The last earthquake:
4.8M. 173 km SE of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea. 2025-01-29 20:04:00 (UTC) I noticed this a few days ago and now it occurring again. How can people not notice these things?
Do they think that planets have holy days?

2025-01-29 20:04:00 on Solar System Live
The odd thing is Earth Mars and Venus pass through alignments through the sun to Pluto bringing in a few warm days along with concomitant cold ones with larger than usual volcanic plumes. How many days is that?
Better use hours, like tractor hours. 29th 20:04, 30th, 31st, 1st, 2nd 3rd 18:58 and counting. That is almost a week without a Magnitude 5 ‘quake. I think a massive storm wind is building.

FAIDA | S Indian | 18.1 S | 50.5 E | 40 kts | TS | 17.9 S | 48.7 E | 30 kts | TD | |
VINCE | S Indian | 16.5 S | 94.9 E | 55 kts | TS | 18.1 S | 89.8 E | 60 kts | TS | |
TALIAH | S Indian | 15.1 S | 114.3 E | 70 kts | 1 | 15.7 S | 111.1 E | 70 kts | 1 | |
FIFTEEN | SW Pacific | 21.0 S | 168.0 E | 40 kts | TS | 21.6 S | 170.1 E | 35 kts | TS |
The four winds were associated with seiches set up in the South Seas 14 days earlier (for each South Sea ‘quake.) Could the US democrats be clearing some land where they can exile themselves, somewhere that has ready and steady access to the blood of children tortured for the Adrenachrome?

3 February 21:07 and counting. What is a seiche?
In the Southern Ocean they have period of 14 days before the shebang turns in on itself whichever latitude it reaches. How does that work?
You get into a bath full of water too quickly and the seiche floods all over your floor. The oceans, similarly, constrain the bars of all floods by royal command. Hugely damaging floods tend to be confined to a valley flood plain and refreshes the topsoil.
We know how rivers work to drain the salt marshes we used to have before land drains spoiled everything, some 50 to 70 years ago. That we don’t have them in bathrooms just means that you have to bathe carefully. Every 6 hours and 20 minutes, the northern sea shores refresh: High Tide and Low Tide ostensibly match the half lunar day. That the tides do not match the phases has a reason that eludes all but Admiralties everywhere. (See Doodson,
So far as I know we have no mechanism that describes the relationship with the Southern Ocean and Tropical Storms. Obviously God knows, so have you asked him or are you waiting for me?
Why wait if your need to know is genuine, would he wait for me to explain it to you?
All the internet was rated “earth filling” by Jehovah according to the prophet Daniel. Daniel 2:45
And just as you saw a stone being cut out of the mountain without human hands, and it shattered the iron, bronze, clay, silver, and gold, so the great God has told the king what will happen in the future. If you wait for me to find you, what else might you suppose you missed?
Buchans Spells:
Alexander Buchan observed the weather patterns for about fifty years prior to 1900, and found that there were six periods in the year when lower than normal temperatures could be expected, and *also* three periods where the weather would be *higher* than normal.
- 1st Cold Spell, 7th – 13th February
- 2nd Cold Spell, 11th – 14th April, often called ‘Blackthorn Winter’
- 3rd Cold Spell, 9th – 14th May
- 4th Cold Spell, 29th June – 4th July
- 5th Cold Spell, 6th – 11th August
- 6th Cold Spell, 6th – 13th November
- 1st Warm Spell, 12th – 15th July
- 2nd Warm Spell, 12th – 15th August
- 3rd Warm Spell, 3rd – 14th December
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