How stupid do you have to be to get a job as a seismologist?

July 28, 1976. Everything is in free fall until they pass one another.

Pluto Venus Jupiter; Pluto Mars Mercury; Saturn Sol Earth; Saturn Venus Mercury; Can you find any more?

Haiuan 16 December 1920

Neptune Sol Jupiter; Neptune Earth Uranus; Jupiter Sol Uranus; Mercury Sol Venus. Can you find more?

How about Uranus Mercury Saturn?

Oh boy! Another correction, I just love those big friendly fires (red letters, wrong era.)

No internet for me for the last 48 hours, very annoying it always happens when I need to see the forecast. Did I ever tell you about this?

I meant to. My problem is keeping track of data whilst I take a moment to think, whilst I have treatment in hospital, recover once I get home, deal with not having Internet before I clean my room and….

So all the model runs since this evening:

Had I the full evening run up to then, instead of not as well as not having the morning model run, I might have a different mode of thought about the imminent Saturday quake instead of rushing to catch up (me just having recovered from my hospital visit) finding my back door open and my builder having taken his mobile phone, that I found shortly after he left this morning when I returned from dialysis, a life threatening yet mundane event that happens with prison like regularity but regularly (said builder having dropped by in speculation about the trees growing out of my chimney) which turned into a £4 or £500-plus deal for him.

Where was I?

Had I the full evening run up to then… Now I remember, when I miss out a run I lose the germane idea I had then and replace it with the germane one I am having as I write. Which is that there is no recent earthquake report in but I have gained at least one rat and need to clean the whole house and remove all the food in it and never open so much as a bag of crisps in here for the forseable… and correct my spelling.

This model run consists of the important part: Newfoundland Cyclone Low-962 with the tornado front complex that I just remembered I saw, how many hours ago was it now?

I forget, it is unlikely heading to my house, so that is something! However it reappears immediately on the next chart, giving me pause…

I just got up 6am, I have to deal with a rat and it is now 7:15, I might have taken a walk an hour ago but I have to deal with a fucking rat, all my food, any future food and a complete change of routine (which is going to include eating out, a more expensive routine) to my routine and the builder is coming back this morning.

Did I mention that earlier?

Where can I get a rat trap?

Low-956 is building this is serious, if I was living in America instead of Great Britain with a rat. Already it is on the Mid Atlantic Ridge, absorbing anticyclonicity… from where?

Seriously, where did that come from …CORRECTION somewhere down south.

And I feel like chucking it.

Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m)

Santiaguito (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m) altitude or flight level 140. 1400 is 500 more than the Asian stuff but not enough to register on the North Atlantic chart.

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m). That was yesterday before the rat. Fuck. I had better start cleaning.

Sunday afternoon in the Middle of the Atlantic I should stop now. I am cold and have to start cleaning before the damned builder gets here. Who asked him?

It has built into a dual but there isn’t enough definition at 60 hours. It goes north and gets replaced, this will change before…

This morning’s charts will be out soon, it is nearly 8am. I can have a quake forecast in a moment.

Its full of duals and change. The warm fronts are old ones and I am still upset!

I can’t think, I am cold and this quake is upsetting me. A twin dual just off Newfoundland, everything else on this chart is old stuff to be replaced by Nevado del Ruis and Popocatapetl and maybe that other one: Santiaguito (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m. I should stop now, If I was me. 14,000 feet might eventually be visible on the Weather charts. I have other things to do.

President Trumps Toronto

Just in.
President Trump hijacked an airliner and landed it upside down in Toronto, Canada. A White House statement released earlier stated that this is an example of how he wants tariffs to work against Canada, that he is going to turn the cockamaime Canadian Government upsidedown and knock some sense into its commie head.

The subsequent head stated later, that he is going to tell his mother.

Does anyone know where a place called toronto is on here?

Trigeminal Neuralgia

And Lewotobi go together like pain in the gums that has no explanation. Lewotobi (Flores): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Darwin warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 8000 ft (2400 m) altitude or flight level 080 .
The full report is as follows: CONTINUOUS VA TO FL080 MOV N/NE REPORTED AT 17/0822Z to 8000 ft (2400 m)

It is designed to turn your life into shit. When the winds blow in the right direction, the sound of it becomes a killer. All I can suggest is that sufferers from neuralgia should be aware the eruption is limited and that fasting might help I have never tried it so if your painkillers stop working you might try starving yourself until the mountain stops reacting to the planets.

Moreover, I might be wrong about which mountain or mountains is affecting me. I particularly dislike: Nevado del Ruis and that is also providing some sort of fluence. I wonder if there may be an explanation in physics?

As of midnight this morning there may have been any one of five volcanoes erupting to fit the symptoms. They are all marked in the North Atlantic from Greenland in a arc down to North Africa via Europe. It looks like getting worse right now

Misery loves company, so if it is any help, I am not an happy chappy.

I don’t even know if I have spotted th cause but at least it is nice to know it will go away, sooner or later. Meantime I can sympathis with opium eaters, Parcetamol and codein is not having much effect and if i need stronger stuff the government will look after me until I kill myself in the pain.

I am not kidding a man can suffer intense pain from Chrohns disease until his body erupts with an open sore from his intestines to the surface of his belly before his doctor will help him. I had to get a taxi to the hospital when that happened, the only problem was that until it happened, I had to grin an bear it for a year or more. Next time I am going to take illegal drugs.

I know I’d be a fool to but I know I would also be a fool not to.

7.6M. 8 February and counting…

209 km SSW of George Town, Cayman Islands 2025-02-08 23:23 (UTC)

You don’t get a singularity like this caused by the solar system. There should have been a closure by now!

what was so special about 23:23:14?

025-02-08 23:23:14: Pluto Mercury generating the quake against a background in line with the Sun Venus (also adding torque) and Mars a dual coincident, so maybe they do, maybe leaving a swarm behind them or even a pair of swarms?

Or even some <M.6s and swarms. I have a lot to learn an I atent ded yet.

Read my words and then eat them. We are bout to get an accounting, judging by this evening’s warmth. I am going to look a right charlie if it is only a 7.4 or such, after what I have been saying.

Also, this afternoon I was not looking for cold spell alignments that I covered with an earlier post on this earthquake, such as Neptune Saturn and Mercury. Explanations at the moment do not accord with complaisant contemporary physics. However, there was a threat about “Cold” started long ago by Alastair Macdonald on, a Usenet group now defunct due to spam from Google Groups who thankfully are no longer posting their abject rubbish.

It would be a kindness to have DOGE put it out of our misery.

There was no consensus over the facts presented but I think Alistair was on the ball with something he noticed but was not able to conclude. It turns out that alignments with the planets not online with the solar centre tend to result in very cold weather here on Earth and some interesting volcanic eruptions here and off planet.

On the Met Office North Atlantic charts the southern left quadrant, Greenland down the Mid Atlantic Ridge, is where Volcanic Eruption plumes of 20,000 feet or more register.

On the US side, from Greenland and above they are Russian and Alaskan eruptions. From Greenland east they are Indonesian/Japanese origin.

Greenland Highs are Semeru and only appear with significant earthquakes and eruptions.

Anticyclones are all caused by Asian Eruptions and All cyclones (and anticyclones with Asian regions?) appear simultaneously with Western region eruptions.

On the same chart at the southern eastern side (Europe and Africa) the cyclones are of European and African origin anticyclone are again Indonesian and Japanese. these are more readily subject to the n-body problem interference and will affect the rest of the charts.

The n-body solar system planets responsible make their appearance immediately following the cessation of large quakes\powerful eruptions and can alter the dispositions of Air Masses temporarily.

During such times large cyclones may appear as duals (that is two separate cyclones of roughly the same pressure.) Anticyclones are not treated similarly on these charts, having arrived from polar waters and substantially dehydrated.

Note too the winter charts are affected because he Davies Straights are frozen. South and Central American origin Cyclones will appear over the east Canadian portions as shown:

“So maybe they do” The development of a complex Low. Obviously the development of a Complex High follows, except meteorology doesn’t generally follow anticyclones. I presume Meteorology has no ide what causes anticyclones.

That would be daft, yes?

Cyclones leave the North Atlantic via the North Sea, into Russia and Canada. They have been doing this since creation and even the Russia and and the Canadians couldn’t help noticing, eventually. They developed computer models about them.

Apparently the cold weather causes phase changes to the warm weather so that what were once cyclones become anticyclones. They have the same temperatures just different rotations. How do storms change direction?

Quite simply, I don’t know. Presumable as the temperature falls the air pressure falls creating high Pressure. Yes?

God knows we should all get together and ask him. The alternative is for me to ask him and become you commander. I will let you into a secret:

I do not want to be any one’s commander in any way. I am a prophet by default. The Commander Gideon fought angelic guidance for a few days. Judges 6. But the Israelites again did what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah. They have not changed. I put off accepting holy spirit for decades. Not because of modesty, I was scared of what I was learning, yet at the same time it was compulsive. You try not getting involved. I imagine it to be like a drug addiction. I have only had sugar addiction and that was bad enough.

Tell me how you got on. Now I have forgotten what I was going to say before I cam ehre:

The development of Duals, never mind Complex Lows. Complexity is for fools. Anyone can see how duals develop you don’t need a large brain.

The analysis show to Lows in the same circle with a pressure differential of 12 millibars, they are in the same place and same temperature so should have the same pressure.

These are the same mountain range from Mexico to South America from Sunday, I just forget to update stuff, that goes for Volcanoes too. Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) that is a problem but at least Lewotobe has stopped hurting me at last.

We have all got things to be thankful of. Cyclonic eyes grow as they engulf Anticyclones and become Leviathans. The rest you can read about in your own bibles. Ask for spirit for understanding and you can make your own minds up. I have my decisions online. I was Weatherlawyer for my sins, people change, sometimes rarely, for the better.

When the Polar Points turn 90 degrees accept it a a signal from God. The pressure rises in reality that means they have crossed the divide, it just doesn’t look like it… yet. Etna cometh unto ye of little faith. But it is a Complex Low that bloweth no one good.

And Leviathan get the H knocked out of it. The cyclone goes North and is replaced by tornadoes.

for a couple of days.

Or icestorms, I just updated: Multiple winter storms have kept much of the U.S. under extreme weather conditions through February 2025, bringing record-breaking cold, dangerous wind chills and causing multiple crashes across the central United States.

What did they used to do in cold weather before the democrats in vented DEI?


I have had tootache for a few months now. It was particularly bad a month ago. I went to two dentists, to no avail. A couple of X-rays later I think I have Trigeminal Neuralgia. I know nothing about Neuralgia. other than it lights a fire along my lower jaw that reminds me of motor cars at the end of the last century with flashing light along their hoods, running a sequence similar to my pain, though less enlightening.

I was thinking over likelihoods, I got the impression it related to gout, not for Weatherlawyer, it doesn’t. Weatherlawyer is more likely to jump to the conclusion it is due to volcanicity, something transient that reminds others of the weather. Lewotobi?

It is related in some way with anticyclones, I am sure and that is as far as I have got. My problem is that I can’t ask anyone else about it as there is nobody thinking the same way as I do. Delusional?

Not likely not after all this time and so many interesting speculations coming right. It is a twin (a dual) and I think that explains some of it.

Fancy coming to such a conclusion so quickly and moreover publishing what I believe is the correct analysis of the mountain involved. I went for a walk in the early morning just as the dormitories opened for hospital residents to drive to work. I had been reminiscing my past on the coast of North Wales, where I used to walk in the night with my dog and no other company except for an occasional car or lorry heading to England fast as they could.

How things change, yet you can still be more or less alone in the early morning in a big city and still hear the onset of Spring in the birdsong at that time of day. Life is still beautiful in a place not 10 miles between hospitals.

How do you measure the size of a big city these days. How far it is to the next town?

How long it takes to get toothache?

I missed getting the morning charts the last couple of days but the afternoon ones have remarkable similarity, unless you have been following my thoughts:

Low Pressure in the Mid Atlantic:

Who are they supposed to be kidding?

It is just air, not coastline and yet, it hangs around for alternative days as if it were being supplied by the mountains. Toothache or not, it is a good time to be alive. If I wasn’t dead when it all ends for me, I’d miss it.

7.6 Magnitude 6 February

2025, 130 mi SSW of George Town, Cayman Islands

Large earthquake tonight comes 1 3/4 days after the 6.0.M. south of the Fiji Islands 2025-02-07 @10:27

I think that the next one in this series should be about magnitude 7.8, that is this is the first of two large quakes with the magnitude 6.0M. merely adding to the noise. Tonight’s Solar System:

Shows Pluto Mercury the sun and Mars aligned for the main feature with Uranus Jupiter Mars (and also Earth and Venus with Neptune Saturn Mercury cramping the heat production.

Normally the adjacent planets do not align on average but statistically it is not impossible, when that happens and the sun is not involved temperatures are lower than the daily average.

When the planets align with the sun temperatures rise and large quake or swarm occurs. So today was an anomaly with several inner planets in sequence with Mercury and Pluto.

This Low with pinwheel Low-962 under Greenland is a classic volcanic eruption Tomograph, for anyone interested in their health Jehovah was using Cat Scans thousands of years before we were born. It is a work of art for keeping mankind out of Eden. Long out of use, the mountain in the Hyamalayas is well known to explorers and revered still by the native?

Topography of the region with Mount Kailash in the background and Manasarovar (right) and Rakshastal lakes in the foreground

Mount Kailash is located in Ngari PrefectureTibet Autonomous Region of China.[8][9] It lies in the Gangdisê Mountains (also called as Kailash Range) of the Transhimalaya, in the western part of the Tibetan Plateau. The peak of Mount Kailash is at an elevation of 6,638 m (21,778 ft).[13][14] The region is located north of the western tripoint of the border between ChinaIndia and Nepal.[15]

The major rivers rising from the western Gangdise mountains are the Yarlung Tsangpo (which becomes the Brahmaputra), the Indus, the Sutlej and the Karnali, a tributary of Ganges. All these river systems originate within a 60 km (37 mi) stretch in the region.[13][16][17] Mount Kailash is located on the banks of Manasarovar and Rakshastal lakes. Spread over an area of 320 km2 (120 sq mi), Manasarovar is the highest freshwater lake in the world.[16][18][19]

What is interesting is that the browser I used mainly for collecting this data had gone squirrel on the USGS page and tonight the t-96 chart would not open. DuckDuckGo was not having democrat shenanigans

This chart is filled with troughs all the way through Europe, the thing with Troughs is they do no work or distribute no energy do they. So why do they get fed by physics?

That is one riddle but the other is more immediate, Low-977 (Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) does not normally go up the Davies Straights. Back to bed to brood about things, odd things.

>does not normally go up the Davies Straights.

A little clearer. I couldn’t understand how a Central South American volcano throws a tomograph up into the Davies Straights. Of course, it is not in the Davies Straights, it is over the Straights in the lower atmosphere. The straights will have been frozen over all winter.

Why didn’t I see it before?

Obviously I never paid any attention. I have only been doing this for forty years, so go easy on me. It is a beauty though, isn’t it?


Hello this is Barb a secretary to Weatherlawyer with a message for Elon Musk about a Quare Fash called Dolly the opposite of what the Americans call a Pineapple Express, sent out clear out the inhabitants of Hawaii recently struck by Laser or Mazer warfare in the Island still occupied by Oprah. I want nothing for my services perhaps a visit to Hawaii one day when it is safer to fly to America again, with perhaps a few of the nurses from my dialysis unit in Stoke on Trent.

He (Weatherlawyer) is certain they sent this storm to wreak havoc in Hawaii after the sacrifices made to Molech in Bohemian Grove in the aircraft brought down so tragically in Washingdone recently:

The crash involved a PSA Airlines Bombardier CRJ701 twin-engine jet regional jet and a Sikorsky H-60 helicopter, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has confirmed.

The jet was American Eagle flight 5342, operated by PSA, and was travelling from Wichita in Kansas to Reagan Washington National Airport. American Eagle is a regional brand for American Airlines.

What we know about the crash itself


Some of the victims were young women, likely virgins, that is all you need to know about human sacrifice. It is the stuff of legends. Wednesday morning 28th January 29th January = New Moon.

I know nothing about astronomy , astrology and next to nothing about the weather; except that like Weatherlawyer, I am deeply affected by Nevado del Ruis. and share a ward in dialysis outpatients with him.

Recentlyy he asked me to check some astronomy calculations made by: this is the position of the solar system back then:

12:35 GMT

Kilauea (Hawai’i): (29 Jan) The Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reported that the eruption of Kīlauea within Halemaʻumaʻu crater suddenly ceased at 10:47 AM HST yesterday as lava flows from both vents stopped being active.

Is that interesting?

A cold Thursday and worse to come

Neptune Saturn and Mercury are aligned but there is no sunshine there, very cold more ice …and possibly some snow?

But but Pluto aligns through the sun to Venus but it is off centre so a nasty eruption with pyroclastic lava, Later Pluto aligns with Mercury and Earth also off centre so more of the same but different I don’t know how Earth reacts with an off centre alignment.

Neptune Venus and Mars are in line without any solar input too, so another major eruption, let us hope they do not combine. I think out lords and masters the Baal worshippers, were readying this storm: Dora to strike Hawaii again but the US President is a gift from Jehovah God and he handled it like a BOSS and not a peep out of the armed services. The literal King of the North is really running out of power in the face of the King of the South.

The Democrats were about to strike him with USaid. Now they face perdition with their demons silenced and retribution Incoming!

Add to that Jehovah’s reaction to fire out of heaven.

You may wich to revisit the Book of Zechariah as you fetch the popcorn:

The canaanites are long gone, they expired with the Greek Empire then Roman General, Pompey took their remnant to the Ukraine because of piracy. They were bound in a landlocked country until the Americans put them in Palestine under their King of the South (a Republican working until WW2 with the Democrats) that caused it. Yet:

A pronouncement: “The word of Jehovah is against the land of Haʹdrach, And Damascus is its target—For Jehovah’s eye is on mankind And on all the tribes of Israel— And against Haʹmath, which borders on her, And against Tyre and Siʹdon, for they are so wise. Tyre built herself a rampart. She piled up silver like dust And gold like the dirt of the streets. Look! Jehovah will take away her possessions, USAIAD?

And he will strike down her army into the sea; And she will be consumed in the fire. Ashʹke·lon will see it and be afraid; Gazʹa will feel great anguish, Also Ekʹron, because her hope is put to shame. A king will perish from Gazʹa, And Ashʹke·lon will not be inhabited.

This is prophesying the fake President; Potatohead. The illegitimate:

An illegitimate son will settle in Ashʹdod, And I will do away with the pride of the Phi·lisʹtine. I will remove the bloodstained things from his mouth And the disgusting things from between his teeth,

Long regarded as something of a Philistine the President is not the previous President Trump. Funny how his mouth was literally bloodstained in the heart of the King Of the North’s country. Remarkably alerted to DEI jokers messing things up, his followers are now ready for war with the Philistines the fake Jews symbolised by the filthy rich. How can it get more true?

I wonder if the plan to split the canaanites into Palestine and fake Jews is more than a rumour. Now on the border of Israel and Gaza, where was Ashdod in those days?

President Trump acknowledges Jehovah spared him from the assassin, what has he to do now he is no longer a felon?

I wonder if he ever toured the Bethel Printing works of

I am sure he must have. Especially after the fall of the World Trade Centre. He listens to people, he must have heard the Good News.

Earthquakes greater than 5.4 magnitude for January 2025. I don’t know how the smaller ones affect the large ones but the large ones are affected immediately by the planets

Date and timeN/SE/WMagnitude
2025-01-29. at: 01:33-53.42-41.48South Atlantic Ocean5.6 mwb
2025-01-28. at: 06:52-28.16-176Kermadec Islands region5.8 mww
2025-01-28. at: 00:59-41.2-90.24southeast of Easter Island5.7 mww
2025-01-26. at: 22:3953.17-167.289 km SSW of Unalaska, Alaska5.6 mww
2025-01-24. at: 18:26-3.92150.76149 km S of Kavieng, Papua New Guinea5.7 mww
2025-01-23. at: 11:14-12.83168.91187 km NE of Sola, Vanuatu5.6 mww
2025-01-21. at: 11:15-3.73151.5882 km NW of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea5.5 mww
2025-01-21. at: 06:05-27.48-13.46southern Mid-Atlantic Ridge5.5 mb
2025-01-21. at: 05:4713.43144.3929 km WNW of Agat Village, Guam5.5 mww
2025-01-20. at: 16:1723.16120.549 km ENE of Yujing, Taiwan6 mww
2025-01-20. at: 08:38-11.33165.8267 km S of Lata, Solomon Islands5.6 mww
2025-01-15. at: 21:37-10.95165.9833 km SE of Lata, Solomon Islands5.7 mww
2025-01-14. at: 19:027.26-35.45central Mid-Atlantic Ridge5.6 mww
2025-01-13. at: 12:1931.85131.5312 km ESE of Miyazaki, Japan6.8 mww
2025-01-12. at: 08:3218.59-103.2422 km SSW of Coalcomán de Vázquez Pallares, Mexico6.2 mww
2025-01-10. at: 08:145.91-77.4631 km NW of Nuquí, Colombia5.6 mww
2025-01-09. at: 16:3113.59-89.7310 km E of Acajutla, El Salvador5.8 mww
2025-01-08. at: 07:4434.7697.47Southern Qinghai, China5.5 mww
2025-01-07. at: 08:3131.64138.32Izu Islands, Japan region5.6 mww
2025-01-07. at: 01:0528.5787.372025 Southern Tibetan Plateau Earthquake7.1 mww
2025-01-05. at: 17:1813-89.1756 km SSE of La Libertad, El Salvador6.2 mww
2025-01-04. at: 00:529.4940.1556 km SSE of Abomsa, Ethiopia5.7 mww
2025-01-02. at: 20:43-21.71-69.184 km NNW of Calama, Chile6.1 mww
2025-01-01. at: 13:48-56.4-26.69South Sandwich Islands region6.1 mww
2025-01-01. at: 04:39-20.92169.39153 km S of Isangel, Vanuatu5.5 mww
2024-12-30. at: 05:41-29.92-71.9963 km W of Coquimbo, Chile5.5 mww
2024-12-30. at: 05:40-29.91-72.0569 km W of Coquimbo, Chile5.5 mb
2024-12-30. at: 02:5618.45120.8814 km SE of Bangui, Philippines5.5 mww



Pluto Sun Mars; Neptune Saturn Mercury; Uranus Jupiter Mars; Jupiter Mars Earth; Jupiter Venus Sun Mercury. That’s quite a lot but I can’t tell how far off-line they are. That goes double for Pluto Sun Earth. What it needs is a more sensitive method but this is fun enough for now. I’m not claiming more than that. It’s like a game of football we can be the linesmen but not the referee.

2025-01-13 and12th

Neptune Venus Mars; Neptune Saturn Mercury; Pluto Sun Earth Mars

7th with 2 quakes and fifth with one 2025-01-07


2025-01-02 and one on the first:

Pluto Sun Earth Mars; Pluto Venus Jupiter; Uranus Jupiter Mars; Saturn Venus Mars,

I cleaned this keyboard and it is still sticky.

More USA Weather Grift

I am not sure what weather grift is but I’d be surprised if it is not this:

I was looking for the storm that ran from North America to Japanese waters in the south Pacific on Tropical Storm Risk but I was a day late and they had removed it from their servers, I think for honest reasons even though the site is run by an insurance company.

So I went to an archive so technical I couldn’t understand it: 91P

The trick is that the longitudes as ell as the latitudes. The problem being the line as a near perfect arc despite the rate of changes in the momentums of the gyre. Lets have a look at the adjacent 05S South Indian storm:

ait it redirects to Micronesia:


Let’s try wikedpeado, they at least can be trusted. Crap!

What was I expecting?

A cursory glance at: reveals nothing; boy I am glad I never sent them any money.

I had one hell of a job removing the stain of microsoft from these calc.odt quakes:

2025-01-29T01:32:59.222Z-53.4247-41.4854105.6mwbSouth Atlantic Ocean
2025-01-28T06:52:34.959Z-28.1647-175.9982105.8mwwKermadec Islands region
2025-01-28T00:59:47.990Z-41.2057-90.2398105.7mwwsoutheast of Easter Island
2025-01-26T22:39:13.252Z53.1731-167.1997595.6mww89 km SSW of Unalaska, Alaska
2025-01-24T18:26:51.855Z-3.9254150.7678105.7mww149 km S of Kavieng, Papua New Guinea
2025-01-23T11:14:03.975Z-12.8369168.919621.4135.6mww187 km NE of Sola, Vanuatu
2025-01-21T11:15:30.546Z-3.7368151.5823105.5mww82 km NW of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea
2025-01-21T06:05:14.352Z-27.4829-13.4632105.5mbsouthern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2025-01-21T05:47:51.148Z13.4344144.3969137.2425.5mww29 km WNW of Agat Village, Guam
2025-01-20T16:17:26.768Z23.1678120.5468166mww9 km ENE of Yujing, Taiwan
2025-01-20T08:38:43.517Z-11.3327165.8206355.6mww67 km S of Lata, Solomon Islands
2025-01-15T21:37:01.783Z-10.9571165.987948.1065.7mww33 km SE of Lata, Solomon Islands
2025-01-14T19:02:04.457Z7.2664-35.4561105.6mwwcentral Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2025-01-13T12:19:32.300Z31.8525131.53396.8mww12 km ESE of Miyazaki, Japan
2025-01-12T08:32:50.219Z18.5928-103.2404396.2mww22 km SSW of Coalcomán de Vázquez Pallares, Mexico
2025-01-10T08:14:31.688Z5.9161-77.4676105.6mww31 km NW of Nuquí, Colombia
2025-01-09T16:31:45.323Z13.599-89.7339955.8mww10 km E of Acajutla, El Salvador
2025-01-08T07:44:22.703Z34.761297.4769105.5mwwSouthern Qinghai, China
2025-01-07T08:31:32.423Z31.6482138.3252375.9785.6mwwIzu Islands, Japan region
2025-01-07T01:05:16.716Z28.573387.375107.1mww2025 Southern Tibetan Plateau Earthquake
2025-01-05T17:18:45.784Z13.0007-89.1775466.2mww56 km SSE of La Libertad, El Salvador
2025-01-04T00:52:21.180Z9.499540.156385.7mww56 km SSE of Abomsa, Ethiopia
2025-01-02T20:43:35.253Z-21.7109-69.1069996.1mww84 km NNW of Calama, Chile
2025-01-01T13:48:25.461Z-56.4048-26.69276.3726.1mwwSouth Sandwich Islands region
2025-01-01T04:39:16.312Z-20.9201169.397105.5mww153 km S of Isangel, Vanuatu
2024-12-30T05:41:06.678Z-29.9272-71.9959105.5mww63 km W of Coquimbo, Chile
2024-12-30T05:40:49.261Z-29.9195-72.0562105.5mb69 km W of Coquimbo, Chile
2024-12-30T02:56:16.863Z18.4588120.8824345.5mww14 km SE of Bangui, Philippines

Note there was nothing larger than 5.5M since the 29 January to date 6th February.

This is the storm I was looking for yesterday. More later when I have had a look at it. Tropical Depression DORA how about that for fairly mild storm?

I have someone helping me set out the solar system, she has no idea what this is about.

Io Silver

Once more with feeling:

by nasaspacenews

NASA Just Witnessed the Most Explosive Volcanic Eruption Ever—on Jupiter’s Moon Io!

 February 3, 2025 in AstrobiologyAstronomyAstrophysicsNewsOthersPlanetsSolar System

(Public Domain/NASA)

(Public Domain/NASA)

Space exploration has once again delivered an extraordinary discovery—NASA’s Juno spacecraft recently captured the most intense volcanic eruption ever recorded on Jupiter’s moon Io. This finding not only confirms Io’s reputation as the most volcanically active world in the solar system but also provides unprecedented insights into planetary geology, tidal heating, and volcanic activity on alien worlds. With a massive hotspot larger than Lake Superior, this eruption has rewritten the record books, leaving scientists astonished and eager for more data.

Io has always been a celestial hotspot, quite literally. As Jupiter’s innermost Galilean moon, Io experiences extreme tidal forces caused by Jupiter’s massive gravitational pull and its interactions with neighboring moons Europa and Ganymede. These forces cause intense internal friction, generating enough heat to keep Io’s interior molten, leading to continuous volcanic eruptions.

During Juno’s December 27, 2024, flyby, the spacecraft recorded a gigantic volcanic hotspot near Io’s south pole, with eruptions more energetic than six times all of Earth’s power plants combined. The radiance of the eruption exceeded 80 trillion watts, making it the most powerful volcanic event ever observed on Io. NASA’s scientists described it as a game-changer for understanding planetary volcanic processes.

What Makes Io So Volcanically Active?

Io’s volcanic activity is fueled by a process called tidal heating. Unlike Earth’s volcanism, which is primarily driven by radioactive decay and mantle convection, Io’s interior is constantly being stretched and compressed by Jupiter’s gravitational forces. This flexing effect creates heat, which melts subsurface rock, leading to continuous volcanic activity.

The recent eruption detected by Juno provides real-time evidence of how tidal forces interact with Io’s interior, reshaping its surface and driving its fiery landscape. According to planetary scientist Scott Bolton, principal investigator of the Juno mission, this event is the most intense volcanic eruption ever recorded in our solar system, reinforcing Io’s status as the most geologically active body we know.

Comparing Io’s Volcanoes to Earth’s

While Earth’s volcanoes are powered by tectonic activity and magma upwelling, Io’s volcanic systems are vastly different. Instead of forming along tectonic plate boundaries like on Earth, Io’s volcanoes are distributed across its entire surface, erupting in a near-continuous cycle. Lava lakes, massive plumes, and sulfur deposits dominate Io’s landscape, creating a world that looks more like a hellish inferno than a typical rocky moon.

The largest volcano on Earth, Mauna Loa in Hawaii, spans around 5,271 km² (2,035 mi²), while Io’s largest known volcanic feature, Loki Patera, covers over 20,000 km² (7,700 mi²). However, Juno’s latest findings have revealed a new hotspot spanning an astonishing 100,000 km² (40,000 mi²)—five times larger than Loki Patera.

Why Is This Discovery Important?

Understanding Io’s volcanic activity is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Planetary Evolution – Studying Io’s volcanism helps us understand how tidal heating shapes celestial bodies, which could provide insights into exoplanets and distant moons.
  2. Comparisons to Early Earth – Io’s extreme volcanic activity may resemble Earth’s early geologic processes, offering clues about our planet’s volcanic history.
  3. Implications for Alien Worlds – The intense heat on Io raises questions about subsurface oceans and geological activity on moons like Europa and Enceladus, which may harbor life-supporting conditions.

How Juno Captured This Event

Juno’s JIRAM infrared imager played a key role in detecting the volcanic activity on Io. Despite being 74,400 kilometers (46,200 miles) away from the moon, Juno’s instruments picked up an enormous heat signature, so intense that it saturated the detectors.

NASA scientists believe this event is linked to multiple closely spaced hotspots, suggesting a vast subsurface magma chamber fueling the eruption. With continued flybys planned, Juno will allow scientists to track surface changes on Io over time and investigate whether Io’s volcanic eruptions follow predictable cycles.

Io’s Volcanic Features: The Giants of Lava

One of the most fascinating aspects of this discovery is how it compares to other known volcanic features on Io. Until now, the largest known lava lake on Io was Loki Patera, which spans 20,000 square kilometers (7,700 square miles). However, the newly observed hotspot dwarfs Loki Patera, covering a staggering 100,000 square kilometers (40,000 square miles).

Future Missions and Scientific Questions

The Juno spacecraft will continue regular flybys of Io until 2025, capturing additional data on its volcanic activity. NASA scientists hope to determine:

  • How often major eruptions occur on Io.
  • If the eruptions are connected to Jupiter’s gravitational changes.
  • Whether Io has a global magma ocean beneath its crust.

Upcoming missions such as NASA’s Europa Clipper and ESA’s JUICE (Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer) will also gather data on Io’s interactions with Jupiter’s magnetic field and how its volcanic activity might influence other Jovian moons.

The Bigger Picture: What This Means for Space Exploration

Io serves as a natural laboratory for studying extreme volcanism beyond Earth. Understanding its geology, heat flow, and volcanic cycles could help scientists predict volcanic activity on exoplanets and improve models for habitability conditions elsewhere in the universe.

NASA’s findings also have implications for future human exploration. If we plan to explore volcanic moons like Io or colonize distant exoplanets, understanding extreme planetary environments will be crucial.


NASA’s Juno mission has provided an unprecedented look at Io’s extreme volcanic activity, marking a significant breakthrough in planetary science. The discovery of the most intense volcanic eruption ever recorded showcases the remarkable power of tidal heating and its effects on planetary bodies.

The problem with discussing the above is that it is so badly broken that I don’t want to argue with any of it. It is hopeless breathe out an be gone, I might com back to point out the obvious. For now I have other things to do.