Does Snells law relate to the way the power generated by satellites passing one another causes earthquakes?
The fastest way to get from A to B using gravity is a cycloid (Bernoulli) for no other reason than a particle on a cycloid is transmitted at the same time as all the other particle on the same trajectory. this would explain how some quakes have more magnitude than others if it comports to sine waves from Snell’s Law, it should also comport to siesmicity. That seems logical to me in my ignorance.
Pierre Louise de Maupertuis Director of the French Academy of Sciences, Paris:
Action = Mass x Velocity x Distance just in time to be resoved for: the Lisbon Portugal earthquake. Nov. 1, 1755, causing serious damage to the port city of Lisbon, Port., and killing an estimated 60,000 people in Lisbon alone.

On a straight line with Jupiter Venus and Uranus; aligned with Neptune Sol Mercury; Venus Sol Earth; I think Saturn Mercury Sol in this instance was the kicker there is no know placement for Pluto nor any other abberation. I have a feeling it could be resolvedto some extent.