Univercity Challenge

Your started for 10

Just a play on words for the puzzle presented with:

That Low-998 below Greenland is a dual so there are going to be at least a pair of earthquakes from the signal maybe even a swarm I never keep count which might be silly, still never mind, eh?

The thing is, I don’t know if that chart is from an earlier eruption now finished or continuous with the low off Newfoundland: Low 1004 which I think might be another volcano . This newer one which looks like it has yet to flower is producing a plume of some 1500 to 1800 feet which will show on Wednesday as a different volcano

When I came across the name weatherlawyer Iwas reading the book by Richar Inwards called Weatherlore (available via the Met Office as a .pdf file.)

I tried to get onto the Internet via social media this was years before I had heard the term Fake News. I was using Yahoo a CIA “trope” (A trope is a figure of speech using words in nonliteral ways, such as a metaphor.) Yahoo was a famous search engine. It refused me access because someone else was called Michael McNeil already. (I hope he isn’t a spy.) So I began calling myself Weatherlawyer, not because I am a lawyer, I am not a lawyer but because of the book I was reading.

As time went on I began noticing my affinity for the weather. I worried it might be demonic so I steered clear as well as i could manage but I was drawn to it like it was some sort of magical burning bush that would not disintegrate. I asked Jehovah to protect me from this stuff and the more I asked the more it got on my nerves.

Then one beuatiful evening with a view of the shoreline running from the Great orm in Llandudno to the bergele Roads to the Point of Ayere in Prestayn, I was regretting my last child so I asked Jehovah to help me. “Instead of me moping here all my life, give me something to take my mind off my lost son. I went to library locally and found some stuff about a disaster in Russia an earthquake had thrown a village down an hill and it was winter the communists Government let the people struggle, one neighbouring community celebrated their distress; so I told God to show me how to forecast earthquakes and I will tell the world about “acts of god” (I was thinking in terms of Insurance Scams.)

Would you believe weatherlawyer if he told you that this signal…

…the “tee shape” in the middle of this chart, the red and blue “t” shape, is a signal that a tornado is about to occur?

What happens is over an ocean of surface water the temperature difference of warm and cold water crosses their own paths and the tee shape makes it return again and again for as long as it lasts.

When surface water does that often enough and long enough, the turning circle it is in, sets up a pattern that is tele-connected elsewhere. Don’t ask me how, God Knows but I don’t. All I am familiar with is the pattern. I am free to make my own explanation. If you are familiar enough with physics, so can you.

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