All the planets are in free fall therefore all the planets have the same weight/gravity in their respective two body continuums with reference the centre of mass (the sun.) Therefore the action of any planet on every other planet has equal and opposite reactions to every planet that it passes as it passes instantly.
The reaction of Pluto on Mercury has to be the same (or do I mean similar) as with Jupiter and Earth. The corollary there is that I think the reaction of Earth with Jupiter produces a much larger earthquake than th ones generated with the Mercury/Pluto interaction.
Analysis will produce the truth of these analogies or not as the case may be.
The weather is a product of these analogies, or not as the case may be, may or may not be seen with weather or not. I am of the opinion that the weather can be explained on the Met Office charts in any one of three ways:
It follows the sequence: an anomaly goes warm weather > cold weather > warm weather > average weather which as of today shows the full solar system:

And the inner planets:

At Tuesday the 17th December 2024 at 23:00:00 with none of them aligned with the sun. However, Venus is almost in line with Earth and Mars also Pluto is in line with Earth and Mars and it has been a cold overcast day with a little drizzle about mid day. There was a significant earthquake: 5.5M. 61 km SE of Amahai, Indonesia 2024-12-16 10:14 yesterday.
This is my judgement of significant. I consider it to be and objective assessment when a 5.5 magnitude takes place.,160.66406&extent=61.77312,565.66406&range=month&magnitude=4.5&timeZone=utc&search=%7B%22name%22:%22Search%20Results%22,%22params%22:%7B%22starttime%22:%222023-02-04%2000:00:00%22,%22endtime%22:%222024-02-11%2023:59:59%22,%22minmagnitude%22:6,%22orderby%22:%22time%22%7D%7D
After a period of so many hours after the ‘quake, the15th hour and counting, a significant tornado or tropical storm takes place occurs: Tropical storm risk I might be wrong

Unfortunately, neither had occurred yet. And I tend to neglect checking. The wind may develop elsewhere

Italy for instance, this opens me to claims of manipulating the data to suit myself. I admit I hatre being wrong but that dislike extends to compounding failure with lies. I like to be honest as much as I like getting things correct so I shall try to keep my mind on my job
A series of atmospheric rivers (ARs) is forecast to bring heavy precipitation, flooding risks, and winter storm impacts to the U.S. West Coast this week, with the first AR making landfall on Tuesday, December 17, 2024. The fourth and fifth ARs are forecast to make landfall on December 21 and 22. Up to 500 mm (20 inches) of rain expected in some areas and significant streamflow rises in western Washington and Oregon.
Following whatever storm, an increase in volcanic activity occurs, these produce cyclonic plumes over 20,000 feet, for South and Central America. Less high for Anticyclones and cyclones elsewhere.
These are visible on the North Atlantic meteorological charts as Warm fronts with cold front developing out of the Occluded Complex Low air mass mixture.. The same can sometines be said for the Anticyclones seen on these charts but the anticyclones develop out of volcanic plumes in the orient and dehydrate on their journeys to the North Atlantic.
All this is admittedly difficult to understand. all I can say is that I have spent years devoted to unravelling the puzzle. I have asked Jehovah God for help and he has answered my prayers. You must be the judge of that. Alternatively you can call me a liar and ignore what I forecast at your own peril. The very least of it allows the weather to be timed by volcanic activity, the worst that could happen is you get caught in a storm.