Low-949 looks favourite:

Saturday night is Someday mourning. Midnight 23 February, near someone like you only starting with me, @Greenwich. It would be nice to work on some sort of Geolocation to forecast earthquakes. I wonder if Elon Musk might work on what I have?
I have a nasty taste of Builder; they came back Saturday to rob me of my afternoon, running to and from my bank and not picking up any money. I wonder if I should get in touch with my neighbours about them. He wanted £300 more than the several hundred I gave him yesterday. I am pretty sure they were “working the location”.
It took a long time to get over it. All afternoon. The point is I already had a busy schedule before he horned his way in. Three of them. When I decided not to fully pay him, he invited me to come out and speak with his men. Friendly of him, wasn’t it?
I just said no thank you and held the door as he stepped out then thanked him and closed it. Then he knocked on the door again like a bloody fool. “Go away!” I think he did. Some people take the biscuit and seem to have no grasp of politeness. I was taken to my bank by his man and not instructed what to do when we got there, he assumed I would just fetch money to him. Not my fault.
I caught the bus back, I had to do that twice; on the bus back the second time I was deep in prayer that I didn’t offend them when I got back. I was surprised they were still there. That was odd. I climbed up their ladder part way as they returned, then we had a discussion. He wanted me to put an invoice from his phone to my computer. “So where is it?” I was thinking in terms of paper, he was showing me his phone. I never use phones. Ah, well.
I was writing it into a small notebook and gave him a page, I forget what for, my email, I think. Basically, I was trying to remember how much I had given him and how much all three of them had done, it didn’t look like a lot considering. After I said no and he tried to reason with me, I’d had enough. Let your yes mean yes and your no, No! That is scriptural. I don’t think it made him happy, I hope God helped him on his way. It’s only money, I would rather him be happy with what he got, I know I am not.
But that’s politics. I am still waiting for the invoice. No emails so far.
Sounds brave but I was irritated at them wasting my time… Anyway I kept up the prayer and everything went quietly after I explained things. I wanted to know how he came to call on me: “I was just passing”.
“Where from?”
“Originally, Wales.”
“Yes, I know that but how did you find me in Stoke?”
“I was just passing and saw all the trees growing out of your chimney …around the back.” (Some people are so busy remembering their lines, they forget to stop talking.)
“Where from?”
“Prestatyn.” That is when I told him: “No!” and opened the door, “Give me my money back.” But he left with it.
There is no pleasing some people. The trouble is the after-effect leaves you really bad tempered, as you go over it all again and again. Ah well, I wish my language had been a lot sweeter. I had to apologise to Jehovah. I kept saying sorry but I wasn’t. I know he understands. Think of it as not so much losing a son so much as keeping your temper. As in heaven so on earth. Our father allowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, as it were so to speak.