How do you cure stress illness?
Well you can ask the devil to hep but he will just end your life for you. Life is from Jehovah. The problem for the scrap iron, all that is left from the rubble of 9/11 anyway, is due for death unless it changes for as it says in the bible:
As for me, this mystery has been revealed to me, not because I have greater wisdom than anyone else alive, but so that Your Majesty may know the interpretation and that you may understand what went through your mind.
And so you can get healed from stress. The concrete has gone, literally blown to the four winds. (Wow look at the Hanger on here. More about that later: Sorry about that I just found domething interesting.
Anyway back to
Grab it whilst you can the missing charts concerning all the nefarous deeds and swampvermin are recorded in the weather that was conjoured up by the United Deep Swamp States now about to be busted. I am on Blogger, a google page so help yourself to it while you can. The vermin are all over it. This was before I understood the depravity of all the bad stuff going on, despite being one of Jehovah’s Witnesses I had not the faintest idea about the half of it. So even if you don’t understand the weather you might help save it for your children, they will thank you.
Anyways up, to deal with stress even battle fatigue, you have to deal with the badness that was planted in you by demons. They are easy to remove once you learn the trick. You just wake up when you have the problem and go into a quiet place to accept all that you did. don’t try to shrug it off. You have to accet the spirit for the moment.
Ask Jehovah God to stop you hurting. Tell him what you did; that you are sorry and that you want to get well. Take the time to break every memory that assails you up into bite size pieces. Chew over them and deal with each little piece as you go, one bad memory at a time.
And just tell him what you were thinking and how you feel about it now. He already knows but he wants you to know that.
It is important to use the name of God becuse demons have been using all the other devices that you might have tried before but they fear to operate on people using the sacred name Yahweh or YHWH also known as Jehovah. Ask to approach this time, in the hope of recieving holy spirit to just stop what ails you.
After that you can see your way to doing all the rest of it at your own pace in your own time. If you want to. Life is full of ifs and nobody is holding a knife to your throat on this side of the divide. Jesus told his followers that the demon will leave but if he catches you again you might be worse off if he brings his friends. As always, the holy name will always chase it off.
Blessings get healed.
Now a bit of bible study from
“And just as you saw the feet and the toes to be partly of clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom will be divided, but some of the hardness of iron will be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with soft clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom will be partly strong and partly fragile. Just as you saw iron mixed with soft clay, they will be mixed with the people; but they will not stick together, one to the other, just as iron does not mix with clay.
In the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed. And this kingdom will not be passed on to any other people. It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it alone will stand forever, just as you saw that out of the mountain a stone was cut not by hands, and that it crushed the iron, the copper, the clay, the silver, and the gold. The Grand God has made known to the king what will happen in the future.
This is may take on it your mileage may vary:
In 1914 the world came to an end as far as the Gentile Times ran. A last king more terrible than the rest became what President Trump calls The Swamp. It engineered the first world war and ran the diciples of Christ out of town.
They were reserrected, so to speak, spiritually when the war ended about seven years later with the Treaty of Versailles 1919 and a convention of God’s People in Columbus Ohio 1921 where they took the name of Jehovah for themselves since Christendumb was intent on not using it.
By 1975 all the canaanites that were held together by running fake empires against the Semites and Japhethites were running all the news as well as all the wars but Jehovah God had placed his King for us in his holy temple: Jesus Christ. Psalm 2.
By 2001 the evil slave was ready to destroy the earth to prevent to next week of Creation. It couldn’t help but show itself in the flesh as the World Trade Center was felled aftter all its weather had benn stolen this involved sever neaby banks too. Sortly afterwards the stones began to cry out in the streets all over the world. Look in you pocket for your mobile phone. Press the buttons and look at the wring inside it not carved by any human hand. All the prophecies of the coming Christ were fulfilled on earth as in heaven. Unless there is more.
I won’t back down:
Sorry about the caps.I just cleaned the key board now I just need a new one. How do I get rid of the other two locks? (Number lock and there’s another light too.)
Sarrying the Bidden book will set the Google bots against the Republic. They are canaanites and one can’t tell anyone that because it is true. They are the ones that eat children, if anyone does.
Catch this before the Google bots do as it will be removed. Next time they remove it I will come back minus the caps lock Because I won’t back down you can stand me at the gate of hell but I won’t back down
We can even forecast earthquakes and volcanoes by means of his holy spirit. Now we await the Prince of Peace who is about to take action against the canaanites when it is that they begin saying world peace. Someone toldme that it is going to snow again Tuesday the 3rd December: A line of planets not involving the sun means cold and a righr line of two or more planets, including the sun stands for warmth and, after an earthquake, larger than usual eruptions. If they involve South America, there will be a lot of rain or wet snow. Wet snow effect is different to the Canadian continental stuff as it melts soon afterwards.
Tuesday 3 June:

Pluto Veus Merury Mars Earth(?) could last a wile. Neptune Venus Sol (being slightly out of line adds torque to the system.)
Hangars. Look up Hangars in Meteorology, they are always followed with large eruptions and Popocatapetl has been showing signs of a large eruption since the earliest approach to the US election over an year ago.
A line of Hangars connect several volcanic erutions. Pink stuff indicates active eruptions cold stuff indicates a cease fire. This is closely related to acts of war: The store houses of the snow described in Job. this starts already by the tme you recieve this and seems to suspend by midday Tuesday 3rd December. I don’t think it will be over for a while.
The cyclones in the south west sector all indicate South American Volcanoes erupting to above twenty thousand feet, there are a large number of them by Wednesday, check out their plumes on Volcanoes Today:
Would you care to put this stuff on my page Qle, in Italian?