When you look at the virtual sky represented as the North Atlantic sea level pressure charts:

They present as spirals and fractals. Intuition tells you all that science might if you bothered to educate yourself in The Method of scientific discovery, contemplation, wisdom and the ability to ask are one and the same thing but if you are asking Jehovah to sit in with you and teach you, you really will learn properly.
Even more important is how you deal with mistakes and thus how you deal with other people’s mistakes. Isaac Newton didn’t make many mistakes but when he did, they were whoppers, even so he brought out several books of wisdom that finally established the Renaissance. He was wise beyond normal powers because he followed Jehovah as best he could. A Unitarian he made his mind up about the logic of the scriptures and stuck to the old school rejecting Trinitarianism despite the leading errors of clerics in his day.
Newton famously did not push his ideas past reason; he made no hypothetical explanations, instead he left remaining puzzles to be answered by others, if he could not manage to solve them. That Low-947 below Greenland is both a Fractal and Leviathan. Its Eye has grown into the size of three or more volcanic eruptions as should later become clear. In the meantime the cyclone is growing out of the associated warm windy weather surrounding it. Newton ached for the answers to these things but they were not to be until the end of the British Empire came due. How do I know these things, first: Because I asked Jehovah God and second: Because I kept looking and third:, It was the time:
In these days, Jehovah is pouring out his spirit and I was in the way with empty buckets for pennies from heaven. So when elongation takes place and the singularity develops staying power instead of blowing away with the weather, you have to apply logic to think it through. Maybe the charts are wrong and meteorologist made a mistake. Meteorologists double and treble check everything and they meet together to discuss any unusual events to see if anyone knows why such things happen:

At the moment the popular explanation for the elongation of this cyclone is a Complex Low. The fact that such things coincide with volcanic eruptions and also with the tracks of the planets, doesn’t register with them.
It just so happened that I was free from a scientific education as well as peer pressure to follow along, forcing the pieces to fit. Instead, I asked God to show me stuff whilst explaining it to me according to my learning difficulties: “Train up a boy according to his way” and he will stick with it. Mess around with his head knocking your sense into him is fatal for all.
From the positions of the planets I learned to expect a series of interesting earthquakes to appear with solar system events because they were designed for times and tides and for seasons: The very first Fractal from which Creation was materialised out of Chaos.
Angels don’t really have wings nor do they hve limbs and what need have they for horses?
The material universe is ordered out of chaos by their harmonic dance. Nebulas of Spirals decorate the sky and every star is known to Jehovah by name. None of them were designed to fail.
I will let you into another sacred secret, unknown to Elon Musk: He has to go to Mars to extend the known Universe into other Eden-like planets because he needs a setting off: Embarkation-Port, that has a low gravity and almost no atmosphere to interfere with travel. Mars is an ideal place loaded with fuel and potential supplies for getting out of the solar system onto a more suitable one that is Earthlike.
On the fourth day of creation, God said that sources of light should appear in heaven to “make a division between the day and the night” and to “serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.” the very first Fractal (Genesis 1:14, 19, 26) According to Jehovah’s will, that is exactly what happened.
Scientists still cannot even explain what time really is. One encyclopedia says: “No one can say exactly what it is.” But Jehovah completely understands time. He is “the Creator of the heavens” and “the Former of the earth and the Maker of it.” And as the God of Time, Jehovah can know what will happen in the future. The Bible says that he is “the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done.” (Isaiah 45:18; 46:10) We will now discuss two things that will strengthen our faith in Jehovah and in the Bible. They will prove that Jehovah is the Great Timekeeper, that is, he always fulfills his purpose at his chosen time. They are (1) things that Jehovah created and (2) prophecies that were fulfilled.
Many things that Jehovah created, both small and big, are very accurate in keeping time. For example, atoms vibrate with a rhythm that never changes. Special clocks that use atoms to measure time would not miss a second even in 80 million years. Planets and stars move in such a way that we can know in advance their exact position in the sky. These positions have helped people to know the seasons and to find the right direction when traveling. Since Jehovah made both atoms and stars, he is “vigorous in power” and deserves our praise.—Read Isaiah 40:26.
Living things are controlled by time. Many plants and animals seem to follow some kind of clock inside of them. That is why many birds know by instinct when to begin their migration. (Jeremiah 8:7) Humans too are controlled by time. For example, our body tells us when it is day and when it is night. If we travel by airplane to another part of the world where the time is very different, our body may need a few days to adjust to the new time. So in the things Jehovah created, there are many examples that prove that he is the God of “times and seasons” and that he is very powerful and wise. (Read Psalm 104:24.) And because Jehovah has endless wisdom and power, we can have faith that he is able to fulfill his purpose! https://www.jw.org/en/library/magazines/ws20120515/Trust-in-Jehovah-The-God-of-Times-and-Seasons/

And here they are all in Jehovah’s own good time and if you check to see; accompanied by the forecast earthquakes. We even have the Dangler (or Hangar, I prefer that name as more descriptive) the Cold Front and Occlusion.
https://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/map/?extent=-79.30264,-80.15625&extent=83.97926,542.10938&range=month&magnitude=4.5&timeZone=utc And from these things Jehovah asks that his servants spread the good news about creation to others that they too might be encouraged to ask for the holy spirit in their own lives. This is the way: walk in it.