Snow in a Maritime Country

I don’t know how this applies to other Maritimes, South East USA or Colombia but in Britain we have very wet snow. In a day or two it has all gone unless some fool has been testing terror weapons such as the modern climate changers, or in the 1950’s and 60’s, nuclear weapons. In which case with nuclear tests, the snow can hang around for weeks.

In Britian what to look for is I presume a similarity for Tornadoes in the USA: Tee Cells attached to a cyclone that is stationed between two anticyclones, in this last week’s case. I never checked which ones but maybe Popocatapetl and Canalon. The other High was Semeru, a perennial feature of the Greenland High.

I have not double checked any of this but you can if you like. Look at the timing of volcanoes for plumes about 20 thousand feet or above. (Something less, about 15 thousand for volcanoes producing anticyclones.) I can’t explain that plume height business. Prayer to Jehovah will supply answers as nothing is impossible, for have the faith to move mountains in the figurative sense of Jesus Christ. Figurative language is a kind of descriptive language that doesn’t mean what it says literally.

The key to their wetness and lack of durability is South and Central American volcanoes. Their plumes are short lasting, in the case of Popocatapetl any lasting blaze is extinguished by the ignition of Nevado del Ruis, so the ethos is displaced by hundreds of miles. That does not mean it lack potency to endure, just the snows need a differing winding mechanism.

When a volcano erupts the plume is visible in the troposphere but disappears when the ash falls out of it. It is designed for feeding fish by layering on top of Arctic and Antarctic mountains and turning yellow and green with algae which in the meltwater of surrounding seas grows gigantic fish.

Evolutionist will tell you that is no longer true because overfishing has culled all the large fish, producing the lefty, soy-boy alternative we call fish these days. That is melodrama that is school-fuelled lies, aimed at hypnotising the working masses so they remain frightened and obedient to politicians of the Nimrod class.

To Scott Adams care of Youtube:

Since you are not following Qle on, you don’t have a chance of understanding what is going on with the sky. Obviously if you ask Jehovah God, he would tell you himself but apparently you are one of the wise men he holds in derision, even as he sends his son’s cavalry out into your neighbourhood frequently.

Obviously I could pray for him to specifically help you, which I have just done so don’t shoot whoever knocks on your door soon, Psalm 2.

I can’t speak for people that live in the region of continental weather, though I have had some success at diagnosing those storms that hit California from Hawaii: Pineapple Expresses. (Would you believe I had forgotten the name?)

((The holy spirit stands by to help his followers speak, so yes you were just presented with a miracle from a mna ith Alzheimer’s.))

It is a wile since I did those and it was dumb luck as I had no idea what cyclones and anticylones are back then, nor was I able to follow the science of astronomy for that stuff.

Google AI dismisses my post all the time these days so look for me on…. and now you have to wait as I am still posting this and I want to go out in the snow soon.

Snow Snow Quick Quick Snow

The 5th woke up to a soft crystal layer an inch deep that soon became a sludge nightmare to walk on even with thick boots.

Time to look at what it looked like: Surprise surprise, a line of occluded fronts (cold and warm ones) crossing a Tee thus resembling a tornado signal. I get the impression it falls apart differently. One might expect a longish spell to do that. A tornado generally hits then runs.

Maybe a snow spell can’t run to ground easily?

Does that sound daft or just sensible? Of all the beasts in creation, Jehovah prefers that one, an eater of straw, yet he prepared the ice for the day of war. It does fit. (I am allowed to suppose what a beast looks like to God. Anything that eats things.)

Yes that explains his poetry: Of all the beasts of the field, it is mine Behemoth and Leviathan have his majesty and no man has control over it/them.

Still no interesting Quake.

Hang on:

6.2M. 50 km SSE of La Libertad, El Salvador 2025-01-05 17:18

So, there you go. It’s all about the timing isn’t it?

(Miracles I mean.)

Let the wilderness and its towns raise their voices; let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; Let them shout from the mountaintops. Let them give glory to Jehovah and proclaim his praise in the islands. Jehovah will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.


This is before the aftermath. Meteorologists do not account for earthquakes, even though the weather does. IOW we have to wait for Midnight 6th?

Is that really so?

I do so hate it when a public agency ostensibly created to offer support to the general public repeatedly fails in their obligation. It does so make one wonder if their data has much resemblance to the facts. So here I am again getting the last two charts at 03:47, wondering about their veracity. One can only imagine a dirty reporter sitting on data that could reveal the activities of am internecine cabal in, for example, the University of East Anglia making life difficult for honest innocents like me, because of Global Warming or the lack of it.

I hate to think that a vampire like George Soros would bribe people like that to play silly tricks on anyone they wish to deceive. Fortunately with revelations about the swamp murdering people just for the show. People like the FBI for instance murdering a serving soldier, and covering it over, we now have the internet of thing to make the swamp easier to spot.

I wonder if I can spot any discrepancies with the charts for t+96 and t+120, I doubt it. I have the expected closure but…

Clare Danes and the CIA were running a boot camp for journalists back in the day and the President Trump problem was about to bite:

It makes one wonder how a Christian observer would let himself be entrained in the duplicity. One has to keep out of Meteorology to be a Christian?

Back off bin men, I am in it to win it.

One imagines that the father of computation in Meteorology, being a devout Quaker would withdraw from the Met Office on its being overwhelmed by the British Military. However Richardson was a top meteorologist,; I am just a schmuck making use of the “stone that fills the world” without any man engraving it. (I must admit I can’t even use a mobile phone to do it though.)

Mobile phones being the signature “shouting from the mountaintops” that Jesus Christ forecast. It’s all about “stones crying out” the good news. It is his spirit that writes. The finger of God. Funny how mundane miracles are these days.

Two charts after this one the High-1018 replaces Low-996… Hang in there are 4 or more Lows in that complex. Ooh look! I never realised what I was looking at. Was that Raung?


Ah, I see what God did then. For the briefest moment as the solar system switched spells the n~body planets involved in both spells became visible. Then back to business. I should have put them in order but I had it half done and thought you might like to follow my line of thinking, (well show me at least) and maybe anyone following some time to come.

So the first shown in t+24, then t+48 so now the one in between t+36:

Wow look at the… what are they called again?


Oh man I missed it all Tornadoes over the British Isles what do they foreshadow?

And for whom tolls the bell?

I can’t remember is this the signal for the coming quake. Blast I should post this thing again when its all over. so, points to watch out for: As the High diminishes, troughs appear and the Lows separate into more but smaller polar points. Can I follow that myself, tomorrow or so…?

Funny I had forgotten I said I would and that is what I am doing so many days later. To be fair I had no idea a set of fronts would apply to Oriental volcanoes, I had them all down a South and Central American Units. Obviously telekinese/ telconnections they are called officially applies universally. I should have known. What a fool. It belong to Jehovah to move mountains hi son was just playing with the heads of his disciples.

Though it was always true that with Jehovah’s help we can do everything we set our minds to do. You are reading this for Heaven’ Sake! If the satanists can perform miracles to the detriment of mankind, it has to be true that we can find magical, mysterious cures. It says so in the bible so there! So there means Amen.

7.1M. 2025 Southern Tibetan Plateau Earthquake 2025-01-07 01:05. I missed this on the USGS site but just noticed it on

If this was Jupiter Venus Sol

There’s going to be a closure of about 7.3M. or should be but these days I am not so sure and it is all in another spell.

Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 .
The full report is as follows: MULT VA EMS OBSD. to 20000 ft (6100 m)

Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) altitude or flight level 210 .
The full report is as follows: VA CLD OBSD. to 21000 ft (6400 m)

Eruption of Mount Raung in East Java, Indonesia, occurred on December 24, 2024, while tourists were hiking on its summit. Ash plumes were expelled to an altitude of 8 km (26 000 feet) a.s.l., as confirmed by the Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC). The hikers who were on the volcano during the eruption successfully evacuated the area without sustaining injuries. An earlier advisory reported ash plumes reaching 7 km (23 000 feet) a.s.l. and moving northeast at 18 km/h (11 mph). A bit late but it should have made an impact on the North Atlantic charts. Maybe caused the snow we were having until recently?

Oh man! That looks like four lows in a row something similar to the last few days. I would never have guessed it. I would have expected anticyclones.

Nothing on the noon analysis. Whatever it is I am looking for I am going to need to be quickerer.

Lets look at the 24th GMT:

All I can suggest is to keep off mountains everywhere during a deep Low.

Now something is telling me to look out for 12 O’Clock Highs. But what does that even mean?

And a sudden small change in the weather the next day. A bit late if you are on the mountain in question.

OK, Got the six but where is it pointing to?

Any navigators on here?

Nope. Eyes wide open and nothing to see here. Idiot.

Low 981 in t+36 was pointing to Raung maybe even Canalon in the Philppines is that about 80 degrees from the elongation. It is so true how God loves us. Pity they laugh at those who listen.

Ground deformation monitoring by the Kanlaon Volcano Network (KVN) has detected significant inflation in the middle to upper portions of the volcano’s eastern edifice since 19:20 LT on January 10, 2025, with data indicating a potential eruption driven by pressurization within the shallow magma conduit. PHIVOLCS maintains Alert Level 3, originally raised on December 9, 2024, and there is presently an increased chance for sudden explosive eruptions to occur and endanger communities at risk with life-threatening volcanic hazards.

Does breaking cold front mean a major eruption. That could be a useful tool if i could convince someone important. I will have to Joint Trump Social or X or somewhere useful.

Hang on, that first chart:

Midnight on the 23rd December and a line of cyclones clustered along the coast of Greenland. Would Canalon and Ruang sit on an arc of 80 degrees to them?

That’s good enough to offer a warning to keep clear. It’s not as if anyone sensible would pay good money to go up a mountain on foot, is it?

Why would anybody do that, fool or not?

Sick messes for Christians

Sooner or later you are going to notice the things satan sends you to inspect most closely are the things you desperately need to never recall because they are the things that you should have remembered to get cleared by praying to Jehovah about them a long, long time ago.

Ahoah woe your mutter should know. Oh Oh your mutter shouts: NO

Settings 50 North, Greenwich meridian, why did I not arrange this setting decades ago?

I believe I did, things changed. How is it that in the 21st Century I need to select all the images that I have already selected, again, one at a time?

Maybe I am a faggot. I ferget.

Until I finish writing this post maybe you can remember me from a long long time ago:






The army of the heavens is not lined up straight too often. But when it is…

Things happen!

Swarms 20 January 2025.

The 60th Presidential Inauguration Monday, January 20, 2025.

Pluto Sol Earth; Neptune Saturn Mercury; Jupiter Venus Sol Mercury; (Possible interference from Uranus Jupiter Mars?) Jupiter Mars Earth; It is going to be very interesting

What is interesting is the development of fronts on the North Atlantic chart. They are stuck to these Solar Alignments and Unsolar Alignments. Solar alignments are self explanatory and I have written about them from the get go. They signal earthquakes just prior to and immediately after alignments, then they signal extra-powerful eruptions. Unsolar alignments take place in the solar system but consist of planets in line, only. The sun is out of it or just out of line. There is still a lot of solar activity with these unsolar alignments, indicating thepart that alignments play if only for circular reasons.

There are solar flares during all alignments, too as the sun is the exact same product of chirality as the rest of the system. It’s solar-deep seas empower the smashing of the solar crust, Whatever that will turn out to be, some nuclear alloy of pressure electrons, super-heated ions and gravity- or what have you. You can not have fluid flow just by having liquifaction, no brownian motion or anything Newtonian because everything will continue in a straight line until it responds to action or inaction.

Both alignments have that effect on the sun but one is a product of heat and the other is the product of something else. I have no idea yet, what that might be but the results are shown as swarms of epicentres in very close regions of this planet, so I suppose they are repeated elsewhere on other planets:

At the bottom of the first chart there are three occluded fronts; pink cold and warm fronts. Warm fronts are related to the warmth that comes with earthquakes. This is self evident. Look them up, they will have to’ve been archived with all the weather records ever written.

These fronts build out to overhanging cold fronts; I am calling them Hangars, I thought they might have been known as Danglers but I am now not so sure.

More of the same swarms for the next five charts (not shown)

Then the cyclone moves according to the weather, as another one is inserted as its replacement. They are substantially the same eruption, as the root cause is heavenly. IOW, the n~body system from which they are composed, has move across the firmament. We could go back to reassess what Moses might have understood about fluid mechanics when he discussed creation in Genesis 1 and 2: The earth was formless and waste, Moribund, stunted and ineffective; waiting to be spun.

Can you imagine angelic drummers with their feet on the kettles as these swarms are brought out of the storm. Picture the volcanoes in the south west quadrant: Lows 962 and 978.

Low-978 is elongating, it is developing into two volcanoes likely. The Popcatapetl one, as is at the moment, then Nevado del Ruis and Popcatapetl in… ah, no. Excuse me: Etna and Stromboli in the next few days.

I can’t see that far just yet. It was elongating but maybe not into a dual of South and Central American volcanoes but from Popcatapetl into Etna. Or some Afro/European volcanism. (I am pretty sure it is Etna.)

This is a new phenomenon explanation that I am studying, so go easy on me, this stuff is hard. And I need to go the bed and sleep on it, hopefully then to get the answer, or encouragement to search more thoroughly.

Here is another one: What is a double Tee Cell signalling?

Two tornadoes?

Just a larger quake?

Whatever it signifies the power of the creator an I can understand why the Faithful and True loved the planet deeply. I am sure that he gave his life for this, not just mankind.. People die for land far more readily than they dies for their friends. (You can see them all preparing for war and its consequence rather than the idea they might die or kill their brothers.)

His brothers that is, he was discussing Earth itself when he spoke in parables about the earth and its harvest. The earth, Eden in particular is Mankind. We were not ever going to visit heaven not even in passing. And now, some of us are already there, doleing out this spirit I am getting to help me translate what is going on up there. Claim your share now before I take it all. Hurry up, I am going to bed, while you are sleeping.

5th January

Passing Jupiter:

Venus is the white disk and Jupiter is the white and red striped one similar to mars the red one that was the previous passenger, along with Earth. They all orbit the sun, anticlockwise, left wards at the top.

The spell starts on the bottom of the chart of the North Atlantic with a Low-991 millibars.

With a dangler or is that an Hangar?

Being out on my own on here, I can call it what I like. A group of people that, I have very little respect for at the moment, can tell me what they are going to call it when they finally get around to it. Until then the fronts are Hangars.

And now they have potency they will be called Complex Lows. (By idiots.)

That know not what they do, father have mercy on them.

With some tornadoes I have no idea where. Only that they are in the south west quadrant not the USA’s sector. They might be anywhere from Japan to Italy; more likely Italy.

I hate not knowing things. I do not feel like nothing is impossible for me. Time for prayer.

6.1M. 84 km NNW of Calama, Chile 2025-01-02 20:43, that was quick, more prayer needed.

Deep Dive

Equals more of the same. Deep Dive 31/12/2024 – Wind, rain, snow and ice to start 2025 Met Office weekly weather forecast UK All sorts of damage was caused by the UK Government, similar to a small scale covid-19-ways-to-kill-you-with-cobra-snake-venom exercise just be banning New Year Celebrations:

I doubt it will stay long on this server.

6.8M. Kuril Islands 2024-12-27 12:47:

There was a short burst of wind and rain that managed to turn over two or three bins left out near my house. I hadn’t even known about this service by the Met Office. The next day it was as calm as ever: At 2.5 minutes in, the presenter shows the Jet steam pouring through the Davies Straight making a sharp right at the latitude of Britain, to turn sharp left, north across the North Sea, then right again over the Baltic.

So that storm over USA/Canada (Kilauea?) and Semeru the anticyclone mated to the Greenland High by Jehovah, combines with the eruptions of South and Central American volcanoes to produce Jet Streams?

I need to learn about Jet Streams but I have ignored upper atmospherics for decades, little realising their predictability. Toothache is driving me crazy and the eruptions are killing my ability to spell. All the better I suspect to reach people my age, maybe I am being blessed for that by my God?

The trouble is I need kicking not blessing or maybe that explains the toothache?

At the moment the tomograph of Potocatapetle (21,000 ft) combined with Nevado del Ruis (also 21,000 ft) composing of that dual on the Baltic coasts: Lows-986 and ~991:

Hang on, I have to rethink this, there are three lows involved on the Baltic L-985, L-986 and L-991. I have no idea which is what eruption as only the tow mentioned reach 20,000 feet plus.

Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) reached that height yesterday so whichever disappears is the suspect. Nevado del Ruis is a shoe-in with Potocatapetl but is generally shorth lived, on the other hand Sangay has gone already.

You decide. He claims cold air comes from the Arctic on Wednesday, which is today. This is a country of ex-sailors the idiot, we don’t worry about bad weather overnight. All I can see causing cold weather is Pluto Earth and Mars, that is not a lot. Not that I missed New years celebrations.

Sunny on Thursday 2nd then cold again, Saturn Venus Mars. Sunday 5th Uranus Venus Mercury. Look for the largest eruptions on the 7th with Mars Earth and Sol aligned.

There is a likelihood of a significant quake of 7.0M or so on Monday or Tuesday:

As usual, I am just a chart or two short of being certain. Can’t blame the Met Office for that as they supplied the full tranche with a full hour to midnight too.

6.1M. South Sandwich Islands region 2025-01-01 13:48.

And now I feel like a liar. Watching the development of the North Atlantic just now, I feel there is more to come in this spell:

This was the 6.1M:

I don’t think anything has changed.

Some people are never satisfied and I hate being one of them.

Or is this another spell. Jupiter perhaps?

I rather think it is.

I think this is the nasty weather that the Met Officer was on about for this week.

Just started. I think this is a new spell, Venus going past Jupiter:

This is for Midnight 5th January. Now I have to cut it and move it to it’s own spot. At least I finally learned something. But what?

Daniel 2:45

Diverse elites

The Canaanite ex-Judeans, removed by who removed the Jews from Jerusalem, not my words but would you not have thought that a respected, though morally bankrupt tome like the Cia’s Stinkingpadoea would have mentioned in passing whom?

>The Jewish diaspora in the second Temple period (516 BCE – 70 CE) was created from various factors, including through the creation of political and war refugees, enslavement, deportation, overpopulation, indebtedness, military employment, and opportunities in business, commerce, and agriculture.[7] 

Sounds a bit like the western crisis today with financial refugees, before the middle of the first century CE, in addition to Judea, Syria and Babylonia, large Jewish communities existed in the Roman provinces of Egypt, Crete and Cyrenaica, and in Rome itself.[8] In 6 CE the region was organized as the Roman province of Judaea. The Judean population revolted against the Roman Empire in 66 CE in the First Jewish–Roman War, which culminated in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE.

During the siege, the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and most of Jerusalem. This watershed moment, the elimination of the symbolic centre of Judaism and Jewish identity motivated many Jews to formulate a new self-definition and adjust their existence to the prospect of an indefinite period of displacement.[9]

In other words there was no means for worshipping the one true God Jehovah according to the law of Moses. The death of the apostle Paul took place under?

As Paul faced certain death at the hands of Nero he could look back with confidence that he had fought the right kind of fight, and that the heavenly reward assuredly awaited him. (2 Tim. 4:6-8) What an example Paul left for us! How much greater would be the witness given if more shared his appreciation of the Christian ministry!  Imprisoned again about A.D. 65, he wrote his final letter, the second to Timothy, and suffered martyrdom at the hands of Nero A.D. 66.

Five years later “the second temple” at Jerusalem was gone, today the so called Jews sacrifice chickens not doves, the canaanites are neither scriptural nor stupid, there is more meat on a chicken.

Which brings us to the one who is despised:

This is about the most violent Caezar but in Rome itself, the one who was actually despised at first was Claudius, he ordered the Jews to leave Rome, something that would not have happened with Jehovah’s blessing. Caesars after Nero: Galba was the son of the consul Gaius Sulpicius Galba and Mummia Achaica, and in addition to great wealth and ancient lineage he enjoyed the favour of the emperors Augustus and Tiberius. Not of the line of Julius; he began the decline of the mighty empire, something of a Trumpite?

It is after the reign of this president that the angel remarks: lift off the turban of the High Priest: Jesus and cover him in clean clothes: Then I looked up again and saw four chariots coming from between two mountains(heaven and earth?), and the mountains were of copper. Earth= President Trump. The first chariot had red horses,

The second chariot, black horses. Death = Armageddon for the cannanites?

The third chariot had white horses, Christ? and the fourth chariot, speckled and dappled horses, Sons of (Shem) and Japheth. DO NO TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. But the rulership of Earth after Armageddon belongs to the Shemite: Jesus Christ and to the ones remaining that are non canaaanite (that become the servants of…) Genesis 9:27

“Praise be to the Lord, the God of Shem!
May Canaan be the slave of Shem.
May God extend Japheth’s territory;
may Japheth live in the tents of Shem,
and may Canaan be the slave of Japheth.

Living in the tent of Shem the rest of us take over the planet and extend Eden to capacity as the resurrection takes place. The dappled ones were eager to go out to walk about through the earth.” Then he said: “Go, walk about through the earth.” And they began walking about through the earth… A further refinement begins after after Armageddon, for one thousand years, after which the Principal of Death is released.

We don’t know what happens to this Son of God after one thousand years. Is he literally destroyed or caught up to heaven and refined?

Much of Jesus’ referred works were aimed at one’s “gaining our brothers”, Satan was once a brother to Jesus, a fact that escapes chrisesendoom. Remove the fake good news and there you have it all.

Don’t ask me, because I don’t know but the Trump Dance resembles the motion of satellites as they pass one another inducing massive torque. The torque of the stellar mass = the weight of Earth in motion.

Or slightly less.

To start with AI. This tool was initially designed to extend ARPANET the original Internet, Jehovah is causing all wars to cease likely he will use AI’s weaknesses against its inventors and investors to strip them of their over control of the world. Obviously how he does it is beyond me

If you can’t delete it you can’t prove pattern recognition since it is clever enough to fool a mind-bender. Some versions of AI are already interfering with search results.

In other words controlling the narrative. If AI is the next fake news any image you setr up might be capable of tyranny, do you want that for a legacy?

The new regime is likely to be Biblical in the Q-Anonsense, in that is replaces an evil regime of Jehovah God’s enemies. The only way to do that is to strip the old regime of its finances, then it will die out naturally the way the Jewish Commonwealth DEIed out with the execution of the Apostle Paul.

Rome destroyed the lineage of Julius Caesar the same way. Apparently it wasn’t very nice for his decedent’s but overall it was better than the usual way in that only Jerusalem’s territory was emptied, the Christians having escaped with the death of Paul; or about that time.

The Roman empire became the tool of the Europeans until the Renaissance when a series of coups de ‘tat eventually brought it to America for its own destruction… or will it?

London Smog 1952

I would have opened a broader rang of data but refused to allow cookies.

December 5, 2022 marks the 70th anniversary of the start of the Great London Smog of 1952 which lasted for five days and led to an estimated 4,000 excess deaths during that month. The smog (a combination of smoke and fog), caused mainly by coal burning from domestic fireplaces, power stations and furnaces, led to the introduction of the Clean Air Act of 1956, a pivotal change in the application of pollution control policies in the UK. The Act allowed, for the first time, local authorities to declare smoke control areas, and introduced grants to help people convert their fireplaces.  It also controlled dark smoke emissions from factories and furnaces and laid the foundation for future pollution control measures such as the Clean Air Act 1968, and the Environment Act 1995. 

This report describes the air quality issues we faced in 1952, the evolution of pollution sources associated with the change in residential heating and the growth in road traffic, and the issues we still face in 2022. It also covers the health impacts of air pollution and summarises key recent policies to improve air quality in London.

Historically, air pollution was very different to that we experience in London today. Complaints were first recorded hundreds of years ago when coal burning was first introduced into London, and from the mid-19th century smogs were a common event in large British cities during the winter months. 

In 1952, coal combustion from domestic fireplaces, power stations and industrial furnaces was the main source of pollution, with smoke and sulphur dioxide being the principal pollutants of concern. 

During the period of the Great London Smog, daily average sulphur dioxide concentrations were in the range of 3,000 to 4,000 µg/m3 on three consecutive daysReference:1 (the current WHO air quality guideline is 40 µg/m3), and daily smoke (fine particulate matter) concentrationsReference:2 were measured at 490 µg/m3 on December 4, rising to 4,460 µg/m3 on December 7 and 8 (compared to an current legal limit value of 50 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 times per year). 

Concentrations of both sulphur dioxide and smoke reduced dramatically from the mid-1960s onwards. This improvement was brought about by the use of cleaner fuels (such as gas), the progressive closure and relocation of power stations in London, and the overall decline of heavy industry. 

Emissions causing air pollution problems in London have now changed considerably, with the shift from solid fuel burning to gas, the principal source of pollution in London in recent years is now road traffic.

I gather the Government adjusted the dates for these smogs for political reason not the truth. I have no proof though just a radio programmes overheard several years ago.

December 5th to 10th 1952: 1952-12-05 0:00:00

Pluto Mercury Venus and Mars; Uranus earth Mars; Jupiter Earth Mercury and Saturn; Neptune Saturn Sol

1952-12-10 0:00:00 Pluto Venus Mars; Neptune Saturn Sol; Mars Venus Mercury; Uranus Earth Venus

Major earthquakes December 1952

= 77.00 United KingdomSolomon IslandsVII (Very strong)15.0December 6

Major eruptions December 1952 hopeless trawls try Smithsonan eruptions December 1952

I suppose Quant is just about the worst search engine imaginabe

Pattern Recognition 2

The Fijian Triangle

I think I found something new. This should go with something I had an idea about years ago. unless it bleeds out.

Might this correction be a tip from meteorology that there is another spell coming.

The brown semicircle on the right is the same brown circle in Northern India on the left. My resolution is not sensitive enough on the laptop to capture a complete globe without overlap.

Here is the same image again moved to the other hand.

What drew my attention is this concentration of increasing activity along with the Meteorological chart correction:


Neptune Sol Mercury; Uranus Venus Sol; Jupiter Earth Mercury; Saturn Venus Earth.

It is going to be a big one I think or a series of close encounters. I am just going to check when Mars aligns with earth on the sun. I am guessing 6 days earlier nearly Mars Earth Venus on the 19th

Damnit, thank goodness I will never make a research scientist:

6.4M. 56 km ESE of Molina, Chile 2024-12-13 23:38

Pluto Sol Mercury; but I missed Mars Earth Venus and I think, Uranus Earth Mercury, did I, how about Neptune Venus Mercury?

I hate checking my stuff.

The Fijian Triangle is Fiji Tong and Vanuatu. It appears as a block of quakes running through New Zealand from Macquarie Island into the Southern Ocean where the earthquakes signal a tropical storm in the Pacific. I just realised that as Pacific Cyclones they eventually appear on the North Atlantic charts as Anticyclones, fancy never considering something I have always known. Warra Dope!

Nicely depicted here:

4.8M. 268 km E of Levuka, Fiji 2024-12-21 01:17

4.8M. 59 km NNE of Hihifo, Tonga 2024-12-21 12:03

5.0M. 111 km ESE of Fangale’ounga, Tonga 2024-12-21 09:20

It is one of the most active seismic Zones and proof that creation has been continuing right up to the time of the end. In fact I believe that the region is going to develop into a continent similar to Africa. Creation was continuing to develop long after Adam was created, the resurrection for example never stopped happening for example. It’s just that at the time the tree of life was forbidden, that is not the tree of knowledge of good and bad.

Anyway storms and duals are the order of the day on the 21st:

I think Low-970 over Norway is an African volcanic eruption plume

Anyway it a dual now, two volcanoes Lows-987 and Low-987 might even be a pair of vents on the same mountain

I forget what it was that I saw in the first image on this post but is beginning to look a bit like Christmas:

6.1M. 30 km W of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 2024-12-21 15:30.

5.9M. 37 km S of Guisa, Cuba 2024-12-23 06:00

5.9M. 23 km SSE of Tinogasta, Argentina 2024-12-24 22:42

5.6M. Fiji region 2024-12-25 06:34

5.7M. Izu Islands, Japan region 2024-12-26 21:02

5.9M. northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2024-12-27 05:30

Something to do with corrections at head office but what?

It is a good job I am not in an hurry. It will come to me when I need it to. Happy is the man whose confidence is in Jehovah. Jeremiah 17. What I was expecting was another large magnitude quake closing the 7.3M. 30 km W of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 2024-12-17 01:47 but now something richer presents itself: These Hangars, cold fronts, in the middle of the Atlantic were not the so called Danglers (or maybe they still are but..) they are instead the marks or signals for significant quakes that fake place before the end of the spell is completed.

The lower magnitude earthquakes of 5.5M. and slightly above, or not as the case might be.


There it is I think. Or is it?

It is always good to see the spread over a few days as this is wind interpretation and the forecasts from whoever gave them days ago. Besides, I may even be dealing with silly Phillie from East Anglia.

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I would like to know what H-1032 is. Canalon most likely. I feel vindicated now it is 11 Centigrade and cloudy here. This overcast is the result of mixing in the upper topopause, I guess.

Same correction different day almost 120 hours later. Odd. A beautiful morning with mist; 8 Centigrade so still warm.

Low 983 becoming 986 evolves into a dual Lows-991 and Low-991 midnight Saturday 2024; seeming to develop triple dual by noon later Low-988 and Low-989. They really are a complex. I imagine the consensus of opinion that these lows can not be volcano signals lies in the problem of explaining highs. Quite ridiculous in my opinion. If they have to cross a frozen waste it stands to reason that they become anticyclones. Presumably when the Lows_981 become Low-989 it will do so as an earthquake evolves. Now that IS something requiring explanation!

Such an explanation ought to cover the generation of all earthquakes. I can only suppose they are due to the generation of minor pressure centres collapsing thus explaining changes in the weather are due to that phenomena.

All this is something requiring the abilities of a god to hold in one’s head. Rather explains too why not believing anything of the sort is easier.

2024-12-25 23:10:43 Solar system Live

Neptune Sol Mercury align; Saturn Venus Earth Mars align. Jupiter Mars and Mercury may have been in alignment a day or so earlier?

Strong mist, I don’t think I ever saw a fog in this region. I suppose that fogs belong to large ports?

More likely the explosive impact of Nuclear weapons on volcanic eruptions were already calling fire out of heaven in 1945 and after. They produce sudden stratospheric warming. Added to the fallout of volcanoes the effect must be enormous, bring closer the fallout of snow from Leviathan in the Day of Jehovah’s Anger. Couple that with the use of Tesla’s Eruption Device the Huchison Effect and laser/masers used in tropical storms.

So now we wait for a Magnitude 7.5 or so. there seems to be a three body solution off Greenland on the charts today:

Likely the long awaited earthquake in development:

And here we go as the dual collapses:

Not quite there yet. When the weather changes it changes because the planets have repositioned the effects of the complete solar system. Beginning at noon 31 December the n#body resolution of gravity begins to change:

By noon Wednesday 1 January the weather has certainly changed so the largest quake of the series occurs before then.

Noon Monday then that’s a date:

Or Tuesday. Damn isn’t this exciting?

2024-12-31 1:17:33 beats me.

Right Distance From 47°N 7°E: Ascension Declination (AU) Altitude Azimuth

Sun 18h 42m 49s -23° 4.4′ 0.983 -58.458 -130.433 Set

Mercury 17h 11m 9s -21° 42.7′ 1.132 -43.619 -105.818 Set

Venus 21h 57m 43s -13° 59.8′ 0.758 -51.784 142.059 Set

Moon 18h 50m 57s -27° 51.7′ 60.6 ER -63.411 -127.699 Set

Mars 8h 21m 45s +23° 26.5′ 0.659 66.430 2.096 Up

Jupiter 4h 47m 57s +21° 47.8′ 4.184 39.831 79.312 Up

Saturn 23h 5m 48s -7° 56.8′ 10.011 -38.155 125.784 Set

Uranus 3h 25m 22s +18° 26.5′ 18.860 23.495 92.270 Up

Neptune 23h 52m 4s -2° 15.6′ 30.093 -26.840 118.545 Set

Pluto 20h 14m 41s -23° 11.6′ 36.087 -66.095 -173.904 Set

The mist has cleared, 03:03 a quiet night and I’ll be darned:

6.8M. Kuril Islands 2024-12-27 12:47 that was unexpected. So ends the spell?

What is going on?

Hang on that was 2 days ago.

2024-12-27 12:47

Neptune Sol Mercury align; Uranus Venus and Sol align and Jupiter Earth and Sol make torque. I would have said hat would supply a larger magnitude. I may be missing some of the action or I might be deceiving myself.

I can’t help thinking I am missing something on here:

Baaadaboom gonna BOOM??


I think I should close this post as it is already too long by twice the size a patient man would bother.

Pattern Recognition

I have been trying to find a pattern for earthquakes that might be useful. So far, apart from weather forecasts, seismic signals have just two striking ones:

The ring around and including Antarctica is usually devoid of quakes. Whilst the area of Antarctica is smaller than it looks on this chart, it is in fact no larger than Australia. In fact it is much smaller if you don’t count the ice. Perhaps ice plays a significant part of the puzzle.

However the region includes everything from the South Pole to nearly 60 degrees South nearly one third of the planet. the Balleny Islands region is about as far south as earthquakes occur. Interesting is the fact that all the Islands of some 60 or so south all have one major pattern so far ignored by science:

Two week after a quake, on or near, such islands a strong wind (usually but not always a rotating storm) is generated in the region of the hemisphere to the north. Tornadoes as well as hurricanes are among the winds so generated with the earthquakes of the South Sandwich Islands.

The other striking fact is just like it:

The North Pole is also devoid of earthquakes. I say interesting but I have never followed the North Polar earthquakes to check any storm connections; so maybe it is not so interesting. I don’t recall when I first noticed the connection to quakes in the southern hemisphere, nor why or how I chanced to find any such connection. Maybe I should extract a digit?