Keep On The Watch! – Daily Table: 20180928

What quakes happened before the last Atlantic storms?

Date Time Region Mg Atlantic Storm 2018 Status
2018-09-28   13:35:30.3 MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA 5.7
2018-09-28   12:32:45.0 MARTINIQUE REGION, WINDWARD ISL. 5.5
2018-09-28   10:50:24.8 5.7
2018-09-28   10:25:04.2 5.8
2018-09-28   10:16:48.6 5.7
2018-09-28   10:14:20.0 5.8
2018-09-28   10:02:44.3
2018-09-28   07:00:02.1 MINAHASA, SULAWESI, INDONESIA 6.1
Leslie Tropical Rainstorm
Kirk Tropical Storm


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