See if you can spot why.
Yne ye goode olde daies I used to enjoy watching a forecasr rolling home a Storm at Great Britain Ireland or Norway. Then I could forecast a likely intersting earthquake. I always got them wrong by a day or three and I could never understand why.
Let us begin at the beginning, the analysis chart:

To start with, I did not know that warm fronts (more accurately occluded fronts -alternating warm/cold fronts), especially warm fronts that are so distant to cold fronts, are the meteorological signal of a couple forceful volcanic eruptions:
Nevado del Ruiz (Colombia): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 21000 ft (6400 m) and
Sangay (Ecuador): Explosive activity continues. Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Washington warned about a volcanic ash plume that rose up to estimated 20000 ft (6100 m eenhanced by several other Central and South American eruptions. Seriously 15 thousand feet is as good as it gets with indonesian eruptions, so the three also rans at 15 thousand feet was a cacophonic background, not counting the Iceland and Aetheopian pair.

Back then I’d just assume that as the eye of the storm hits land, we would have a severe earthquake and the fury would be tamped out by God. I had no idea of cause and effect nor that the process was delivered to all the other planets with fluid surfaces in mitigation. Judging by coincidence, that is. Jupiter being nearest after Mars and the planetoids, keeping the ultra-fine tune in balance.

Fifth, sixth, seventh having snowed here and one of them going ashore to no effect:

The Norwegian cyclone needs some explanation. OK it is Scandinavian other than…. Or a Scandi High except that when a storm called an Icelandic Low reaches Norwegian waters in immediately deflates unless it is a volcano plume transposed to Sub Arctic waters. I any case it still remains a cyclone not an anticyclone. What could be feeding it otherwise?

48 hours and counting, not counting any previous forecasts which I don’t recall off hand but it does look like something is breaking, would it be light or truth?
No offence intended to the writer:–High–or-Scandinavian–High–or-Both the Scandi High requires a suitable Asian eruption, with my previous efforts I would have suggested some 80 degrees over the North Pole away. Perhaps that would require the declinations of the planets involved, I have no idea.
Maybe I should write to and tell them?
Oh, Look!

A triad of Highs, not looking forward to this but it might be a little drier snow this time. And guess what?
We will kno which volcanoes to watch out for next time. I bless Jehovah God for helping me see what is really going on with creation or if you are an atheist: Acts of God. I never expected that, it was always a consideration and it took a correction on the part of Meteorologists to deduce, so it hasn’t happened yet.

Hmmm. Didn’t last long but it looks like being a twin when it does happen. If it does. Let’s get a confirmation:

This afternoon’s forecast (if you are British this evening’s) it goes out with a bang. Producing a new spell.
I am not being dramatic the weather changes dramatically not me, when induced by the solar system to catch up quickly.
2025-01-09 0:00:00 for Calinfirmians following that is Thursday the ninth of December and I am looking for alignments of the planets; three or more of them, not including the sun.

Saturn Venus Mars, looks sloppy but I don’t know what weight they hold. Uranus Jupiter Mars is even sloppier. Neptune Saturn Mercury is a lot stronger. And depending how long the line can be held by Mercury will help us to account for how long the snow is going to stick around.
EWWWW! it looks like being a cold spell. Astrology is easier to work out for people like me, when the planets are well separated, my problem is that I am a newbie to all of this. Not to worry, I can ask God about it.
2025-01-12 0:00:00

OOF Flip! 2025-01-15 0:00:00 it’s going for the long run and a large quake to boot. Jupiter Venus Sol coming up:

Pluto Sol Earth then Pluto Sol Mars. Quote from my favourite Martian: Little bit jumpy.