The Fijian Triangle
I think I found something new. This should go with something I had an idea about years ago. unless it bleeds out.

Might this correction be a tip from meteorology that there is another spell coming.

The brown semicircle on the right is the same brown circle in Northern India on the left. My resolution is not sensitive enough on the laptop to capture a complete globe without overlap.
Here is the same image again moved to the other hand.

What drew my attention is this concentration of increasing activity along with the Meteorological chart correction:


Neptune Sol Mercury; Uranus Venus Sol; Jupiter Earth Mercury; Saturn Venus Earth.
It is going to be a big one I think or a series of close encounters. I am just going to check when Mars aligns with earth on the sun. I am guessing 6 days earlier nearly Mars Earth Venus on the 19th

Damnit, thank goodness I will never make a research scientist:
6.4M. 56 km ESE of Molina, Chile 2024-12-13 23:38

Pluto Sol Mercury; but I missed Mars Earth Venus and I think, Uranus Earth Mercury, did I, how about Neptune Venus Mercury?
I hate checking my stuff.

The Fijian Triangle is Fiji Tong and Vanuatu. It appears as a block of quakes running through New Zealand from Macquarie Island into the Southern Ocean where the earthquakes signal a tropical storm in the Pacific. I just realised that as Pacific Cyclones they eventually appear on the North Atlantic charts as Anticyclones, fancy never considering something I have always known. Warra Dope!
Nicely depicted here:

4.8M. 268 km E of Levuka, Fiji 2024-12-21 01:17
4.8M. 59 km NNE of Hihifo, Tonga 2024-12-21 12:03
5.0M. 111 km ESE of Fangale’ounga, Tonga 2024-12-21 09:20
It is one of the most active seismic Zones and proof that creation has been continuing right up to the time of the end. In fact I believe that the region is going to develop into a continent similar to Africa. Creation was continuing to develop long after Adam was created, the resurrection for example never stopped happening for example. It’s just that at the time the tree of life was forbidden, that is not the tree of knowledge of good and bad.
Anyway storms and duals are the order of the day on the 21st:

I think Low-970 over Norway is an African volcanic eruption plume

Anyway it a dual now, two volcanoes Lows-987 and Low-987 might even be a pair of vents on the same mountain
I forget what it was that I saw in the first image on this post but is beginning to look a bit like Christmas:
6.1M. 30 km W of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 2024-12-21 15:30.
5.9M. 37 km S of Guisa, Cuba 2024-12-23 06:00
5.9M. 23 km SSE of Tinogasta, Argentina 2024-12-24 22:42
5.6M. Fiji region 2024-12-25 06:34
5.7M. Izu Islands, Japan region 2024-12-26 21:02
5.9M. northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2024-12-27 05:30
Something to do with corrections at head office but what?
It is a good job I am not in an hurry. It will come to me when I need it to. Happy is the man whose confidence is in Jehovah. Jeremiah 17. What I was expecting was another large magnitude quake closing the 7.3M. 30 km W of Port-Vila, Vanuatu 2024-12-17 01:47 but now something richer presents itself: These Hangars, cold fronts, in the middle of the Atlantic were not the so called Danglers (or maybe they still are but..) they are instead the marks or signals for significant quakes that fake place before the end of the spell is completed.
The lower magnitude earthquakes of 5.5M. and slightly above, or not as the case might be.

There it is I think. Or is it?

It is always good to see the spread over a few days as this is wind interpretation and the forecasts from whoever gave them days ago. Besides, I may even be dealing with silly Phillie from East Anglia.

I would like to know what H-1032 is. Canalon most likely. I feel vindicated now it is 11 Centigrade and cloudy here. This overcast is the result of mixing in the upper topopause, I guess.

Same correction different day almost 120 hours later. Odd. A beautiful morning with mist; 8 Centigrade so still warm.

Low 983 becoming 986 evolves into a dual Lows-991 and Low-991 midnight Saturday 2024; seeming to develop triple dual by noon later Low-988 and Low-989. They really are a complex. I imagine the consensus of opinion that these lows can not be volcano signals lies in the problem of explaining highs. Quite ridiculous in my opinion. If they have to cross a frozen waste it stands to reason that they become anticyclones. Presumably when the Lows_981 become Low-989 it will do so as an earthquake evolves. Now that IS something requiring explanation!
Such an explanation ought to cover the generation of all earthquakes. I can only suppose they are due to the generation of minor pressure centres collapsing thus explaining changes in the weather are due to that phenomena.
All this is something requiring the abilities of a god to hold in one’s head. Rather explains too why not believing anything of the sort is easier.
2024-12-25 23:10:43 Solar system Live

Neptune Sol Mercury align; Saturn Venus Earth Mars align. Jupiter Mars and Mercury may have been in alignment a day or so earlier?
Strong mist, I don’t think I ever saw a fog in this region. I suppose that fogs belong to large ports?
More likely the explosive impact of Nuclear weapons on volcanic eruptions were already calling fire out of heaven in 1945 and after. They produce sudden stratospheric warming. Added to the fallout of volcanoes the effect must be enormous, bring closer the fallout of snow from Leviathan in the Day of Jehovah’s Anger. Couple that with the use of Tesla’s Eruption Device the Huchison Effect and laser/masers used in tropical storms.
So now we wait for a Magnitude 7.5 or so. there seems to be a three body solution off Greenland on the charts today:

Likely the long awaited earthquake in development:

And here we go as the dual collapses:

Not quite there yet. When the weather changes it changes because the planets have repositioned the effects of the complete solar system. Beginning at noon 31 December the n#body resolution of gravity begins to change:

By noon Wednesday 1 January the weather has certainly changed so the largest quake of the series occurs before then.

Noon Monday then that’s a date:

Or Tuesday. Damn isn’t this exciting?

2024-12-31 1:17:33 beats me.
Right Distance From 47°N 7°E: Ascension Declination (AU) Altitude Azimuth
Sun 18h 42m 49s -23° 4.4′ 0.983 -58.458 -130.433 Set
Mercury 17h 11m 9s -21° 42.7′ 1.132 -43.619 -105.818 Set
Venus 21h 57m 43s -13° 59.8′ 0.758 -51.784 142.059 Set
Moon 18h 50m 57s -27° 51.7′ 60.6 ER -63.411 -127.699 Set
Mars 8h 21m 45s +23° 26.5′ 0.659 66.430 2.096 Up
Jupiter 4h 47m 57s +21° 47.8′ 4.184 39.831 79.312 Up
Saturn 23h 5m 48s -7° 56.8′ 10.011 -38.155 125.784 Set
Uranus 3h 25m 22s +18° 26.5′ 18.860 23.495 92.270 Up
Neptune 23h 52m 4s -2° 15.6′ 30.093 -26.840 118.545 Set
Pluto 20h 14m 41s -23° 11.6′ 36.087 -66.095 -173.904 Set
The mist has cleared, 03:03 a quiet night and I’ll be darned:
6.8M. Kuril Islands 2024-12-27 12:47 that was unexpected. So ends the spell?
What is going on?
Hang on that was 2 days ago.

2024-12-27 12:47
Neptune Sol Mercury align; Uranus Venus and Sol align and Jupiter Earth and Sol make torque. I would have said hat would supply a larger magnitude. I may be missing some of the action or I might be deceiving myself.
I can’t help thinking I am missing something on here:

Baaadaboom gonna BOOM??
I think I should close this post as it is already too long by twice the size a patient man would bother.