I have some explaining to do

The Met Office chart is a composite of the solar system and the refractions of multiple volcanoes. Those from Indonesia and Asia generally become Anticyclones (Highs) without reaching much above15thousand feet they tend to be long lasting and widespread. Likely this is because their output is huge regardless of how high their plumes.
The Central and South American volcanoes register over the south west quadrant and tend to reach 20 thousand feet and more. They are generally temporary and given to forming Duals with themselves. In this weeks’ incidents Sabancaya and Sangay are the potent.

One soon sees how the flames and the fury disports, the quicker they come the sooner they leave.

Just keep an eye on the timing and the colours of the fronts. Thy after all weather charts.

It generally takes 5 to 7 days before the weather settles down. Occasion\ally blocking highs change things and even the South Americans can last a little longer. It all depends on the solar alignments. Often they run on from one to another this explains the tendency for volcanoes to blow their stacks once every few decades. These South and Central Americans for instance look like they are about to deliver such.
More often than not though, they calm down.
Etna (Sicily, Italy): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Toulouse warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 and is moving at 20 kts in E direction.
Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 10000 ft (3000 m) altitude or flight level 100
Etna’s refraction appears over the UK and Ireland as a cyclone. Ibu, usually one of the most active in Indonesia is anticyclonic.
Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m)
Sabancaya (Peru): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Buenos Aires warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m)
There is usually an hiatus between a pair of eruptions when the weather cools and rain may fall as drizzle when volcanic activity is significant. I have tinnitus and can hear the conditions for eruptions as well as anticyclonic activity, so are they the same thing?
God knows men are satisfied with their ignorance for the most part and generally take good advice like stupid women and trolls. I have eaten the latter not so many of the former as I might like.

First pick of the day is an occlusion. Weather closes as cold catches up to warm. The dark blue cold fronts form a Tee on the warm front at 992millibars of pressure. That last place of “mixing” if you can count the mismatch of streamlines as mixing, are better described as tornadic representations of copper tubes separated electrically, unable to mix because of polarity but able to stay together at equal pressures, not temperatures.
Because at that pressure they are the same density.

As the pressure changes they separate the warm (lilac) fronts move to the Arctic where they may recirculate over days or weeks until Jehovah calls them out. The cold fronts are on their way to make Europeans miserable and more appreciative of warm weather. It tends to have no effect on the British who use alcohol to pretend to be less miserable as bastards usually are.

As the cyclone expands clarity reveals that is contains not one but at least two volcanoes. This sort of thing confuses scientists and they have to deal with it by calling it a Complex Low and then pretending to follow it with expensive toys, because they have no way of asking Jehovah what the hell is going on and they wouldn’t understand if I tell them because God has blinded them in their own pits.
They prefer playing with toys (watch when someone takes them away.) They really are lost sheep. You would have to smash their faces to make them see their prisons and prise their broken fingers from the bars to make them leave. Fortunately Armageddon takes no prisoners and only leaves the dead to bury themselves as best they can. Either that or they get a rude awakening. God help them!

Sometime between Midnight and Noon on Monday the fifth August 2024, the spell will end as the larger quake takes place to close the gates of heaven on it.

Pluto Earth Sol or was it Neptune Sol Venus?
In a few days it will be the start of another spell with Pluto Mercury Sol. What have I missed?
Could we have a volunteer to remonstrate fractals?
What about you my dear?
Teresa is it?
Put you hands on your lap and relax. Now look at you fingers. Do they form a spiral like this:

Let’s go out to t+120:

where we have a dual… or

Or was it a threebie and a big fat tornado with another dual, which volcanoes are they?