The North Atlantic Approaches

Also posted to substack. I had stopped posting there after a blip that may have been caused by a volcanic eruption or more likely my own stupidity. The weather in the North Atlantic tends, during part of the North Atlantic Cycle, towards Norway or the coasts of Ireland and Britain. However if there is a manufactured reason not to follow natural paths, the North Atlantic can be forced into the other aspect of its cycle.

Since it is well known that there are such cycles, the matter of their nature being the only reason for dispute, it seems logical that the next step would be an explanation of the cycles. That they can not be caused by Lunar Tides is only reasonable as the tides like time waits for no man.

Are they caused by the tides from an unknown source?

Planet X has been looked for since before Tombaugh, the discovery of Pluto itself, too small and far to offer an explanation, is it?

What then about coincidences?

When a planet crosses the path of another planet, can it have any effect?

If it has no effect, it not being a planet what uneffects does it not offer?

When considering the effects of planets on other planets, I decided to work outer planets in. I had heard of the controversy about Pluto but had no understanding of the physics. As far as I was concerned; if it had an effect it was a planet, all the more so if the effect is equal to and opposite that of a bonafide planet. They are after all in freefall captured rotations to the star they bring light to. That is logical is it not?

If there is one thing the American elections has brought us, it is the freedom to think for ourselves, even if one has to leave the scientific box built for us by empires now past. I am in the business of untangling the astronomy of the past, to find out if there is anything to the idea Astrology has nothing to offer modern science.

Despite the fact that the Jews captured in Babylon became one of the most powerful sects there; a secondary King no less, was made of the Prophet Daniel. So esteemed that he was led to the King that replaced the Babylonians overnight and there, as a war trophy, he became a secondary King again, in the Palace of the Persians.

I have the impression that the Jehovah’s Witnesses frown on anything to do with astrology, though one of them myself, I should like to know more about something that predated popular science of today. Surely innocent of any strange belief and protected by prayer I should be able to withstand any predatory designs of satanic nature. I have already survived several bans on Reddit. What is there to be afraid of?

Erratic spelling during bad volcanic spells, aside, that is. Planetarily speaking, Pluto today is in a world of its own. A perfect spot to decide what effects it may have on Earth in the near future.

In a few days Neptune will align with Venus and the sun, causing an earthquake of relatively large magnitude, perhaps something like 6.2M. and as if to offer a secondary witness, the activities of volcanoes world wide will increase slightly. Plumes of 25 thousand feet for Popcatapetl and or Nevado del Ruis might be expected. Plumes up to 15,000 feet are unusual in Asian volcanoes but these too occur within the earthquake spell.

If you live near a dialysis ward hospital, you might ask about the charts they produce for blood pressure as these things react to some people’s attachment to volcanoes. Before anyone on Substack acts like Redditors, you might wait for results before you ignore my post. It is not for me to castigate the loony left of course, let the wicked become more wicked as the saying goeth.

About a week or less, the planet Mercury aligns with Neptune, offering a comparison as the cluster of planets move apart, untangling themselves for better inspection.

Too bad that I missed getting them for Pluto, never mind, it will still be there to close the cycle. Mayhap tis better that way as they were too close to count with this ephemeris I am using, from: And according to which Mars Earth Venus and Mercury are going to have a bumpy time with Neptune then Saturn

Followed perhaps by a sequence or really nasty events as Mars Earth Venus and Mercury go past Neptune and Saturn combined which brings me to the religious aspect and the day of war in the scriptures. The Normandy Landings. If anything had an impact on any war it was:

Normandy Invasion, during World War II, the Allied invasion of western Europe, which was launched on June 6, 1944 (the most celebrated D-Day of the war), with the simultaneous landing of U.S.British, and Canadian forces on five separate beachheads in NormandyFrance. Nice to get away from wickedpaedo and the loony left, I am beginning to hope they ban me from Reddit again.

Let us have a look at the weather for the 15th March 2025 before the planets get active:

15 March 2025

Perhaps it is as well to end this post here. I suspect the first earthquake will arrive with the 18th to 20th March. The end of this run might be posted by the MetOffice at least, by then. These are the last of the charts for the 15th. It is good to be able to rely on meteorologists eventually.

You may find it interesting to see how the forecast is changed when a planet aligns with another.

Meanwhile I can try to find some weather for the Second World War. Would you believe they have quite a good collection?

If only I could understand them.

6.0M. South Sandwich Islands region 2025-03-14 23:42:35 (UTC:

Neptune Sol Venus; Uranus Mercury Venus.

Now we await the arrival of the barycentres over the depths that house the volcanoes batteries for the eventual <Mag 6.1or 6.2 that closes the spell, we can at last agree that I might have something that has been hidden by the powers that have been running the planet since Nimrod had shielded from the rest of you. I am not bragging, in that you should make the spirit upon me enter your God benighted souls for yourselves. All you have to do is beg Jehovah to help you get it.

It will change your world. It may even save lives, for instance this earthquake not only signals the increased output of volcanoes but it also engendered a seiche in the Southern Ocean that will bring powerful winds to the North Atlantic in 2 weeks time exactly. So get ready for them.

This quake is from an earlier spell. I am not sure how the Southern Ocean quakes relate to the rest of them. So the larger quake I forecast is still pending. Regardless, what I said about seiches still stands, expect a severe storm or tornado even, one the 28th, let us hope there isn’t an anticyclone blocking the east coast when that happens.

L-996 merges with Low-1003 becoming a signal for the next earthquake. Is it the first in the series or was that Mag 6 in the South Atlantic the starter.

L-992 and 990 west of Spain. Off Greenland there another dual, L-999, L-1002, Notis the increase n polar points (eyes or pressure centres. They are still cyclones, not anticyclones.)

My problem is that too may polar points spoil the broth. I am assuming the developments of duals indicates the separation of a par of planets to close to develop the characteristics of single planets. Perhaps I should just concentrate more. I missed this one earlier a dual High over Europe H-1032 and H-1034.

Maybe I need a better almanac?

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