Or: The Performance of a Supercharged Aero Engine by Stanley Hooker
I recommend the first one https://www.perlego.com/sign-up and have not read the second yet. https://enginehistory.org/members/articles/ACEnginePerfAnalysisR-R.pdf The Rolls Royce paper is interesting but dry. Also Hooker described some techniques used pre-war and accepted the statements as fact. I can’t recall what they were and assume them to have been beyond my abilities back then when I rea them, although I have learned a lot since then my ability is more or less the same as it was due to age.
I was going to post both articles here but I can’t see the point. My interest is down another line of work altogether and hardly touches this stuff but it interesting for other reasons. My work relies on the changes pf state developed in he weather completely removing the maths of combustion engineers. I may read Hooker’s biography again, one day but I think I have to die first.