The oncoming American election hot on the heels of the British one is now going to go critical. Elon Musk hosting President Trump and the Vice President of America refusing to take part; I have no idea if Joe Potato in chef was invited but I doubt it. As of August 2024 we do not officially know who is running the USA. IIRC the President was rushed to an hospital somewhere then evaccuated to I don’t recall…
Afterwards, there was some sort of parley by telephone which was later relayed to America somehow. I don’t remember what was said. If I ever knew but now Kamala Harris is in charge although still remaining VP. I have no idea how that works. I am British and have lived in Britain all my life, I only started following American politics due to reports about President Trump and General Flynn.
It was not until years later that I got back with Jehovah’s Witnesses and began to follow the biblical narrative. I have developed what they migh consider a different view about who the King of the North is. There being a disparity over the rulership of the Western Arm of the planet’s military and what would have to be seen as the Oriental alternative.
I would personally place Cjina as a co-equal to Russia these days. Whatever the reality on Earth we can not speak for Jehovah. When the nation of Israel broke away from the tribe of Judah and the line of Kings and the Temple in Jerusalem built by Solomon, they chose an alternative King and were themselves taken into Assyria, where the tribes lost a lot of their heritage already poisoned from the civil “war”. A lot of the narrative in the bible remained focused on the situation but Jehovah personally refused to have an embsassy with Samarian Israel. He only directed the prophets to the Judean Kings, which by turns proved every bit as unfaithful.
When Judah was taken to Babylon it was to be the start of what are called the Gentile Times. For which in any discussion about that, I will preferably follow: for advice. Christendom (in the view of Jehovah’s Witnesses) became apostate. Just like Samaritan Israel, they worship images and false gods such as saints and even Jesus Christ himself.
And of course they built the highest towers in the world at one time until the last king that came out of Rome, the USA, started working with baked clay and a sort of steel called rebar to make initially Chicagoan skyscrapers.
I was so intense in thise days I could only assume I was a dork. I had been reading about a dozen websites, all on meteorology before then and then copy and pasting much of it to all the sites I was using. This link is to one that failed to make it across today.
It is a gif of one month’s weather. Now I am curious about all the other months contained on that site, now that I have discovered how to read it for earthquakes. Previously I could read the Canadian NAEFS to do it. I used a slightly different method but it was absolutely time consuming. I coudn’t do it these days.

As far as I know rebar is mild steel a low grade steel that tends to have a uniform level of content mostly being carbon and iron. I have no idea what went into the World Trade Centre that was so famously brought down in 11 September 2001. As theSteel in the towers was exterior cladding it might well have been a better grade than comon rebar, a steel that was still mostly iron although not in itself mixed with baked clay. All the inner structure was likely the cheaper options.
It turns out that the American Secret service likely destroyed all the American skyscrapers including the one they executed Timothy McVey for:
Timothy James McVeigh was an American domestic terrorist who perpetrated the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995. The bombing killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured over 680 others. The explosion destroyed one-third of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.
Born on April 23, 1968, in Lockport, New York, McVeigh was a former U.S. Army soldier who became increasingly radicalized and anti-government. His hatred of the federal government intensified after the 1993 Waco siege, which resulted in the deaths of 76 people.
McVeigh was arrested shortly after the bombing for a traffic violation and was later charged with murder and conspiracy. He was found guilty and executed by lethal injection on June 11, 2001, at the Federal Correctional Institution in Terre Haute, Indiana.
It sounds like he had Christian beliefs so he would not have committed terrorism. I do not know the facts but following the recent attmpt by the USA to assassinate President Trump, it is difficult to imagine he was not sacrificed for the Clintons. A lot of evidence against them was housed in the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, the portion they destroyed.
You might want to consult Jeffery Epstein’s Wikipedia or Bill Clinton’s. Just saying.
378,246 views Premiered on 22 Feb 2020
This week on “So What You’re Saying Is…”, Peter Whittle interviews Harry Miller, 1 week after his High Court victory against Humberside Police. The High Court ruled that the police response to the ex-officer’s allegedly transphobic tweets was unlawful.
Harry Miller was visited by Humberside Police at work in January last year after a complaint about his tweets. He was told he had not committed a crime, but it would be recorded as a non-crime “hate incident”.
The court found the force’s actions were a “disproportionate interference” with his right to freedom of expression. Officers visited Mr Miller’s workplace and then spoke with him on the phone, and he was left with the impression “that he might be prosecuted if he continued to tweet”, according to a judge.
Speaking after the ruling, Mr Miller, from Lincolnshire, said: “This is a watershed moment for liberty – the police were wrong to visit my workplace, wrong to ‘check my thinking’.” His solicitor Paul Conrathe added: “It is a strong warning to local police forces not to interfere with people’s free speech rights on matters of significant controversy.”
Mr Justice Julian Knowles said the effect of police turning up at Mr Miller’s place of work “because of his political opinions must not be underestimated”. He added: “To do so would be to undervalue a cardinal democratic freedom”.