September Lunar Period — Part 2

 For example[
There have been fewer disasters reported on here since President Trump stopped the CIA and GCHQ using the USA’s computers:

This starts a new post.

Admittedly he is paying America out in their own koyne but they can deal with it if they are genuine.

And honestly searching for help from god.

He helps all of us who ask him directly once he has made sure that we have learned something useful from him.

Check up the post September Lunar Period — Part One at
For example not too amy unbearable tornadoes:

Compare a fairly typical September in 2009 for example:

Send it we can correct them later

Don’t bother me with trivia.
Have you got that man’s money sorted?

Along with the tropical storms the rest of the dark has still to run out:

5 Sep 2018: Popocatépetl volcano, Dukono, Reventador, Sangay, Sakurajim…

They are not in prison yet and Jehovah has not been petitioned for formal forgiveness either.

There is still a lot of dark matter in the pipeline so we should be expecting volcanic activity for a few more days at least


It doesn’t look too bad over on Tuesday. Watch how the clock runs down over the week. Want to compile a Gimp animation for the rest of the week to about the 13th?

I said it could be over by the 9th but this is only in Siberia by then.

The US deep state killed a lot of people especially brown ones:

Go badk to 2010 on here:

Look at these pairs. I hope the Chinese are not palying with fire as if they have learned nothing from America:

I don’t think President trump with be pleased with them

I know god won’t

Maybe it is a trial to see how forgiving we are after all this shit.


I t looks like there is bad news heading for China

also look at where 80 degrees from the epicentre will reach

Would this involve Iarn I wonder?

27km E of Tomakomai, Japan
2018-09-05 18:07:58 (UTC)

414 words

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