The 5th woke up to a soft crystal layer an inch deep that soon became a sludge nightmare to walk on even with thick boots.
Time to look at what it looked like: Surprise surprise, a line of occluded fronts (cold and warm ones) crossing a Tee thus resembling a tornado signal. I get the impression it falls apart differently. One might expect a longish spell to do that. A tornado generally hits then runs.
Maybe a snow spell can’t run to ground easily?
Does that sound daft or just sensible? Of all the beasts in creation, Jehovah prefers that one, an eater of straw, yet he prepared the ice for the day of war. It does fit. (I am allowed to suppose what a beast looks like to God. Anything that eats things.)
Yes that explains his poetry: Of all the beasts of the field, it is mine Behemoth and Leviathan have his majesty and no man has control over it/them.

Still no interesting Quake.
Hang on:
6.2M. 50 km SSE of La Libertad, El Salvador 2025-01-05 17:18
So, there you go. It’s all about the timing isn’t it?
(Miracles I mean.)
Let the wilderness and its towns raise their voices; let the settlements where Kedar lives rejoice. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; Let them shout from the mountaintops. Let them give glory to Jehovah and proclaim his praise in the islands. Jehovah will march out like a champion, like a warrior he will stir up his zeal; with a shout he will raise the battle cry and will triumph over his enemies.

This is before the aftermath. Meteorologists do not account for earthquakes, even though the weather does. IOW we have to wait for Midnight 6th?
Is that really so?
I do so hate it when a public agency ostensibly created to offer support to the general public repeatedly fails in their obligation. It does so make one wonder if their data has much resemblance to the facts. So here I am again getting the last two charts at 03:47, wondering about their veracity. One can only imagine a dirty reporter sitting on data that could reveal the activities of am internecine cabal in, for example, the University of East Anglia making life difficult for honest innocents like me, because of Global Warming or the lack of it.
I hate to think that a vampire like George Soros would bribe people like that to play silly tricks on anyone they wish to deceive. Fortunately with revelations about the swamp murdering people just for the show. People like the FBI for instance murdering a serving soldier, and covering it over, we now have the internet of thing to make the swamp easier to spot.

I wonder if I can spot any discrepancies with the charts for t+96 and t+120, I doubt it. I have the expected closure but…
Clare Danes and the CIA were running a boot camp for journalists back in the day and the President Trump problem was about to bite:
It makes one wonder how a Christian observer would let himself be entrained in the duplicity. One has to keep out of Meteorology to be a Christian?
Back off bin men, I am in it to win it.
One imagines that the father of computation in Meteorology, being a devout Quaker would withdraw from the Met Office on its being overwhelmed by the British Military. However Richardson was a top meteorologist, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Lewis-Fry-Richardson; I am just a schmuck making use of the “stone that fills the world” without any man engraving it. (I must admit I can’t even use a mobile phone to do it though.)
Mobile phones being the signature “shouting from the mountaintops” that Jesus Christ forecast. It’s all about “stones crying out” the good news. It is his spirit that writes. The finger of God. Funny how mundane miracles are these days.

Two charts after this one the High-1018 replaces Low-996… Hang in there are 4 or more Lows in that complex. Ooh look! I never realised what I was looking at. Was that Raung?

Ah, I see what God did then. For the briefest moment as the solar system switched spells the n~body planets involved in both spells became visible. Then back to business. I should have put them in order but I had it half done and thought you might like to follow my line of thinking, (well show me at least) and maybe anyone following some time to come.
So the first shown in t+24, then t+48 so now the one in between t+36:

Wow look at the… what are they called again?
Oh man I missed it all Tornadoes over the British Isles what do they foreshadow?
And for whom tolls the bell?
I can’t remember is this the signal for the coming quake. Blast I should post this thing again when its all over. so, points to watch out for: As the High diminishes, troughs appear and the Lows separate into more but smaller polar points. Can I follow that myself, tomorrow or so…?
Funny I had forgotten I said I would and that is what I am doing so many days later. To be fair I had no idea a set of fronts would apply to Oriental volcanoes, I had them all down a South and Central American Units. Obviously telekinese/ telconnections they are called officially applies universally. I should have known. What a fool. It belong to Jehovah to move mountains hi son was just playing with the heads of his disciples.
Though it was always true that with Jehovah’s help we can do everything we set our minds to do. You are reading this for Heaven’ Sake! If the satanists can perform miracles to the detriment of mankind, it has to be true that we can find magical, mysterious cures. It says so in the bible so there! So there means Amen.
7.1M. 2025 Southern Tibetan Plateau Earthquake 2025-01-07 01:05. I missed this on the USGS site but just noticed it on https://watchers.news/2025/01/07/m7-1-2025-xizang-china-earthquake-damage-fatalities/
If this was Jupiter Venus Sol

There’s going to be a closure of about 7.3M. or should be but these days I am not so sure and it is all in another spell.
Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 .
The full report is as follows: MULT VA EMS OBSD. to 20000 ft (6100 m)
Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) altitude or flight level 210 .
The full report is as follows: VA CLD OBSD. to 21000 ft (6400 m)
Eruption of Mount Raung in East Java, Indonesia, occurred on December 24, 2024, while tourists were hiking on its summit. Ash plumes were expelled to an altitude of 8 km (26 000 feet) a.s.l., as confirmed by the Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC). The hikers who were on the volcano during the eruption successfully evacuated the area without sustaining injuries. An earlier advisory reported ash plumes reaching 7 km (23 000 feet) a.s.l. and moving northeast at 18 km/h (11 mph).
https://watchers.news/2024/12/30/tourists-escape-unscathed-as-raung-volcano-erupts-during-summit-visit-in-indonesia/ A bit late but it should have made an impact on the North Atlantic charts. Maybe caused the snow we were having until recently?

Oh man! That looks like four lows in a row something similar to the last few days. I would never have guessed it. I would have expected anticyclones.

Nothing on the noon analysis. Whatever it is I am looking for I am going to need to be quickerer.

Lets look at the 24th GMT:

All I can suggest is to keep off mountains everywhere during a deep Low.

Now something is telling me to look out for 12 O’Clock Highs. But what does that even mean?

And a sudden small change in the weather the next day. A bit late if you are on the mountain in question.

OK, Got the six but where is it pointing to?
Any navigators on here?

Nope. Eyes wide open and nothing to see here. Idiot.
Low 981 in t+36 was pointing to Raung maybe even Canalon in the Philppines is that about 80 degrees from the elongation. It is so true how God loves us. Pity they laugh at those who listen.
Ground deformation monitoring by the Kanlaon Volcano Network (KVN) has detected significant inflation in the middle to upper portions of the volcano’s eastern edifice since 19:20 LT on January 10, 2025, with data indicating a potential eruption driven by pressurization within the shallow magma conduit. PHIVOLCS maintains Alert Level 3, originally raised on December 9, 2024, and there is presently an increased chance for sudden explosive eruptions to occur and endanger communities at risk with life-threatening volcanic hazards.

Does breaking cold front mean a major eruption. That could be a useful tool if i could convince someone important. I will have to Joint Trump Social or X or somewhere useful.
Hang on, that first chart:

Midnight on the 23rd December and a line of cyclones clustered along the coast of Greenland. Would Canalon and Ruang sit on an arc of 80 degrees to them?
That’s good enough to offer a warning to keep clear. It’s not as if anyone sensible would pay good money to go up a mountain on foot, is it?
Why would anybody do that, fool or not?