Trump Takes Charge

Anonymous said to Assange, “Get organised, take this stache of e-mails with you and go to Oshington, Nork. When you get there, look for Trump son of Rockand, the son of Aardplace. Go to him, get him away from his companions and take him aside. Then take the stache of e-mails and make him see and tell him, ‘This is what Houghie says: ‘Trump has precedence.’ Then get the hell out of there and run; head for the Ecuador Embassy in London!”

So young Julian went to Ashington, Nork. When he arrived, the place full of politicians, sitting in turmoil. “I have a message for you, commander,” he said.

“For which of us?” asked Trump.

“For you, commander,” he replied.

Trump got up and went online in the safe house. Then Assange poured out the problem in Trump’s lap and declared, “Houghie, says: ‘Trump has precedence’ You are to destroy the house of your predecessor , Clanton, and avenge the blood of the witnesses and the blood of all the innocents shed by them. The whole web of Clanton will swing. I will cut off from Clanton every corrupt politician in Oshington, Nork; rich or poor. I will make the house of Clinton like the house of Republicans: full of chimpanzees and like the house Democrats full of prisoners. As for Hilary; slavering beasts of the Internet will devour her on the World Wide Web of Hacktivism and no one will bury her.’” Then he closed the window and hid.

When Trump went back to his fellow politicians, one of them asked him, “Is everything all right? What did that NetKook come to you for?”

“You know the man and the sort of things he says,” Trump replied.

“That’s not true!” they said. “Tell us.”

Trump said, “Here is what he told me: ‘This is what Houghie says: Trump has precedence.’”

They quickly made up their minds and spread the word about him on the QT. Then they blew the Trumpet and word got out, “Trump has precedence!”

Trump Kills DNC Superdelegates

So Trump son of Rockand, the son of Ardplace, worked together against DNC. (Now the chair and all DNC had been defending themselves against Accusations kin of Herass but they kept replacing chairs recovered from the wounds that Allthismians had inflicted in the battle with publicity.) Trump said, “If you desire to make me precedunce, don’t let anyone slip out of the city to go and tell Media, King of News” Then he got on his bike and pulled out all the stops, Media was was resisting there and Muckdog of Dirtyrag was with him as Jesus said: “By their friends you will know them!”.

When Clanton Nasty News standing in the way of the people, saw Trump’s approach, they called out, “He’s going to Trump us!”

“Get on your bikes” Media ordered. “Send to meet him and ask, ‘Do you come in peace?’”

They rode off to meet Trump and said, “This is what Media says: ‘Do you come in peace?’”

“What do you have to do with peace?” Trump replied. “Get behind me.”

Then Nasty Buggers Clanton reported: “CNN has reached them, but he isn’t coming back.”

So the King sent out another rider. When that came to them it said: “This is what Media says: ‘Do you come in peace?’”

Trump replied, “What do you have to do with peace? Get behind me.”

The reporters said, “He has reached them, but he isn’t coming back either. The driving is like that of Trump son of Rockand he drives like a maniac.”

“Stitch me up I’m done,” Media ordered. And when it was stitched up, Media King of News and , Scion of Clanton, rode out, each in his entourage, to meet Trump. They met him at the plot of ground that had belonged to Honesty the Integrite. When Media met Trump he asked, “Have you come in peace, Trump?”

“How can there be peace,” Trump replied, “as long as all the lies and warcraft of your mother Hilary abound?”

Media turned and fled, calling out to , Scion of Clinton, “Treachery, Scion!”

Then Trump took aim and shot Media to death. The blow pierced his heart and his income slumped down to the basement -which was very appropriate. Trump said to Lewandowski, his security, “Pick up his czjd and throw him where honesty grows. Remember how you and I were out riding together, in following Clanton the father, when Houghie spoke against him: ‘Yesterday I saw the blood of Honesty and the blood of the poor, declares Houghie and I will surely make you pay for it on this plot of ground. Now then, pick his czjd and throw it in the plot, in accordance withHoughie’s word.”

When , Scion of Clinton, saw what had happened, he fled up the road to House of Hags. Trump chased him, shouting, “Him too!” They pulled him off Airforce One on his way into Exile out of Rendition, but he escaped to Exile and died there. His servants took him by stealth to Holywood and buried him with all the other actors -in a hole of in the city of angles. (For eight years the first son of an African had been Presidunce of Dimerica.)

Hilary Killed

Then Trump went to Jezebel. When Hilary heard about it, she put on pancake, botox, her hair and looked down on him. As Trump entered the gate, she asked, “Have you come in peace, you Ardass, Usurper of precedence?”

He looked at those having oversight and called out, “Is there nobody here with integrity? Semper Fidelis!”

Two or three Civil Servants stuck their necks out for him. “Send her down!” Trump said. So they finaally did their job, and her stain spattered teverywhere as they trampled her underfoot.

Trump went on to celebrate. “Take care of that cursed woman,” he said, “and bury her, for she was a contender” But when they went out to bury her, they found nothing except her skull, her feet and her hands. They went back and told Trump, who said: “This is the work of Houghie that he spoke through Anonymous the Hacker: ‘On the plot full of holes, slavering beasts will devour Hilary’s flesh. Hilary’s body will be czjd on the World Wide Web, in the plot full of holes where honesty grows, so that every search engine says, ‘This is an image of Hilary.’”

 Honesty, Moonwort, Money Plant

Congenital liar

I should have taken more time to research the characters but anyone can get the meaning of the plot at least. I don’t know how the rest is going to play out but if it is a film of the book it will go something like this:

Trump Slaughters Clanton’s Gang

Now The Clanton Gang was very extensive in Nork. And Trump wrote a list of demands and sent them to Nork, to the rulers of Oshinton, even the Governers, and Representatives of Clanton, saying, “As soon as this list comes to you, seeing you are covering Clinton’s Gang and there are with you guns and tanks drones and planes bunkers and command centres too, and secret weaons; get the best and most confident representative of your leader’s sons, and set him up in opposition to me and try to stop me destroying every damned one of you!But they were too scared to think straight and decided that “He won the dirties fight in the history of Dimerica: how the the hell an we standup to him?”

At they began to clean up their act and prosecuted all and sundry, then sent to Trump, saying, “We are your most honest civil-servants, and will do all that you want us to do; we will not make any man presidunce in opposition to you: do everything -anything that you think is for the best.”

Then he wrote another letter to them, saying, If you really are on my side, and if you really will do everything I say, take the heads of the corrupt companies, ALL OF THEM, and meet me half way, at Broadcast by this time to-morrow.

Now the Clanton Gang everyone of them, were great men of the city, all highly regarded and respected. But, when the request came to them, they took the Clanton gang and destroyed them, even every last son of a bitch, and put the heads on show, and sent them to him to Broadcast. And there he received a signal that said: “They have brought the heads of the Clanton Gang. And he said, Broadcast them on every channel until they rally. And then, in the morning, that he went out to meet the people and announced to all there: “You are not guilty of this; yes, it is true I was in a conspiracy but look! I took down the Clantons and destroyed them; but who ruined all these?

Know for a fact that there shall fall to earth nothing of the word of Houghie, which Houghie spoke concerning the House of Clanton: for Houghie hath done everything that he spoke by his servant Anonymous. Trump ruined everything that remained of the house of Clanton in Broadcast, and all its great men, and his family friends, and his cronies, until there were none remaining.

Trump Slays Odbob’s Kin

And Trump went to Nork. And as he was at the fleecing-house of the Merchant bankers In Thecity in Wll Street,Trump met with the acquaintances of Odbob, and said, Who are ye? And they answered, We are the brothers of Odbob: and we’re go down to party the other acquaintances of the Presidunce and the queen. And he said, “Take them alive!” And they took them alive, and ruined them in the pit of the fleecing-house, they were atsixes and sevens;and he didn’t release any of them.

Clanton’s Remaining Family Killed

After that, when he departed, he lmet with Unison the son of Society coming to meet him; and he saluted him, and said to him, “Is your heart right, as my heart is with your heart?”

And Unison answered, “It is.”

“If it is, give me your hand.” And he gave him his hand; and he took him up on his word toremake Dimerica. And he said, “Trust me, and see my zeal for Houghie. So they made go along for the ride in his Government. And when he came to Nork, he ruined all that remained of Clanton in Nork, till he had destroyed them, according to the word of Houghie, which he spke to Anonymous

Trump Kills the Mass of Media

And Trump gathered all the reporters together and said unto them, Clanton served Corruption a little; but Trump will serve him much more. Now then call unto me all the profits of Corruption, all his Merchants, and all his Bankers; let none be wanting: for I have a great sacrifice to do to Corruption; whosever is missing, he will be ruined! But Trump did it in subtlety, with the intention of destroying the workers of Corruption.

And Trump said, “Summon a banquet to party, party, party -a fgala occasion for Corruption. And they arranged it. And Trump sent through all Oshinton, Nork and all the filth of Corruption came, so that there wasn’t a minor celebrity that didn’t come. And they came into the house of Corruption; and the house of Corruption was filled from one end to another.

And he said to him that was over the designers: “Bring out the very latest fashion and make sure that everyone is arrayed in the very best for all the filth of Corrption. And he brought them latest fashion. And Trump went, and Jehonadab the son of Rechab, into the house of Corruption; and he told the filth of Corrption: “Search for and look out that there be are none of the servants of Houghie, but the filth of Corrption only. And they went in to offer sacrifices and do filthy things.

(I hadn’t heard of the kidnapping and abductions at this time. I had just stopped transcribing it as I was tired when I heard about the … oh god help and forgive us.)

Now Trump had appointed fours teams, squads of soldiers on the perimeter and said: “If any of the scum whom I bring into your hands escape, he that lets them through, his life shall be for it.

And as soon as they had had the orgy, doing the filthy things that Trump said to the guards and to their captains: “Go in, and ruin them; let none come out, ever.”

And they ruined them with all guns blazing; and the guards and the captains cast them out, and went to the city of the Houses of Corruption. And they brought forth the filth that was in the house of Corruption, and burned them. And they broke down the pillars of the community and broke down the house of Corruption, and made it a piss-house, to this day.Thus Trump destroyed corruption out of Oshington, Nork.

Trump Charges:

I was going to suggest making a small contibution to the Ecuador Embassy that has done so much to harbour the angel of Anonymous at untold expense, in order to do what it could to bring truth to light.

Then I saw the latest scandal and the one earlier, where the “Clanton” gang half killed a 14 year old girl. But now there are untold victims of the ritual abuse they did. Give what you like to whom you can.

When my father was a young man, an highly respected US politician did much the same for my country. As Julian Assange has done for the world. Our Prime Minister set up a fund to obtain the smallest British coin that was made of silver, in order to melt them down and form a statue in memorial to him.

I don’t believe my father gave anything because he was at sea at the time (I don’t know, I never asked, just assumed he had given …too late now. Why do we always leave things until its too late?) and the donation was over-subscribed in less than twentyfour hours, thus closed. In that memory, I offer this version of history freely in the hope that whoever is moved will send the equivalent of the largest immitation silver coin in the UK to the Ecuador Embassy, London. (One coin, fifty pence.)

Or anywhere they see fit -so long as no so called charity/politician gets their stinking hands on it.

Trump Charges:

I was going to suggest making a small contibution to the Ecuador Embassy that has done so much to harbour the angel of Anonymous at untold expense, in order to do what it could to bring truth to light.

Then I saw the latest scandal and the one earlier, where the “Clanton” gang half killed a 14 year old girl. But now there are untold victims of the ritual abuse they did. Give what you like to whom you can.

When my father was a young man, an highly respected US politician did much the same for my country. As Julian Assange has done for the world. Our Prime Minister set up a fund to obtain the smallest British coin that was made of silver, in order to melt them down and form a statue in memorial to him.

I don’t believe my father gave anything because he was at sea at the time (I don’t know, I never asked, just assumed he had given …too late now. Why do we always leave things until its too late?) and the donation was over-subscribed in less than twentyfour hours, thus closed. In that memory, I offer this version of history freely in the hope that whoever is moved will send the equivalent of the largest immitation silver coin in the UK to the Ecuador Embassy, London. (One coin, fifty pence.)

Or anywhere they see fit -so long as no so called charity/politician gets their stinking hands on it.

8 thoughts on “Trump Takes Charge”

  1. This is almost verbatim what has happened in the United States of America. He has killed the first King now meet the next King: Sameazdat. No, not quite the first King (it is said is still ruling.
    This it will turn out to be either nasty pelosi or killery klingon (she just could not leave could she…) Now President Triumph will institute a regime based on fairness that will run for three generations before…. to be continued.

  2. When my father…. etcetera, we all believed a lot of silly things under out fathe’s aegis. FDR stole the USA by rigging the economy at the behest of lizard men that call themselves Jews to destroy the world as my father knew it.
    This resulted in me carrying a lot of baggage handed to me from a better man than I ever was.
    It’s not so bad a story as FDR ended up again, with the help of the American elite, stealing the British Empire from people that deserve to hang.

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    Either way, great site and I look forward to seeing it develop over time.

    1. I could certainly use a more professional website but I don’t have the time to run one, it is about as much as I can do to correct my spelling.

    2. I had no idea my site was interesting as it incorporates wild idea about the simplicity of creation not a popular them in science, so I never looked for replies. I have Google account as Weatherlawyer@gmail; named for my interest in weatherlore not legal stuff. I would have liked to explore the science of weather affecting the soul. I am particularly susceptible to the output of Nevado del Ruis and suspect a lot of phantom illnesses are lighting up old people in the same or similar ways.
      Volcanoes certainly affect blood pressure and only God Knows what else.
      It is difficult pushing something like that, hen nobody is even listening to the easy to follow stuff.

      1. You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet.
        Wait until you see what the Bohemian Grove nuts have sacrificed this last new moon. We are deep into Armageddon and most are still taking NO NOTE: Jesus.
        Can you explain how all this history is repeating even down to the names of the misfits involved. Not that the King of the South is a misfit. Or…. Umm read the book of Zechariah:
        A square peg certainly. You tell me.

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