to make me wear wooden raincoats called Garberdines and that we could not afford, that made me walk like a WoodenTop and consequently always bad at sports.

The stupid woman made me hate that kind of weather: Warm and wet. I don’t blame her now but FUUUUuuuu!!!!!! it was awful at the time.

These days I tend to walk in the rain just to spite her memory. The old volcano (

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) Santiaguito (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m) Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) altitude or flight level 210 .
The full report is as follows: NEW VA EMS to 21000 ft (6400 m)) is burned out.

Meet the new confluence:

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m)

Santiaguito (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m)

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) the usual suspects…

Or contents similar. I think that Potocatapetl will eventually blow its stack this year, either that or Nevado del Ruis but I might be wrong.

Not many since: 6.0M. 80 km SE of Lata, Solomon Islands 2025-02-23 18:16:18 (UTC) some thirty plus hours back and guess whose toothache is here again, Lewotobe I think.


These other earthquakes followed the one above, in the Solomon Islands:

6.1M. 44 km E of Modisi, Indonesia 2025-02-25 22:55:44 (UTC)

5.9M. 102 km NNE of Punta Cana, Dominican Republic 2025-02-25 05:48:55 (UTC) I wonder if there is anything about the Dominican Republic that the President of the USA should be informed of?

Fake weather perhaps?

Here is the planetary situation, if it shows a cold spell it is natural if it doesn’t we should suspect worse to come.

2025-02-25 22:55. Natural intense cold weather.

Saturn Mercury and Mars align in a cold spell and Uranus Jupiter and Mars are almost aligned too, this explains the deep, cold weather hitting the USA at the moment. Neptune Mercury and Venus too, (I missed that one.)

Sorry America I should have been more alert. I had other things to do, maybe satan was keeping me busy. I was in a bad skin all the while but I got to go to a meeting at the Kingdom Hall at the end of it. Going to have a rethink about all this stuff.

And here are the Polar Points of the n~body problem:

The weather then clears up but the volcano resurges next moth.

Some EQ swarms too as the weather breaks.

Low-951 and some tornadoes developing, look out for mamatus over Heat Islands.

I thought that was a 914. It is still a really low Low-944 and the dangler indicates more than more volcanicity, I deem a larger quake is imminent. Yes some bad weather with a Blocked High on the east coast of America, let’s hope it clears before developing a derecho.

Pointless putting more charts up as the weather will change before that all happens. But…

Yes, it has to change but will it be for the worserererer?

Hmmm what is going on I wonder. Bad, that’s what.

The earthquake due to Saturn Sol Earth may alleviate it a little bit some prayers would not be wasted.

And we have closure: 6.1M. 56 km E of Modisi, Indonesia 2025-02-25 22:55:44 (UTC) do we?


So whast is this tornado for

Granted it has yet to develop. intro a tornado but it will. We usually get a strong wind with each new spell and I think I saw this one coming with the double or triple front a few days back. Pity i never said anything about it. Let me see…

Yes, that is right the pair of cold fronts on the bottom left in the Low-962.

Maybe I should do some tornado watch warnings? Not my fault if I miss one or two disasters is it?

It just depends on who gets hurt I suppose. Sorry about that, back to be, I think. 20 minutes past 05 am here goodnight. Some boy wonder has powerful car and lives near me. He likes to blast notice of the presence of his motor car first thing in the morning. I think I might blow his engine up with a potato in his exhaust pipe one day. if I wasn’t a Christian. Maybe I can just have a dream about doing it instead?

Would that satisfy me?

Hell it is better than having a tornado up my bum. I suppose.

I should be thankful for small mercies.

Weatherlore and Fractals

When you look at the virtual sky represented as the North Atlantic sea level pressure charts:

They present as spirals and fractals. Intuition tells you all that science might if you bothered to educate yourself in The Method of scientific discovery, contemplation, wisdom and the ability to ask are one and the same thing but if you are asking Jehovah to sit in with you and teach you, you really will learn properly.

Even more important is how you deal with mistakes and thus how you deal with other people’s mistakes. Isaac Newton didn’t make many mistakes but when he did, they were whoppers, even so he brought out several books of wisdom that finally established the Renaissance. He was wise beyond normal powers because he followed Jehovah as best he could. A Unitarian he made his mind up about the logic of the scriptures and stuck to the old school rejecting Trinitarianism despite the leading errors of clerics in his day.

Newton famously did not push his ideas past reason; he made no hypothetical explanations, instead he left remaining puzzles to be answered by others, if he could not manage to solve them. That Low-947 below Greenland is both a Fractal and Leviathan. Its Eye has grown into the size of three or more volcanic eruptions as should later become clear. In the meantime the cyclone is growing out of the associated warm windy weather surrounding it. Newton ached for the answers to these things but they were not to be until the end of the British Empire came due. How do I know these things, first: Because I asked Jehovah God and second: Because I kept looking and third:, It was the time:

In these days, Jehovah is pouring out his spirit and I was in the way with empty buckets for pennies from heaven. So when elongation takes place and the singularity develops staying power instead of blowing away with the weather, you have to apply logic to think it through. Maybe the charts are wrong and meteorologist made a mistake. Meteorologists double and treble check everything and they meet together to discuss any unusual events to see if anyone knows why such things happen:

At the moment the popular explanation for the elongation of this cyclone is a Complex Low. The fact that such things coincide with volcanic eruptions and also with the tracks of the planets, doesn’t register with them.

It just so happened that I was free from a scientific education as well as peer pressure to follow along, forcing the pieces to fit. Instead, I asked God to show me stuff whilst explaining it to me according to my learning difficulties: “Train up a boy according to his way” and he will stick with it. Mess around with his head knocking your sense into him is fatal for all.

From the positions of the planets I learned to expect a series of interesting earthquakes to appear with solar system events because they were designed for times and tides and for seasons: The very first Fractal from which Creation was materialised out of Chaos.

Angels don’t really have wings nor do they hve limbs and what need have they for horses?

The material universe is ordered out of chaos by their harmonic dance. Nebulas of Spirals decorate the sky and every star is known to Jehovah by name. None of them were designed to fail.

I will let you into another sacred secret, unknown to Elon Musk: He has to go to Mars to extend the known Universe into other Eden-like planets because he needs a setting off: Embarkation-Port, that has a low gravity and almost no atmosphere to interfere with travel. Mars is an ideal place loaded with fuel and potential supplies for getting out of the solar system onto a more suitable one that is Earthlike.

On the fourth day of creation, God said that sources of light should appear in heaven to “make a division between the day and the night” and to “serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.” the very first Fractal (Genesis 1:14, 19, 26) According to Jehovah’s will, that is exactly what happened.

Scientists still cannot even explain what time really is. One encyclopedia says: “No one can say exactly what it is.” But Jehovah completely understands time. He is “the Creator of the heavens” and “the Former of the earth and the Maker of it.” And as the God of Time, Jehovah can know what will happen in the future. The Bible says that he is “the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done.” (Isaiah 45:18; 46:10) We will now discuss two things that will strengthen our faith in Jehovah and in the Bible. They will prove that Jehovah is the Great Timekeeper, that is, he always fulfills his purpose at his chosen time. They are (1) things that Jehovah created and (2) prophecies that were fulfilled.

Many things that Jehovah created, both small and big, are very accurate in keeping time. For example, atoms vibrate with a rhythm that never changes. Special clocks that use atoms to measure time would not miss a second even in 80 million years. Planets and stars move in such a way that we can know in advance their exact position in the sky. These positions have helped people to know the seasons and to find the right direction when traveling. Since Jehovah made both atoms and stars, he is “vigorous in power” and deserves our praise.​—Read Isaiah 40:26.

 Living things are controlled by time. Many plants and animals seem to follow some kind of clock inside of them. That is why many birds know by instinct when to begin their migration. (Jeremiah 8:7) Humans too are controlled by time. For example, our body tells us when it is day and when it is night. If we travel by airplane to another part of the world where the time is very different, our body may need a few days to adjust to the new time. So in the things Jehovah created, there are many examples that prove that he is the God of “times and seasons” and that he is very powerful and wise. (Read Psalm 104:24.) And because Jehovah has endless wisdom and power, we can have faith that he is able to fulfill his purpose! https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/ws20120515/Trust-in-Jehovah-The-God-of-Times-and-Seasons/

And here they are all in Jehovah’s own good time and if you check to see; accompanied by the forecast earthquakes. We even have the Dangler (or Hangar, I prefer that name as more descriptive) the Cold Front and Occlusion.

https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=-79.30264,-80.15625&extent=83.97926,542.10938&range=month&magnitude=4.5&timeZone=utc And from these things Jehovah asks that his servants spread the good news about creation to others that they too might be encouraged to ask for the holy spirit in their own lives. This is the way: walk in it.


Low-949 looks favourite:

Saturday night is Someday mourning. Midnight 23 February, near someone like you only starting with me, @Greenwich. It would be nice to work on some sort of Geolocation to forecast earthquakes. I wonder if Elon Musk might work on what I have?

I have a nasty taste of Builder; they came back Saturday to rob me of my afternoon, running to and from my bank and not picking up any money. I wonder if I should get in touch with my neighbours about them. He wanted £300 more than the several hundred I gave him yesterday. I am pretty sure they were “working the location”.

It took a long time to get over it. All afternoon. The point is I already had a busy schedule before he horned his way in. Three of them. When I decided not to fully pay him, he invited me to come out and speak with his men. Friendly of him, wasn’t it?

I just said no thank you and held the door as he stepped out then thanked him and closed it. Then he knocked on the door again like a bloody fool. “Go away!” I think he did. Some people take the biscuit and seem to have no grasp of politeness. I was taken to my bank by his man and not instructed what to do when we got there, he assumed I would just fetch money to him. Not my fault.

I caught the bus back, I had to do that twice; on the bus back the second time I was deep in prayer that I didn’t offend them when I got back. I was surprised they were still there. That was odd. I climbed up their ladder part way as they returned, then we had a discussion. He wanted me to put an invoice from his phone to my computer. “So where is it?” I was thinking in terms of paper, he was showing me his phone. I never use phones. Ah, well.

I was writing it into a small notebook and gave him a page, I forget what for, my email, I think. Basically, I was trying to remember how much I had given him and how much all three of them had done, it didn’t look like a lot considering. After I said no and he tried to reason with me, I’d had enough. Let your yes mean yes and your no, No! That is scriptural. I don’t think it made him happy, I hope God helped him on his way. It’s only money, I would rather him be happy with what he got, I know I am not.

But that’s politics. I am still waiting for the invoice. No emails so far.

Sounds brave but I was irritated at them wasting my time… Anyway I kept up the prayer and everything went quietly after I explained things. I wanted to know how he came to call on me: “I was just passing”.

“Where from?”

“Originally, Wales.”

“Yes, I know that but how did you find me in Stoke?”

“I was just passing and saw all the trees growing out of your chimney …around the back.” (Some people are so busy remembering their lines, they forget to stop talking.)

“Where from?”

“Prestatyn.” That is when I told him: “No!” and opened the door, “Give me my money back.” But he left with it.

There is no pleasing some people. The trouble is the after-effect leaves you really bad tempered, as you go over it all again and again. Ah well, I wish my language had been a lot sweeter. I had to apologise to Jehovah. I kept saying sorry but I wasn’t. I know he understands. Think of it as not so much losing a son so much as keeping your temper. As in heaven so on earth. Our father allowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, as it were so to speak.

Here Be Pieces

For a change

Once you get past the tornadoes, or is it when you get to Iceland…

That cyclones in the North Atlantic finally pull their finger out and get a move on.

Albeit only until the weather falls apart:

That is the Noon run from: https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/maps-and-charts/surface-pressureLet me translate, the weather used to move west to east from Noth America to Europe until we went into the North Atlantic cycle called oscilation. s many of you already know the oscillation of the planet is the source of (or measure of, that is) Gravity.

All oscillation is gravity, or the measure thereof and when planets oscillate, rather than merely orbit, Heat and light is evolved. There seems to be an exception to the rule in that when an alignment occurs excluding the sun, rather than generate an earthquake the impetus becomes the set of planets in line and a development in the rest of the solar system’s volcanic eruptions.

Volcanic eruptions also occur with solar alignment but with solar alignments, it appears that much more heat is evolved, which begs the questions how and why. Put simpler, I have no idea why nor how.

Your guess is as good as mine.


The King of the North

So who is the king of the north now?

Is he to be identified with one of the countries that were part of the old Soviet Union?

Or is he changing identity completely, as he has a number of times before?

We [Jehovah’s Witnesses] cannot say. Who will be the king of the north when Daniel 11:44, 45 is fulfilled? Will the rivalry between the two kings flare up again?

And what of the huge nuclear stockpiles that still exist in a number of lands?

Only time will provide the answers to these questions. Climactic stuff and I am as blind as anyone so don’t quote me but the King of the North might have become the Klingons deceit runs through satan and all his followers It is likely to be the democrat party ruling alongside the remains of the Anglo French Empire. the clintons stole the work of Canadian student of Tesla and I forget his name he woked on the acoustics for the deep well colapse in the Gulf of AMerica it is annoyingle on the tip of my tonge his work brought down the 9/11 event that spread the twin towers and the third building to the four winds.

The monkey that felled a statute damn, can’t even remember my own stuff; I am getting there slowly: Hutchison or Huchinson Effect of calling down fire from heaven

Michael will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book.”​—Daniel 12:1. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1993804

I can’t seem to get anything right today.https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1993804

The earthquake might be just before the tornado, midnight. I think it looks like crossing the Mid Atlantic Ridge thus becoming a European one but don’t count on it the weather is trigger happy. Don’t count on it.