
sloop, single-masted sailing vessel with fore-and-aft rigging, including mainsail, jib, and sometimes one or more headsails. A sloop of war was a small sloop-rigged warship, mounting about 20 guns. In modern usage, the sloop is practically synonymous with the cutter.

This is rubbish, who the hell produced it?

Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica Article History I might as well have stuck with wankapaedia, let’s go have a look.

sloop is a sailboat with a single mast[2] generally having only one headsail in front of the mast and one mainsail abaft (behind) the mast. It is a type of fore-and-aft rig. The mainsail may be of any type, most often Bermuda rig, but also others, such as gaff or gunter.

I presume that, like me, most people don’t know what sails a small boat uses. I have already presumed some of you can read, or you would not have got this far. A boat with a single mast is called a ship.

The difference between a boat and a ship is a boat is a general term which includes ships and boats. A ship is a boat that uses a mast for steering and power delivery. Both ships and boats can have engines. this is 2025 AD.

2025 BC, ships and boats were the same thing because nobody had invented reciprocating engines, past the simple jet. The acme of the simple jet came about 1943 AD with the V1 bomb. The V1 was designed to draw air into the fuselage. Simple fluid dynamics, in still air, requires a take-off speed called: Rotation. I used to call it Take Off but since then, I have been Educated.

When it takes off, or rotates the fluid dynamics of an aircraft is considered fast enough to allow streamlining, that is: Friction resistant fluid flow, to enter capillaries or slots in the outer surface to mix with the carburettor of the engine. And take it from there. There was no pilot to adjust mixtures or change directions. The bomb was launched to the sky and sent on its merry way, 40 years after the Wrights discovered engine powered flight.

The Wright’s, both of them, still required a pilot to adjust wing tension for steering. They were still waiting for Curtis to invent the Rudder, the mechanic or ground crew stood and watched developments and survived.

By 1910 the French began to cross the Channel. the Titanic was sunk in 1912 and the British declared war on Germany before the invention of the parachute. So who needs parachutes?

Not airlines, that’s a fact. 2025/02/24 is American for 24th February, 2025. It is late Friday midnight, the first day of March and I am a little confused, I blame the dialysis I had earlier. “Over two dozen buildings have collapsed across the state of New York due to heavy lake effect snow affecting the region from February 14 to 19, 2025. At least 26 buildings collapsed in Oswego County, while a Fire Department building collapsed in Oneida County on February 22.”

Hang on, This is Modern America not California in the era of the Palisades Fire. I must be doing something wrong, just reading quietly. “A clipper system moving through Ontario on February 28, 2025, is expected to bring heavy snowfall, with accumulations of up to 15 cm (5.9 inches) in some regions. The system will primarily affect northern and eastern Ontario, including Ottawa, where snowfall will impact the evening commute.

Commuter towns and dormitory housing. What this means is people leaving houses to the snow while they go to work in some other place or something, I wonder if they take their parachutes with them?

What on earth is a clipper system?

I was still working on sloops a few hours ago. What it was; was that a ship with a single mast can be sailed with a pair of sails that catch the wind. The sail in front is called the Fore Rig and the one in the back is called the aftermath or not as the case may be. Aftermast?

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