Put that on Qle

Esta es la carta metereológca relacionada con el temblor en Venezuela, mag 7.1 (martes 21 de agosto de 2018, 5:30 pm)

Lots of earthquakes signal their passage by running between to Highs like this

One in the top next to Greenland and one over Germany.

Cold weather coming, I think
Lots of earthquakes signal
I meant to say tornadoes
Lots of tornadoes signal
The weather is not a factor according to them. We know better and it always changes after a large quake.
 There was a nonstop rain after the EQ.

The rain is a tell

 “It was a hard rain, a perpetual rain, a sweating and steaming rain; it was a mizzle, a downpour, a fountain, a whipping in the eyes, an undertow at the ankles; it was a rain to drown all rains and the memory of rains.”
“The Long Rain” (1950)
Author Ray Bradbury
Original title “Death-by-Rain”
145 words

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