A rare celestial event took place on Friday, February 28, 2025, where seven planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune aligned in the evening sky.

Spirals in the sea what volcanoes are nothing in between this what they are. How can I be wrong?
They were made for eternity feeding little fish big as volcanoes are, they go on and on forever all eternity. Take your stand for God, Just you wait and see you’ll be with me for eternity. Never looking back on all of our regrets. Hold togeter in congregation. for ever happily. Nothing will be impossible. If anything was impossible then there is no God.
So, why has he placed them in the middle of nowhere?
That is where the fish are.
Small ones, things you can’t see and then one way and others they grow into things big enough to swallow people whole. It is a long lasting story, if it is all make-believe and a good one at that, because all the pieces fit. Scott Adams, an agnostic, tells the story of his dream home:
Being a millionaire, he bought the house he always wanted and put a cinema inside it, to invite all of his friends to come and watch films on it. Then he freely admitted to never being able to arrange for two friends to come to the house at the same time to watch a film.
Compare that with all the loose ends that are entailed with the bits that go so easily together with creation, divided by how many bits and pieces there would be if he was stuck waiting for evolution to just happen. Seriously:
How long would it take to build a house, with no experience?
How many babies would all that take, to be born and grow into builders by accident or natural intuition. How long would it take a baby to be born and live and die by accident and then learn how to reproduce. so that you could bring it all home clean and safe?
Volcanoes were designed to breathe fire and majesty to put the fear of God into people …just to produce algae for Krill to eat off icepacks and feed giant blue whales. Then some Mickey comes along and tells you all about it and you won’t believe him!
The problem for me is not convincing you. I understand that you are brainwashed and that the only way I can convince you is when you ask God for yourself. No, that is not the problem. I don’t have a problem.
God has the problem. You have the problem and it is the people who don’t want you to believe me called: Scientists; who insist you eat it all up. They would all be out of work if everyone knew and practiced what I preach. Or they would be making a decent job of it. Imagine the cornerstones of creation bubbling out of the rocks all in plain sight. Now imagine what charms have hidden, the source of life, from you.
Scientists are the lucky charm sellers Jesus threw out of the temple. Obviously I wasn’t there; who was? And why didn’t they say anything?
When you see the disgusting thing, you are on your own with it: https://biblehub.com/matthew/24-15.htm devil take the last to leave. It is the same with the name of God, who told you the name is too holy to be used?
People that eat choirboys?
Are you happy with that?
Get it right now or you will regret everything during the first part of the new creation that is due to restart, for us. When satan is cast aside and the curtains open. The new creation began when Jehovah accepted the sacrifice of his son. His son immediately assembled the cavalry called the Four Horsemen pictured in poetry by the Apostle John:
After this I saw, and look! a door opened in heaven, {can you see it?
Of course not this form of magic is only open to the people that Jehovah God I choosing}
…The first voice that I heard speaking with me was like a trumpet, saying: “Come up here, and I will show you the things that must take place.” [Decide for yourself what it is that you are going to see.]
“Stop weeping.
Look! The Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered so as to open the scroll and its seven seals.”
And I saw standing in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders a lamb that seemed to have been slaughtered.
Seemed to have been slaughtered.
Compare that to a troop of heaven’s angels. Things are not what they seem, they never are, they never were. Do you think that is ridiculous?
Let me show you something in the real world that was ridiculous:

Satan slipped that one right across your bows and you never even noticed.
And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder: “Come!” And I saw, and look! a white horse, and the one seated on it had a bow; and a crown was given him, and he went out conquering and to complete his conquest.
You can do it with a ship, imagine the wake of a ship running in a straight line. If you change the speed of the ship, where does the wake-line go?
I am not sure that satanists ran that storm out past Hawaii, I am just telling you that it was not natural. Personally I would be glad to have a storm like that forced out to sea harmlessly. But it takes a lot of power to do such things and lot of expensive equipment.
When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creatureg say: “Come!” Another came out, a fiery-colored horse, and it was granted to the one seated on it to take peace away from the earth so that they should slaughter one another, and he was given a great sword.
Granted, means given authority. It does not mean anyone is authorised to kill. A lot of people do not see it that way. Most of us prefer violence happens to other people as long as we are safe. That is called bullying. Letting someone do dirty work for you.
When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say: “Come!” And I saw, and look! a black horse, and the one seated on it had a pair of scales in his hand. It’s all a matter of balance. You can’t make a choice if you don’t know what the choice is, it is hard enough to make out for yourself what is going on.
That storm blew out last August, when a neddy with a very small brain was in charge of the United States of America; or not as the case might be. So who was in charge?
Someone had demonstrated an almost fire-like out of heavenly control.