USaid (We) ‘Come (Came) in on the sloop John B

There is no such thing as: “The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time“.[2] whatever tickles your fancy at the time is the best song but it only stays best song until it leaves your head. Anybody and everybody that can tell you what the best song is can’t put it in our head and keep it there. What may be true is that this shanty is from Nassau. I don’t know that for a fact. Anyone and everyone writes poetry and simple tunes.

The more complex ones all depend on how much money they cost. In Britain, in the 1960’s and 70’s there was no limit to how simple they could be and stay popular. It seemed at one time, that every large city provided access to recorded music that was played over radio. The only thing that was stopping it was the BBC who were adamant they had total control over all radio broadcasts. Something that was ended with the Internet. It might be difficult for anyone younger than 60 years old to understand the power that gave the BBC in the 1960’s and 70’s.

The Internet began in the 1970’s. By default at that time all electronic equipment was music. In the late 1970’s someone made the silicon chip and the edifice that was shown to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream and explained to Daniel the Prophet …began to get explained.

At the moment the Internet is controlled by the American Secret Services. This is the FBI and the CIA and all sorts of government entities. These entities are so powerful that they can execute American Presidents and get away with it. To this day they control everything we say and do online. They do this by co-operating with every government everywhere and they managed that with something called USaid

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