July 28, 1976. Everything is in free fall until they pass one another.
Pluto Venus Jupiter; Pluto Mars Mercury; Saturn Sol Earth; Saturn Venus Mercury; Can you find any more?
Haiuan 16 December 1920

Neptune Sol Jupiter; Neptune Earth Uranus; Jupiter Sol Uranus; Mercury Sol Venus. Can you find more?
How about Uranus Mercury Saturn?
Oh boy! Another correction, I just love those big friendly fires (red letters, wrong era.)

No internet for me for the last 48 hours, very annoying it always happens when I need to see the forecast. Did I ever tell you about this?

I meant to. My problem is keeping track of data whilst I take a moment to think, whilst I have treatment in hospital, recover once I get home, deal with not having Internet before I clean my room and….
So all the model runs since this evening:

Had I the full evening run up to then, instead of not as well as not having the morning model run, I might have a different mode of thought about the imminent Saturday quake instead of rushing to catch up (me just having recovered from my hospital visit) finding my back door open and my builder having taken his mobile phone, that I found shortly after he left this morning when I returned from dialysis, a life threatening yet mundane event that happens with prison like regularity but regularly (said builder having dropped by in speculation about the trees growing out of my chimney) which turned into a £4 or £500-plus deal for him.
Where was I?
Had I the full evening run up to then… Now I remember, when I miss out a run I lose the germane idea I had then and replace it with the germane one I am having as I write. Which is that there is no recent earthquake report in but I have gained at least one rat and need to clean the whole house and remove all the food in it and never open so much as a bag of crisps in here for the forseable… and correct my spelling.

This model run consists of the important part: Newfoundland Cyclone Low-962 with the tornado front complex that I just remembered I saw, how many hours ago was it now?
I forget, it is unlikely heading to my house, so that is something! However it reappears immediately on the next chart, giving me pause…

I just got up 6am, I have to deal with a rat and it is now 7:15, I might have taken a walk an hour ago but I have to deal with a fucking rat, all my food, any future food and a complete change of routine (which is going to include eating out, a more expensive routine) to my routine and the builder is coming back this morning.
Did I mention that earlier?
Where can I get a rat trap?

Low-956 is building this is serious, if I was living in America instead of Great Britain with a rat. Already it is on the Mid Atlantic Ridge, absorbing anticyclonicity… from where?
Seriously, where did that come from …CORRECTION somewhere down south.

And I feel like chucking it.
Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m)
Santiaguito (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m) altitude or flight level 140. 1400 is 500 more than the Asian stuff but not enough to register on the North Atlantic chart.
Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m). That was yesterday before the rat. Fuck. I had better start cleaning.

Sunday afternoon in the Middle of the Atlantic I should stop now. I am cold and have to start cleaning before the damned builder gets here. Who asked him?

It has built into a dual but there isn’t enough definition at 60 hours. It goes north and gets replaced, this will change before…

This morning’s charts will be out soon, it is nearly 8am. I can have a quake forecast in a moment.

Its full of duals and change. The warm fronts are old ones and I am still upset!

I can’t think, I am cold and this quake is upsetting me. A twin dual just off Newfoundland, everything else on this chart is old stuff to be replaced by Nevado del Ruis and Popocatapetl and maybe that other one: Santiaguito (Guatemala): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 14000 ft (4300 m. I should stop now, If I was me. 14,000 feet might eventually be visible on the Weather charts. I have other things to do.