Nothing since Russia 6.5M. 150 km E of Dolinsk, Russia 2024-08-10 04:28:32 (UTC+

I think this quake is the next one of the series. Today, Wednesday 14 August

Friday 16th August

Jupiter Mars and Earth align ouside of Sun. Venus Mercury Earth and Saturn also align outside the Sun
Neptune Sol Venus align. Possibly 6.5 Magnitude. Pluto Mercury Sol, so maybe a larger than 6.5M. Maybe a 6.7 or 6.8 Magnitude
No more time to study it, I got up late just now. updated 12:48.
Popocatépetl (Central Mexico): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m) altitude or flight level 200 .
Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) altitude or flight level 210 .
llowing report: VONA RPRT RECEIVED
Sabancaya (Peru): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Buenos Aires warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) altitude or flight level 210 .
The Met Office show that charts indicate a series of eruptions have been ongoing therefore the coming earthquake is related to the recent Russian one and will be a lot stronger than 6.5M. 150 km E of Dolinsk, Russia 2024-08-10.
I have to keep reminding myself how long afo that was. I have the idea the longer it takes to arrive, the more powerful it will be but I can’t recall if that was for storm winds or what?
Now I am worrying about making ham fisted translations of my work, as if I really cared. People get clobbered all the time by the weather and earthquakes and it neve bothers me. So what language will I try first. How about Physics?

10th days to 15th equals 5 days and counting, it is a long time, so maybe I was wrong, I hate being wrong but it happens. Who ya gonna call?
I don’t have any money and I am just forecasting these things because I am on the hook for being me. Good job for you I am right or it will remain gibberish to you after I am gone.
The thing is that fake science knows I am right and that you are dead fish as far as the rulers of this wiorld are concerned so on we go.

Popocatépetl and the others in this series have just erupted… Oh hang on have I already said that this thing is going to happen tomorrow?
OK, that feels better. I once thought that Popocatapetl was going to blow its stack at the end of this year but now I think it will be Sabancaya but the truth is I have no real idea the only thing I have to worry about is my spelling as the volcanoes and my dementia get worse. (I am going to miss this place but being dead, I won’t know I care. Which, coincidentally is how I feel about the rest of the dead.)
Some people you can tell all about the world leaders and they just shrug, would I have it any other way?
That is up to Jehovah.

Nearer and nearer draws the time, the time that will surely be, when the earth will be filled with the glory of God and nobody looking at me! It is starting to break.

WAIT FOR IT wait for it:

Steady… isn’t this exciting?


Or Now, 2 I hate being wrong.

Maybe I am just looking at all this stuff in the wrong way. Is my attitude bad?

The 18th or 19th will see Mercury in alignment and mean the volcanoes boiling away merrily but surely it would have got hot with all the torque by now. A little odd. Ah well, I have drawn my conclusion and will stick to it. Good job nobody is looking.

Midnight on the nose.
Trying not to hedge my bets and having dementia (initial stages so I have been told) is a problem as I have never been able to remember what I wrote a few days before.
6.1M. 30 km SE of Hualien City, Taiwan 2024-08-16 00:35:53 (UTC+01:00) This is not a closure quake, rather it belongs on the start of a run, as the planets begin to align, the weather gets warmer. Look for tornadoes or tropical storms in any ocean.
At full alignment the lapse tide allows the waters under the volcanoes to break out. The huge fall-out sends purified water into the upper atmoshere when the earth get such a kick.
Fogs and mares tails follow as ice forms from polar (non ionic water) stuff that cannot freeze at normal pressure and temperatures. The vapour takes more that four days to fall and may go into Arctic waters by then, it can circulate for weeks when that happens.
I think perhaps the drizzle that forms from them, releases or attracts huge amounts of elecricity which goes into the next procedure: The planets involved in the first quake, typically the 6.1M just reported, on average (check me) the second quake is nearly always some 0.2 or 0.3 larger IOW on the 19th or shortly thereafter will be about 6.3M.
Anyway a 6.1 on the nose is not a bad record to go out on and I at’ent ded yet.

Aftermath without the math. The polar point on the southern border of the chart is what I saw happening, those along with the cold fronts are what the perspective earthquake chaser need to concentrate on finding. A completeish change in the weather would be useful but that relies on the meteorologist and is unlikely to be input until after the quake. I don’t know how to make a forecast but that is what I suppose can’t really happen.
I was also watching the development of the Icelandic Low, which enlarged which means deepened, Lows Greater Highs build. Unfortunately not by much, as shown the day before:

It was enough along with the polar points mentioned above.