Just another cycle in the continuum. I saw this this afternoon (late, I know)

I saw the dual (Sangay (Ecuador): plume to estimated 20000 ft and Sabancaya (Peru): plume to estimated 22000 ft) vocanoes near Iceland and thought: Here we go again but I thought I had a day or two to go, so: No Hurry!
Now I am kicking myself for not calling it earlier and here we go with the dual cold fronts aftermath:

Thursday is when I was expecting it. So what is going to happen on Thursday?
Anything important?
I have no idea, remember the meteorologists have not yet been able to see there is a connection. In my defence, the weather was windy, of the sort that predicates volcanic activity. The last issue this evening I mean Friday evening, is wild. I should post it entire. Maybe tomorrow?

6.1M. 60 km SSW of La Libertad, El Salvador 2024-08-28 22:57

Take note of this one feeding on an high over Britain and Semeru overGreenland.

As we get closer to Sunday, we should have a better idea when the next quake occurs. Saturday or Sunday likely. I suspect three Indonesian volcanoes are involves with the Highs over Europe. I have no idea which is which. Ibu (Halmahera, Indonesia): Ash plume estimated 8000 ft (2400
Lewotobi (Flores): Ash plume estimated 9000 ft (2700 m) and
Dukono (Halmahera): Ash plume that rose up to estimated 8000 ft (2400 m). Presumably their lack of height equals lack of fsallout and enrgy, which might explain why Lows eat Highs and not vica versa or not, as the case may be.The highs or anticyclones get more prominent as the quake approaches. I think that I should concentrate more on the warm fronts than the cold ones. It’s just that the cold fronts are the more striking. Are they?

I think the El Salvador quake was due to Venus and Mercury and, oh hang on Mercury is faster so maybe it was Mars and Venus, or should I consider Uranus and Venus. Decisions, decisions!
I think I need help. God help me decide please. How about Saturn Earth Sol?
Then there is Neptune Earth Sol but that is for another day. Quite frankly I do not know.
I missed posting the 6.1 magnitude becase I don’t want to be posting all the stupid quakes but the problem is that the hand of god decides what are the ones I have to post I am going to have to start again with my fulll attention. this is going to be a pain!
Ah well serves me right for being complacent. The thing is, I was about to start something more interating. Back to the drawing bored Igo.