Noon 23 March

It is ridiculous that a Briton has to wit nearly 12 hours to get a completes set of charts for the Noon run from the Met office. Even this at 22:21:

I feel better now that I removed Avast browser and antivirus. I thought it might be a mistake getting it and can’t think why I did, even so it cost me an hour and at least half my post. I tried getting rid a day or so back when the Internet was under seoge from the solar systme. Ah well that would be too hard to explain.

There was a surge of earthquake activity involved and I was trying to negotiate with my several computers unsuccessfully. This last problem not allowing me to post charts. That was the last straw.. I had to close all my browsers to get rid of the embarassment.. Now the n-body can be explained.

the cyclone and anticyclones have centres marked with an x. there are very few when the run is showing a lot of activity from quakes and volcanoes. When thigs quiten, more xes show up than normal like so:

Hang on there will be another shower of earthquake swarms but

… they soon start appearing

The mathemagical term for them is Polar Points.. I am a religious person of the Christian persuasion one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. driven to distraction by these weather signals and my inability to deal with my ISP. I doubt this is the fault of my ISP EE but it insists on me signing in. I have a form of toothache that has nothing to do with tooth decay and affects more than one tooth.

It is hurting right now and I think it is due to Lewotobe erupting so I have to nurse myself with painkiller until it dies down. It is something that kidney failure brings to old men to make them glad to go. This is contrary to my beliefs. Fortunately alcohol helps. The tick is getting it past the nurses when I am in the outpatients.

They have no hesitation searching my stuff. I was surprised to find myself allowing them to make a search, that will not happen again. Cheeky bastards. You should have seen the animus created by me refusing to wear a mask.

Apparently the Governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses is all in with government measures when it comes to man made diseases. I won’t swallow that shit for anyone.

When these two highs on the bottom coalaesce, there will be another quake I think

It is taking its own sweet time isn’t it?

A bit like my damned painkillers.. Fortunately alchol is also the best cure for cramps faster than quinine and more readily accessible unless the people charged with helping me are helping. It is very odd that there have been no earthquakes for a couple of days. What is going on?

2025-03-24 5:43:10

Undoubtedly a big one pending with Earth Venus and mercury aligning through the sun towards Neptune.

It is really strange to have had no earthquakes since:

5.1M. 114 km N of Tarama, Japan 2025-03-22 22:14:27 (UTC) I don’t imagine there is a glitche with the reporting system lasting so long. It is 23:19 24 March. I recall once attempting to extend the Beaufort scale using froud numbers to calculate the category of the next tropical storm by the time between significant earthquakes greater than 5.5 Magnitude earthquakes.

That was before I realised the significance of planetary alignments as the cause of earthquakes of magnitude 6 and over. There were always background earthquakes as white noise of magnituf=de 4.5 and over (I have the register set to ignore quakes of 4,4M. and lower. Maybe I should take a look at the wite noise quakes again.)

I wonder what the results are likely to be with the resumption of the normal run of earthquakes. It is a coincidence that i wrote about the beginning of this spell without knowing it it was really the beginning of it or just the continuation of the burst of activity with the meeting of the satellites Mars Earth Venus and Mercury even Jupiter I suppose?

There is a dual warning on the charts from this afternoon:

Loow-1002 and Low-1003 off Iceland, so there should be a quake registered soon. I imagine it will be a large one with maybe a big eruption of a volcano following it. It does not strike me as exceptional though. There are lots of troughs, a line of them and a line of lows too reaching from Canada to Italy an OOH! Hang on the troughs all run out past Italy to Greece or TurkeyThey curve past the Caspian. Ooh Dear!

Lets have another look at the rest of it. Please help us Jehovah. I can see that you intend us all to know this stuff but getting it over to the thickoes I know, just doesn’t touch anyone at the moment. It is not that they are taking no note but that they have been trained not to look at what they can’t help seeing.

.Lots of duals and Hangars so plenty of volcanic activity.

No surprise Etna is erupting so Is it Popoctapetl?

And swarms. Or is it just the start of the sequence?

I am guessing that Potocatapetl is about to erupt big time.

Nothing will be impossible for us. Could you spare Barbara for me please?

I suppose I should post the rest of these no hurry they are going to be everywhere if I am right. Maybe people will start taking an interest in creation.

6.7M. 164 km WSW of Riverton, New Zealand 2025-03-25 01:43:12 (UTC) Finally. I must have not realised my settings were for only quakes. Who the hell would only set it for US quakes?

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