I will pour out my spirit in the latter part of the days JW.org
I don’t think JW.org existed in 2013 when a friend set this site up between us, she’s long gone because she never had this spirit of prophecy. Not all of us have this ability. I just happened to need it. So I got it. Odd that I never saw her struggling with this. I doubt I ever really believed in plate tech, though I once read about it in a book from the 1950’s but it was to simple for me to follow without struggling. Also it never explained earthquakes just spoke about them. Besides I developed an alternative viewpoint to that of Weggener shortly after but a comparatively few years after reading about his theories.
Then Global Warming came along and I got out. I read some Einstein and never came back from that rubbish, once I’d found out the physics never matched anything real.
When I came into the life of this girl she was recovering from a period of violence not assisted by the local Jehovah’s Witnesses in fact some wanted her to reconnect with the violent source. Imagine that. What kind of Christians do that?
Too late they apologised since then.
She struggled to understand what I was trying to explain but I am not a good teacher and I never saw this effort from her to do what I wanted: translate my stuff into Spanish, eventually she decided my stuff is rubbish and went away. Pity.
Babilonia La Grande
❀ ✍ Repasar toda el programa del día domingo…
Don’t forget!
· Salmo 27
· —-
· —-
· Met Office: Surface pressure forecast
· Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC)
Current Significant Tropical Weather Advisories:
ABPW10 (Western/South Pacific Ocean): Garry
– ABPW10 Text
– Satellite Image
· Wetterzentrale ~ Archiv der 00 UTC UKMO-Bracknell-Bodenanalysen (ab 27.01.1998)
(These files are known as bracka-year-month-day.gif)
Real Time Sismicity
European-Mediterranean Sismological Center (EMSC) ~ Real Time Seismicity
Latest Earthquakes Worldwide Mag 5+
More Quakes
A vey interesting site to see http://hsv.com/scitech/earthsci/quake.htm
NWS Charts
Fri Apr 5, 2013
Fancy making a collection of NWS ones for me?
If you start with 2013 and work backwards from 2 days ago (they save themselves with numbers like: 130403_rpts.gif)
Click the arrow to go back:
< 130402 Reports 130404 Reports >
What she was trying to do was make the pieces fit. It can’t be done instead you have to choose between God and Man before you get the holy spirit. I was asking for this stuff a long time before I became a Jehovah’s Witness. Funny thing as soon as I started looking at the bible I wanted to understand Daniel’s work. Now I am looking at the book of Zechariah with a view to matching the events of today with it.
At 9am the morning run of North Atlantic charts was missing the 72 hour spot:

And I have all day with this unless I want to have a wash before I go to church, what will it cost me to refresh the page?
Still no t+72. Let us see if it arrives by noonish. So three different browsers and numerous refreshes later makes no difference. Time I was gorn.
The morning charts for the16th show a classic freeze up over the edge of North America producing a dual:

The analysis chart shows a Catherine Wheel full of warm front occlusion types with the centre at 948 this a very low pressure cyclone translating the event in South America: Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m).
Bear in mind this is about 24 hours later to cover production of the data:

This is the next chart in the run, showing the set up forecast made 6 hours later.

t+24, count all the pressure points in that cyclone. Running the model out a few hours more breaks the cyclone into portions:

t+36. Consistent with a volcanic eruption and then the model shows the eruption rebuilds at the end of the run with the centre: Low-949 restored:

Not bad for machine code, 2 millibars out. Of course the server is a supercomputer with international Artificial Intelligence co-operating with NOAA and Europe. Still very impressive. I want to get one of them if they throw it out in 10 years time. Just a bit of it would do me. I wonder how much they pay for the hard drives in it?
The ability to move mountains: Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m.) From the foregoing it is possible to forecast the imminent eruption of Popocatapetl by Tuesday the 18th of February 2025.

This last chart indicates there will be more than one peak involved maybe another mountain but I lack that much faith at the moment to make further speculations. Want to try it yourself?