This starts a new post.
Check up the post September Lunar Period — Part One at https://qle.vivaldi.net/2018/09/06/september-lunar-period/
Send it we can correct them later
Along with the tropical storms the rest of the dark has still to run out:
They are not in prison yet and Jehovah has not been petitioned for formal forgiveness either.
There is still a lot of dark matter in the pipeline so we should be expecting volcanic activity for a few more days at least
It doesn’t look too bad over on Tuesday. Watch how the clock runs down over the week. Want to compile a Gimp animation for the rest of the week to about the 13th?
I said it could be over by the 9th but this is only in Siberia by then.
The US deep state killed a lot of people especially brown ones:
Go badk to 2010 on here:
Look at these pairs. I hope the Chinese are not palying with fire as if they have learned nothing from America:
I don’t think President trump with be pleased with them
I know god won’t
Maybe it is a trial to see how forgiving we are after all this shit.
And that is only on that side of the ball I never looked at the other side. I think that is somewhere towards Chile and the Aleutian island chain.
It is a big planet, you know there is plenty of room for all of us. Most of prefer cities and a lucky few belong in the farms.
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