The North Atlantic Charts

I only use the sea level pressure stuff, the upper atmosphere is a foreign country to me. Since the glowballers took over their quality dropped. Or this may be a bug with JavaScript, on supercomputers it will work worse, faster and further. Today I think they dropped the 12 hour midnight chart. Or there again maybe it’s me but I can’t prove it.

We have to pay the people they choose for us. A lot of the time they are the best there is but they changed with the University ot Anglia takeover, I think they brought a bunch of communists with them. That’s OK if they do their job, I think the lot are dead on arrival or DEI as they call them these days. That’s the problem with governments everywhere, they get good ideas.

Or it might just be volcanic activity. The volcanic activity sends a seismic signal around the earth’s crust, the only place it can be recieved at the moment. The earth stops at the seaside, causing shadow zones and dives down to submarine depths. That is why you can see their interference from these charts. This is:

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): (22 Aug) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) altitude or flight level 210.
Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 19000 ft (5800 m) altitude or flight level 190.
And a bunch of also-rans that didn’t register much output.

Low-983 on the Arctic Circle and Low-968 (in eruption) with the also-rans making Low-1007 south of Greenland. You can check me on this with:

I can’t say for certain which was which but that is because I have not paid enough attention. If you time their arrivals and fadeouts you can be certain -or more certain, that is. Plumes 1500 feet high hardly register but sometimes there are a number of them. So the extra water registers as different places.

Notwithstanding that the Met Office have not begun to connect the dots, firmly brainwashed by satanic forces as they are, I think they have a problem detecting changes to the weather when the volcanoes erupt, just like they do with earthquakes of over 5.5 magnitude. Obviously they are like most men these days undecided about God, so lost at sea, as the saying goes. They do not want to know that God is in heaven waiting.

All they have to do is ask, they will be told! It is not my problem, I have tried to reason with the fools! As I said the 12th hour is missing but that highlights how much the weather changed in 24 hours:

I think that is Sabancaya erupting again. The record will show I left it untouched. That is: The record will show my guess about Sabancaya erupting on the midnight of Friday 23rd August, in about one and an half hour’s time, not that these damned charts are designed to help us “umble thaumaturges”. The Met Office produce 4 model runs each day but we have to go to Germany to get them. Stuff that for a game of soldiers. I still have to put the bins out.

But that is OK, as I can’t sleep, so I can stay up all night until the Met Office decides to upgrade their report. Or I can use the Canadian or US weather charts. They are actually better except the Canadians use the NAEFS model and only do North America:

It is actually the first chart I was using that showed me eathquakes developing. The charts change colour with meteorological uncertainty and I noticed that they changed weather with quakes; then the weather returned to what it was earlier. Then I realised that the change was permanent with volcanoes erupting. Then I stopped using it when The Donal became President Trump. (The Donal is Celtic for: He whose right it is.)

Anyway he sorted them out it might be working like they used to now with the potato in the Witless House.

Of course it took me years to realise why it behaved the way it did. Why would anyone even think the thoughts I was thinking?

When we watch the TV, we never question what they tell us. They would never lie to, us so why would anyone ask questions?

My problem was that I couldn’t originally understand a word of it. Fortunately for me I was born Maths Blind. I use to crap myself at school because I was permanently scared of being stupid. I was 30+ and divorced before someone told me I had Dyscalculia. That was life changing.

No TV and out of work I was in the library most days, reading Encyclopoedia Britannica. I couldn’t undertand most of it. But I found I could understand the pictures. Which is what the charts are. So I got interested in them. Being an unforgiving SOB, I was furious with Glowballers. But that was the early 80’s so I had to swallow their czjd and blieve me they really ARE full of shit!

Also after the Abergele Flood, I was angry with the idea of insurance clauses called Acts Of God so I was sitting in a huge picture window looking at the Great Orme (and with a slight stretch) down to the Point of Ayer past Prestatyn Flintshire, Wales, which is the northernmost point of mainland Wales. It is situated immediately north of Talacre, at the mouth of the Dee estuary, and southwest of the Liverpool Bay area of the Irish Sea. So I was sitting in a moonbay, in a world of my own special weather, an act of God!

When the tide went out I could see the Morcambe Sands. On a good day I could see Blackpool Tower (not often.) Creation was obvious. I had always wondered how the tides work. I have some idea now but I couln’t explain it to save my life. I used a felt pen on the window to track the sun and moon and realised the moon dropped about 4 or 5 degrees some days, some days hardly a couple of degrees. The sun does almost the same thing. The moon does it every month, the sun does it once a year.

With a Tide Table I noticed the weather hit the tides locally I knew from experience that some places had a local relationship just like that with the weather. Sandy beaches especially. I lived at Bangor a clay sod and wet weather more often than not and for an inland port, quite nasty storms. I used to know where all the seaweed washed up. I should have tried selling it but that would have taken money. I was always broke. I developed a way to match the tides with the weather that works on average as good as might be expected. Divide the times of the phases by four and they begin to work reasonably well. Or they did back there and back then. (Since John Huchison the clowns in America began messing with the weather.)

Enough about me I had God to help me but was brainwashed into not asking him for stuff. That was up to me. It took some kicking to get me moving, so if you ever feel depressed you can be sure that you are missing something that the angels want you to know. If you ever feel depressed wait until the Government takes your son from you and gives him to a couple of witches. That will give you a reason to gripe. It won’t solve it though, you’d be better off shooting yourself than shooting them. Not that I ever thought of shooting myself.

Ah well time to put the bins out. Just remembered, I forgot to tell you:

You can forecast earthquakes from the sealevel tab, its called: “Pressure at sea level”.

Click that box then run the forecast page by page. Three Lows in a row will not break without a quake the same is true for a line of three Highs. Occasionally you see three lows and three highs they need to be in lines otherwise its just weather, other wise it will be bloody hell. Also it used to fall over with large eruptions. Be wise my son.

Once you get used to spotting them you will notice that when they turn out to be volcanoes, you get some idea by their direction, where the eruption will be. Jehovah thinks of everything, especially for the dolts he put on Earth to extend Eden for him. Time to stop talking to onkeys and put the bins out.

Oh look they have put the rest of this afternoon’s forecast online:

I’m too tired now I have been awake for about three days and only had a couple of hours sleep, maybe three or four?

Too tired to remember. It can wait. Would you like to know what a Dual is?

That elongation in the middle of the Atlantic is a dual (topology) More magic or just creation?

The way God sees is too wonderful for us and, credit where its due, we are quite clever compared to animals. Do you know what the difference between cats and dogs is?

Dogs are delighted everytime they wake up and get to deal with us. Do you know why women prefer cats?

Every time they wake up, they have something else to be pissed off with us about. Fortunately they mostly can’t be bothered.

A Major Eruption in Indonesia?

Something has to explain the arrival of the anticyclone in the south of this North Atlantic chart.

Actually I was tempted to try a forecast for Asian volcanoes for the firt time in a while. What enticed me was the size of the cold fronts with this eruption of:

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 19000 ft (5800 m) altitude or flight level 190 .
Sangay (Ecuador): (20 Aug) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200
Sabancaya (Peru): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Buenos Aires warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 22000 ft (6700 m) altitude or flight level 220 and is moving at 20 kts in SE direction.

Sabancaya would equate to the Low-979, on the midnight Analysis chart. Always assuming the numbers for air pressures and for the plume heights translate logically.

If they do: High-1027 is likely to be Lewotobi:

Lewotobi (Flores): (20 Aug) Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 10000 ft (3000 m) altitude or flight level 100 and is moving at 15 kts in W direction.
The full report is as follows: VA TO FL100 LAST REPORTED AT 20/0938Z MOV SW to 10000 ft (3000 m)

The plumes don’t go much higher than10 thousand feet. I can’t imagine they exhale all that much water but I have to remember that I am talking about the seismic signal. Or am I?

Is it possible that the air from Indonesia can get to the Atlantic between Florida and Spain in a day?

Is it even possible ever?

Or it is being microwaved with the very low frequencies of the signal?

Without knowing the source of the original signal behind the eruption in the first place, this is all up to Jehovah God, not me. I am going to bed.

There is quite a large earthquake on the 23rd August 2024, (I was witing for the other shoe to drop after this 7.0M. 102 km E of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia 2024-08-17 @20:10 but it is still resonating 4.8M. 2024-08-24 @00:57) we should know more before then. Etna erupts too. Watch out for this tornado: Low-969 (Or was it the tropical storm Ernesto?)

5.3M. 91 km W of Pangai, Tonga 2024-08-26 00:37

6.1M. 59 km W of Pangai, Tonga 2024-08-26 00:30

6.9M. 72 km W of Pangai, Tonga 2024-08-26 00:29

A day late and it should have been a larger quake than the Russian one. Of course I could insist it was a larger quake all three considered.

This is what I was looking at for the forecast. When the planets come out of solution is when the earthquake happens

Fri 2024 Aug 23

Neptune Mercury Sol? Venus.

Jupiter Mars Mercury? Earth

It gets very warm for couple of day before a serious quake. Like today that started out a mild quiet overcast with light drizzle the sure sign of a recent South or Central American erupion. So is this:

Or was it Iceland?

Reports traced Sulphur dioxide to Britain or was it Hydrogen sulphide?

Eruptions to the

Low to the left of Greenland tend to be Russian and Alaskan Volcanoes. They are always Lows. The Greenland High is Semeru and all the Asian ones, apart from Russia, register as Highs.

L-937 next to Iceland is the combination of the output of three volcanoes described above. It matches Leviathon in that under heaven nobody but Jehovah has control over it. Canaanites today barter for tornadoes in that the land of people whose harvests fall in ruin due to the weather, get to watch billgates buying their farms at a discount.

The body of the Low has expanded as it would in the weather computers, which are not tuned to how the thread of these things are filled with two different types of water: Salty brine from tropical storms and ultra refined pure water from volcanoes. Jehovah calls them tubes of copper.

But that is when the tornado signal appears:

I don’t think god blinds people to these things but he isn’t giving them insight either, is he. Two of the three volcanoes are separate entities as the planets realign, the third one is the one with the tee-shaped fronts tornado signal. Sometimes it looks like a “tee” sometimes like a jellyfish, this one looks like drawn longbow. They all mean North America. (Unless it crosses the Mid Atlantic Ridge.) Maybe I should explain the meteorology initially only shows the initial cyclone before it ages and grows clearer er errr?

The planets start to align, it gets warmer and the earth snaps

Volcanoes get interesting and it gets colder

Cold fronts reach the continent of Europe and break, the earthquakes more violently than the last big one as the Gates of Heaven slam closed. This far your proud waves may come still applies.

One last point on this last quake: Parallel Fronts indicate Swarms.

January 2001

What it is: I copied it from .gif image made with Gimp but it only copies across from Blogger as a still image. WordPress on Vivaldi playing on Brave. Perhaps I should try it on Vivaldi browser.

Being Nice

I am a slob. I don’t mind being a slob but I would rather not be but it doesn’t change the fact.

What opportunities belong to someone that can perform miracles?

I would be a liar to say I never considered making a fortune from being right about what I do. Then It occurred to me that I’d rather have God’s favour on my work than money, any amount of money. It wasn’t anything to do with my religion, just about my own safety. That if I was tempted into the dark side of anything that someone that was controlling the weather or profiting from it might object to me competing.

Then again, it never occurred to me that anyone actually was controlling weather. This was before I found out about the CIA and before, or about the same time as John Hutchison was discovering what Tesla had also discovered. One of the first things I remember clearly doing when I discovered that weather was tidal was to report it to the Met Office. That they slammed the phone on me was unexpected, actually whoever I talked to was quite nice about it but they were not interested. I still wonder why. Then I discovered sci.geo.earthquakes, a Usenet discussion, commanded by people who hate.

To this day, I wonder why people are so fulll of hate for no reason. So I hated them back and carried on.

I became quite bad tempered with them and that affected me and I dropped out of my religion, satan was laughing at that and let me alone I suppose.

Anyone can do what I do. In the words of a troll on reddit: “In today’s world, with all the combined knowledge of society accessible as it is, ignorance has become a lifestyle choice. Make better choices. Pick a subject and immerse yourself. You clearly like to study things. Learn how things really work and then post.” so I did.

And they banned me.

In the words of Harpo Marx: “I wouldn’t want to belong to a league that would have me.” I think being happy take all the pressure from the need to be right all the time. I just do weatherlawyer stuff and ignore fools. That does not mean everyone has the right to jump on me and try to stop me. It just means I need to behave with more discernment than I have used in the past. It’s still just; that when you are confronted with fools one has to wonder why they bother getting at you?

Why not just let me alone with my eccentricities?

Here is what I believe and half of it has no relationship to my religious beliefs except that I believe we will all be alive on earth doing miracles one day. As do all Jehovah’s Witnesses.

But unlike them, I think that we will find a way to explore outer space and that God will help us to get there to extend creation. In the mean time, once we learn about the ionosphere we will build some sort of reaseach vessel to turn the treasure trove of free upper atmosphere to power space travel. I suspect it might be a sort of jet engine. At the moment that idea is as ridiculous as being able to predict earthquakes and to say to a mulberry tree get up and be planted in the sea. Luke 17. Then he said to his disciples: “It is unavoidable that causes for stumbling should come. Nevertheless, woe to the one through whom they come! It would be more advantageous for him if a millstone were hung from his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for him to stumble one of these little ones. Pay attention to yourselves. If your brother commits a sin, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. Even if he sins seven times a day against you and he comes back to you seven times, saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”

Now the apostles said to the Lord: “Give us more faith.” Then the Lord said: “If you had faith the size of a mustard grain, you would say to this black mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea!’ and it would obey you.

Today these scriptures are coming true. I don’t wish punishment on anyone. God forbid millstones and that.

As One Of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Going over the speech by JD Vance and yet avoiding politics

I have to tell you what pushed me to shove back against Reddit:

>> Speaking as one with the influence of having been banned on reddit three times for forecasting earthquakes etcetera: Everyone has to be good at something.

> With that in mind what exactly are you good at?

A follower I presume he had some idea about what he was saying but for all I know he was an AI bot on Reddit criticised my post there:

I actually went through some of your other stuff months ago when you posted some planetary alignment nonsense that, if I remember right, attempted to tie earthquake events to planetary alignments, oppositions, etc like a horoscope for geoscience.

In case you’re wondering, there is no reason for anyone else to investigate any of it. Using similar fluffy sciencey shit also won’t predict eruptions or weather. You really need to get better at this and so I recommend that you take advantage of any or all of the free content available from anywhere with an internet connection 24 hours a day, 7 days, a week, 365 or 366 days a year. In today’s world, with all the combined knowledge of society accessible as it is, ignorance has become a lifestyle choice. Make better choices. Pick a subject and immerse yourself. You clearly like to study things. Learn how things really work and then post.

Pick a subject and immerse yourself. You clearly like to study things. Learn how things really work
The only thing the fool got right

I never take notice of names; forgive and forget is the best way. At least I am good at something.

Alas I no longer post to that leftist journal, their salvation must come from higher sources.

The facts are that when the planets align and the sun is involved, there is a pair of extra large earthquakes, depending on which and how many planets are involved and that the large of the two quakes is always the second (and perhaps third) depending on how may there are over 5.5 Magnitude (5.0 in the USGS archives.)

And now the explanation: allow most of the social media run on Reddit to be left wing advocate for liberal science.

Between 71 and 86 percent, some 3/4 of democrat voters don’t know anything about their candidates and asked where they learn what they do know, the top answers were ABC, CBS and NBC or Cable, CNN and MSNBC So, watching the news literally makes you dumber. No offence to those still on Reddit, my only qualifiactions are that I am banned from the parts I went preaching to. The good news is that the people who assassinated Aaron Swartz, alientated themselves from God ()which explains a lot.

Recently the indications from the Governing Body of the Jehovah’s Witnesses was that this evangelising work is continuous after Armageddon until everyone gets to become a subject of Jehovah. The thing to look forward to for those not happy with that is that the people like me who intend to be able to perform miracles, will keep on doing it until we can all learn how to forecast earthquakes and volcanic eruptions so that nobody on Earth will ever again fear any of these natural phenomena.

Wouldn’t that be nice. What would be nicer is for the jabbing pain in my left leg to go away and not become anther stroke or DVThrombosis as I think I am going to fall out before Armageddon, despite its obvious proximity. Pity.

Price is Right Caps are Left

When the Apostle Paul said difficult times, hard to deal with will be here, he never mentioned capitalism or tyrranny, did he?

But know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, betrayers, headstrong, puffed up with pride, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having an appearance of godliness but proving false to its power; and from these turn away. From among these arise men who slyly work their way into households and captivate weak women loaded down with sins, led by various desires, always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth.

The bit about weak womwn discusses the modern phenomenon of liberal women.

The bit about boastful, haughty, blasphemers is about the news, some think they have alienated the Vice President and the likely next President. I imagine that all they are left with is even more fake news. My goodness, each individual part of the stement applied to certain specific politicians at the moment. You get Joe bidden with the first words: For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful. He built it into his family. What on earth did his wife see in him?

Due Next

Nothing since Russia 6.5M. 150 km E of Dolinsk, Russia 2024-08-10 04:28:32 (UTC+

I think this quake is the next one of the series. Today, Wednesday 14 August

Friday 16th August

Jupiter Mars and Earth align ouside of Sun. Venus Mercury Earth and Saturn also align outside the Sun

Neptune Sol Venus align. Possibly 6.5 Magnitude. Pluto Mercury Sol, so maybe a larger than 6.5M. Maybe a 6.7 or 6.8 Magnitude

No more time to study it, I got up late just now. updated 12:48.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 .
Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) altitude or flight level 210 .
llowing report: VONA RPRT RECEIVED

Sabancaya (Peru): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Buenos Aires warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) altitude or flight level 210 .
The Met Office show that charts indicate a series of eruptions have been ongoing therefore the coming earthquake is related to the recent Russian one and will be a lot stronger than 6.5M. 150 km E of Dolinsk, Russia 2024-08-10.

I have to keep reminding myself how long afo that was. I have the idea the longer it takes to arrive, the more powerful it will be but I can’t recall if that was for storm winds or what?

Now I am worrying about making ham fisted translations of my work, as if I really cared. People get clobbered all the time by the weather and earthquakes and it neve bothers me. So what language will I try first. How about Physics?

10th days to 15th equals 5 days and counting, it is a long time, so maybe I was wrong, I hate being wrong but it happens. Who ya gonna call?

I don’t have any money and I am just forecasting these things because I am on the hook for being me. Good job for you I am right or it will remain gibberish to you after I am gone.

The thing is that fake science knows I am right and that you are dead fish as far as the rulers of this wiorld are concerned so on we go.

Popocatépetl and the others in this series have just erupted… Oh hang on have I already said that this thing is going to happen tomorrow?

OK, that feels better. I once thought that Popocatapetl was going to blow its stack at the end of this year but now I think it will be Sabancaya but the truth is I have no real idea the only thing I have to worry about is my spelling as the volcanoes and my dementia get worse. (I am going to miss this place but being dead, I won’t know I care. Which, coincidentally is how I feel about the rest of the dead.)

Some people you can tell all about the world leaders and they just shrug, would I have it any other way?

That is up to Jehovah.

Nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that will surely be, when the earth will be filled with the glory of God and nobody looking at me! It is starting to break.

WAIT FOR IT wait for it:

Steady… isn’t this exciting?


Or Now, 2 I hate being wrong.

Maybe I am just looking at all this stuff in the wrong way. Is my attitude bad?

The 18th or 19th will see Mercury in alignment and mean the volcanoes boiling away merrily but surely it would have got hot with all the torque by now. A little odd. Ah well, I have drawn my conclusion and will stick to it. Good job nobody is looking.

Midnight on the nose.

Trying not to hedge my bets and having dementia (initial stages so I have been told) is a problem as I have never been able to remember what I wrote a few days before.

6.1M. 30 km SE of Hualien City, Taiwan 2024-08-16 00:35:53 (UTC+01:00) This is not a closure quake, rather it belongs on the start of a run, as the planets begin to align, the weather gets warmer. Look for tornadoes or tropical storms in any ocean.

At full alignment the lapse tide allows the waters under the volcanoes to break out. The huge fall-out sends purified water into the upper atmoshere when the earth get such a kick.

Fogs and mares tails follow as ice forms from polar (non ionic water) stuff that cannot freeze at normal pressure and temperatures. The vapour takes more that four days to fall and may go into Arctic waters by then, it can circulate for weeks when that happens.

I think perhaps the drizzle that forms from them, releases or attracts huge amounts of elecricity which goes into the next procedure: The planets involved in the first quake, typically the 6.1M just reported, on average (check me) the second quake is nearly always some 0.2 or 0.3 larger IOW on the 19th or shortly thereafter will be about 6.3M.

Anyway a 6.1 on the nose is not a bad record to go out on and I at’ent ded yet.

Aftermath without the math. The polar point on the southern border of the chart is what I saw happening, those along with the cold fronts are what the perspective earthquake chaser need to concentrate on finding. A completeish change in the weather would be useful but that relies on the meteorologist and is unlikely to be input until after the quake. I don’t know how to make a forecast but that is what I suppose can’t really happen.

I was also watching the development of the Icelandic Low, which enlarged which means deepened, Lows Greater Highs build. Unfortunately not by much, as shown the day before:

It was enough along with the polar points mentioned above.

The Attack on Free Speech

The oncoming American election hot on the heels of the British one is now going to go critical. Elon Musk hosting President Trump and the Vice President of America refusing to take part; I have no idea if Joe Potato in chef was invited but I doubt it. As of August 2024 we do not officially know who is running the USA. IIRC the President was rushed to an hospital somewhere then evaccuated to I don’t recall…

Afterwards, there was some sort of parley by telephone which was later relayed to America somehow. I don’t remember what was said. If I ever knew but now Kamala Harris is in charge although still remaining VP. I have no idea how that works. I am British and have lived in Britain all my life, I only started following American politics due to reports about President Trump and General Flynn.

It was not until years later that I got back with Jehovah’s Witnesses and began to follow the biblical narrative. I have developed what they migh consider a different view about who the King of the North is. There being a disparity over the rulership of the Western Arm of the planet’s military and what would have to be seen as the Oriental alternative.

I would personally place Cjina as a co-equal to Russia these days. Whatever the reality on Earth we can not speak for Jehovah. When the nation of Israel broke away from the tribe of Judah and the line of Kings and the Temple in Jerusalem built by Solomon, they chose an alternative King and were themselves taken into Assyria, where the tribes lost a lot of their heritage already poisoned from the civil “war”. A lot of the narrative in the bible remained focused on the situation but Jehovah personally refused to have an embsassy with Samarian Israel. He only directed the prophets to the Judean Kings, which by turns proved every bit as unfaithful.

When Judah was taken to Babylon it was to be the start of what are called the Gentile Times. For which in any discussion about that, I will preferably follow: for advice. Christendom (in the view of Jehovah’s Witnesses) became apostate. Just like Samaritan Israel, they worship images and false gods such as saints and even Jesus Christ himself.

And of course they built the highest towers in the world at one time until the last king that came out of Rome, the USA, started working with baked clay and a sort of steel called rebar to make initially Chicagoan skyscrapers.

I was so intense in thise days I could only assume I was a dork. I had been reading about a dozen websites, all on meteorology before then and then copy and pasting much of it to all the sites I was using. This link is to one that failed to make it across today.

It is a gif of one month’s weather. Now I am curious about all the other months contained on that site, now that I have discovered how to read it for earthquakes. Previously I could read the Canadian NAEFS to do it. I used a slightly different method but it was absolutely time consuming. I coudn’t do it these days.

As far as I know rebar is mild steel a low grade steel that tends to have a uniform level of content mostly being carbon and iron. I have no idea what went into the World Trade Centre that was so famously brought down in 11 September 2001. As theSteel in the towers was exterior cladding it might well have been a better grade than comon rebar, a steel that was still mostly iron although not in itself mixed with baked clay. All the inner structure was likely the cheaper options.

It turns out that the American Secret service likely destroyed all the American skyscrapers including the one they executed Timothy McVey for:

Timothy James McVeigh was an American domestic terrorist who perpetrated the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995. The bombing killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured over 680 others. The explosion destroyed one-third of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.

Born on April 23, 1968, in Lockport, New York, McVeigh was a former U.S. Army soldier who became increasingly radicalized and anti-government. His hatred of the federal government intensified after the 1993 Waco siege, which resulted in the deaths of 76 people.

McVeigh was arrested shortly after the bombing for a traffic violation and was later charged with murder and conspiracy. He was found guilty and executed by lethal injection on June 11, 2001, at the Federal Correctional Institution in Terre Haute, Indiana.

It sounds like he had Christian beliefs so he would not have committed terrorism. I do not know the facts but following the recent attmpt by the USA to assassinate President Trump, it is difficult to imagine he was not sacrificed for the Clintons. A lot of evidence against them was housed in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, the portion they destroyed.

11 August 2024

You might want to consult Jeffery Epstein’s Wikipedia or Bill Clinton’s. Just saying.

378,246 views Premiered on 22 Feb 2020

This week on “So What You’re Saying Is…”, Peter Whittle interviews Harry Miller, 1 week after his High Court victory against Humberside Police. The High Court ruled that the police response to the ex-officer’s allegedly transphobic tweets was unlawful.

Harry Miller was visited by Humberside Police at work in January last year after a complaint about his tweets. He was told he had not committed a crime, but it would be recorded as a non-crime “hate incident”.

The court found the force’s actions were a “disproportionate interference” with his right to freedom of expression. Officers visited Mr Miller’s workplace and then spoke with him on the phone, and he was left with the impression “that he might be prosecuted if he continued to tweet”, according to a judge.

Speaking after the ruling, Mr Miller, from Lincolnshire, said: “This is a watershed moment for liberty – the police were wrong to visit my workplace, wrong to ‘check my thinking’.” His solicitor Paul Conrathe added: “It is a strong warning to local police forces not to interfere with people’s free speech rights on matters of significant controversy.”

Mr Justice Julian Knowles said the effect of police turning up at Mr Miller’s place of work “because of his political opinions must not be underestimated”. He added: “To do so would be to undervalue a cardinal democratic freedom”.

China Reports

A large-scale landslide occurred in Zigui County, Yichang, Hubei Province, on the morning of July 17, 2024, causing significant damage to infrastructure and agriculture. The landslide affected a 1.2 km (0.75 miles) long stretch of Wugao Road and 24 ha (60 acres ) of citrus orchards. The event is part of a series of landslides triggered by recent heavy rains and flooding across the region. Beware Days Like These!

Footage of the landslide in Jiajiadian Village, Guizhou Town, Zigui County, surfaced on social media, showing soil sliding down a mountain, breaking the road into sections, and approaching two residential houses. Authorities confirmed no casualties, stating the area was uninhabited at the time, and no vehicles were on the affected road.

The Guizhou Provincial Geological and Environmental Monitoring Institute reported the landslide’s volume at approximately 800 000 m3 (28.3 million ft3)—officials report that there were no casualties.

China has seen an increase in landslides, due to ongoing heavy rains and flooding. A probem in a tyrranical regime that uses people to supply body parts is that their news servers are suspect. Sadly Britain is following their lead apparently with the same effect of never knowing when it all started.

The morning of July 17, 2024 for example is hardly the place where it started but it is the date for the place that it got attention. Too late as ever with such regimes. However:

With wonkey alignments come buckling failures.

And the planets tell the story.

Uranus Jupiter Sol Mercury

Pluto Mercury Sol Venus

Mars Sol Mercury, have I missed any?

Neptune Saturn Earth Ex-Sol, there is almost always a line of planets not touching the solar centre to hold the line. Or rather bring it down.

Even a good regimen will allow failures to be overlooked, the most you can ask for is Watchmen oppointed to look out for trouble and be aware of Days Like These and the death penaly if there is systematic failure. When people get killed, confiscating their property and fines for outright criminal negligence puts every life at risk and ensures corruption continues.


Compare the set-up of the planets on this occasion:

I did not know about this sort of thing back in 2018, so I excuse myself, and leave my fate for Jehovah God to decide.

Uranus Earth Sol and to an unknown extent Jupiter.

Similarly: Pluto Saturn and Jupiter.

ExSol Uranus Mars Mercury Jupiter. To what extent a planet interferes with any planets more than once I wouldn’t dream of saying, even I was a mathematician. However this did happen:

These are reports from wikepedia (a rag I have no respect for):
2018 Naga, Cebu landslide
The death toll of the landslide in CebuPhilippines rise to 77

Hurricane Walaka becomes a category 5 hurricane. It is expected to hit the Johnston Atoll

2018 Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami At least 1,347 people are now known to have died in the aftermath of the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami

I have no idea about the dates of these events, then again I have not followed the ephemeris either. That is something you can do for yourselves: I am not adding wikepedia’s link as I despise the agency.


A long time ago I used to enjoy this website, then lost rack of it when my computers failed to match the abilities of whoever used to run the swamp. IIRC, I was interested in Hurricanes in those days, as I could guess from the time of said storms going ashore that the planet would soon subequently recieve an earthquake.

They changed FNMOC’s format about that time and I could no longer follow things so successfuly. (Not that my abilities were anything special.) It was enjoyable for an hobby but I was attempting to forecast hurricanes and my initial successes in 2005 died pitifully in following years. I lost interest and gave up until President Trump entered power. And the fake scientsts attacked Mexico with a huge earthquake in the middle of a set of hurricanes.

Large earthquakes never occur during tropical storms. Never!

I was back. I got interested in the weather for the attack on the twin towers and noticed that the Greenland High had been particularly long lasting over the time it took to destroy all the infrascructure in the World Trade Center, prompting Doctor Judy Wood to ask:

Where did the towers go?